New life for immigration bill?

Bush, allies hope to revive immigration bill

President to lunch on Capitol Hill Tuesday, new vote possible Friday

WASHINGTON - President Bush, trying to recover from a stinging setback on immigration, will personally try, in a visit to the Capitol next week, to revive the embattled plan for legalizing millions of unlawful immigrants.

Bush’s scheduled lunch on Tuesday with GOP senators is part of a campaign by the White House and allies in both parties to placate or outmaneuver conservative Republicans who blocked the broad immigration measure this week.

They said Friday they would try again to reach accord on the number of amendments the dissidents could offer.Opponents of the bill promised to continue fighting all such efforts.

First luncheon visit in five years

Democratic leaders accused Bush of being too tepid in pushing the legislation, which would tighten borders and offer employers more temporary workers from abroad in addition to providing lawful status to an estimated 12 million illegal aliens and putting many of them on a path toward citizenship

Full Story Here:
New life for immigration bill?

I can’t say a thing more about removing Bush from office for this stupidity because he is the most useless slug there is in politics, he’s a LAME DUCK, he’s lost his mind and he knows there’s nothing we, the voters, can do to hurt him, but he had better realize this: HIS actions are wrecking the Republican party, and I can promise you this as well, ANY Republican Senator or Congressman that supports this bill or votes FOR this bill will be on a re-election HIT LIST, and I will be hammering it out daily if necessary…

As Conservatives, and as Republicans we have to expect this lunacy from the far left Dems and Libbers but to have a supposedly Conservative president that claims to be a Republican shoving this CRAP down our throats is beyond belief and will NOT be tolerated…

I am calling on ALL the folks that read here, if you’re a Conservative, if you’re a Conservative Republican or Democrat and if you love this nation, get busy, flood your Senators and Congresscritters with emails every day from now until next Friday and let them KNOW, we’re NOT going to take this BS and IF they support it, we’re going to vote em out on their asses…

Please folks, it’s that important…

Others Blogging about this topic:
Maggie’s Notebook Coalition Against Illegal Immigration Fred Thompson for President but that’s just my opinion Thoughts from an Irate Texan Right Truth

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17 Responses to New life for immigration bill?

  1. Maggie M. Thornton says:

    I’m doing it. I’d like to flood D.C. with conservative bodes, and not wait for our revenge at the polls. Oh well….

    Great post.

    Maggie’s Notebook

  2. cary says:

    Sheesh - it’s not enough that we’ve been FLOODING their offices with e-mails, faxes and phone calls, they just DON”T GET IT that WE THE PEOPLE do not want or need any kind of amnesty or legalization of these invaders.

    What a bunch of morons.

  3. TexasFred says:

    This is the email letter I just sent to Sen. John Cornyn, he’s one of the good guys on this but maybe he can pass a word or 2 for us…

    Sen. Cornyn, with ALL respect Sir, please pass the word among your fellow Senators, if this amnesty bill, by whatever name it’s being called is passed, the Senators and Congressmen voting FOR it will be vigorously campaigned AGAINST in whatever election they face next…

    I am VERY serious in this Sir, we have an army of Bloggers working now and the network is strong, we’re made up of Conservatives of all flavors and we’re fed up with the BS of the Bush administration and those that would give this great land away.

    Please see my blog post on this matter for responses to my call to flood our elected officials with email all next week…

    With all respect to you and your office,

  4. Chicagoray says:

    I’ve officially left the party over this issue and am now an independent, however my choices will always be from the conservative players.

    Bush has solidified his position as an abhorrent president and this action is obviously governmental backdoor and room promises from both sides of the aisle made to Big Business that he and they are is attempting to pay back that we will not allow, not this time.

    I will be fighting this as well tooth and nail as best as we can to make sure that every congressman and woman that votes for this measure whether it’s passed or not pays a heavy price for even trying this s***.

    Good Job Fred and I’m with you as you know.

  5. The Tampa Pirate says:

    I am stunned that this stupid bill still has life in it. The American people have said that they don’t want this, but the president and the politicians see it differently. They all need to be stopped. Great post TF.

    The Tampa Pirate

  6. magz says:

    I couldn’t agree more Fred. I am so fed up…it ain’t easy being a recovering Democrat, then having the other party start pulling the same BS stunts the Dems did. I have faxed my little heart out for over a year, and thought these politicians might pay attention to the citizens for a change. I hate it when I’m wrong !!!

  7. Longstreet says:

    Way to go, Fred! I’l be writing my Senators today as well!

  8. Faultline USA says:

    I’ll post an update to my last posting with a link to this post and will flood the “Congresscritters” with e-mails.

  9. GUYK says:

    I didn’t leave the GOP…it left me some years ago when the RINO spending bills out democrated the democrats and a RINO prez signed them. Now with the shamefull roll over for big business and the left wing on immigration I will have a tough time supporting any GOP candidate for congress.

    It is time for a new party to step up and take that understands fiscal responsibility, secured borders, and national defense.

  10. BabbaZee says:

    I have no words for this crap .

    GWB, you broke my heart.

  11. Pingback: Ironic Surrealism

  12. Debbie says:

    I’m getting the word out also. I thought this thing was dead and buried. I should have known better. The CAII (Coalition Against Illegal Immigration) has been busting their fannies on this one. No rest for the weary …

  13. Pingback: Right Truth

  14. Irate_Nate says:

    You said it Fred.

    -we’re NOT going to take this BS and IF they support it, we’re going to vote em out on their asses… TF

  15. Murray says:

    Those who visit my blog: - know exactly how I feel about this situation. I have written John Cornyn and Kay Baily Hutchison so many times that I’ve lost count and I will continue to do so. Bush is a crazy man and many politicians are only looking at how many more voters they can get if the 20 million illegals acquire amnesty - they don’t seem to realize that legal Americans still have a say in this. - Great post, Fred.

  16. Rmebratt says:

    I posted a link to this page. I will continue to fax and call!

  17. Robert says:

    Yep, if this becomes law, if it is passed… I’m going all out in a NO INCUMBENT campaign….I know we will lose one or two good ones but it would send the clearest message to our elected officials.

    I’m talking about putting money behind it for advertising and everything…. Time to let these idiots know who they work for.

    we need something to shake these pricks up and unemployment has a way of doing just that.