2 Police Officers Ambushed in South Los Angeles

2 Police Officers Ambushed in South Los Angeles

LAPD Badge 139x190Los Angeles police called off an intense 8-hour manhunt Monday morning that began after two officers were ambushed in an “unprovoked attack” in the Vermont-Slauson neighborhood of South L.A. the previous night.

The officers from the LAPD’s 77th Division were responding to an unrelated radio call Sunday around 9:30 p.m. on Hoover Street near 66th Street when two men allegedly opened fire on their patrol car, according to Los Angeles Police Department Detective Megan Aguilar.

Several rounds were shot in the direction of the officers, LAPD Capt. Lillian Carranza said.

“This was a completely unprovoked attack,” she added.

One of the officers returned fire toward the alleged gunmen, but it was not immediately clear whether either was hit.

Neither officer was injured. SOURCE

Thank God neither Officer was injured, and I have NO idea what the ethnicity of the Officers is and quite frankly, I don’t care, but I am seriously thankful because you see, ethnicity among Police doesn’t matter, all Police Officers are BLUE, but it’s really interesting, in a morbid kind of way, how incredibly STUPID some people can be when it comes to racial loyalty, racial stupidity and racism.

TTBL Family CrestMy friend Bloviating Zeppelin has a post on his blog regarding the recent deaths of the Officers in New York City that were ambushed and murdered in cold blood for no other reason than the fact that they were Police Officers in uniform. Son of slain NYPD Officer Rafael Ramos — Jaden Ramos writes.

Bloviating Zeppelin is a lot nicer and much more tolerant person than I am, it may be because he hasn’t retired yet and still has to maintain a modicum of decency even when the urge to choke the living hell out of some fool is running rampant.

In this particular post from BZ there are a couple of comments made by a guy calling himself *Kenny* and Kenny is a loyal member of the Negroid race from all indications. 

on Sunday, December 28, 2014 at 12:16 said:

Well my brother, for your infomation…. blacks are peacefull people, it’s you whites who are violent and using your mass media to point fingers after you commit heinous crimes against humanity, typicall of satan “THE ACCUSER” you remember him..right his your father. but pray blacks with their massive strength don’t march on you albinos, or else, you will be history. “FREEDOM IS NOT STRENGTH..ITS THE FEAR OF GOD”.

Kenny obviously was NOT an English major, but he has *smart-ass* and anger down to a science. So, what does our friend *Kenny* do now? He responds to a different comment with a very similar comment to the one above, except *Kenny* tries to use racial slurs in his other comment, not very effectively, but he tries.

on Sunday, December 28, 2014 at 12:23 said: Edit

Well my brother, for your infomation…. blacks are peacefull people, it’s you whites who are violent and using your mass media to point fingers after you commit heinous crimes against humanity, if the cops did the right thing it wont have gotten this far. its just a matter of time before more silly white cops start shooting innocent people again. then all hell will break lose.

I would imagine that anyone using the ‘net today knows what a TROLL is; a trouble making moron that has only one purpose in life, to bring hate and discontent into any and every situation he inserts himself into.

Oh, and I forgot to mention; Kenny is from Ghana.

My NICE comment on the thread:

on Monday, December 29, 2014 at 05:22 said:

BZ, it appears that *Kenny* is spoofing the email system, he is, according to my IP locator, in Ghana, Greater Accra, Accra ( … If that’s NOT the case, then YOU have a troll on your hands… Probably have a trouble stirring troll regardless…

We have criminals waging WAR on American Law Enforcement and some moron from Ghana wants to throw his .02 in the pot.

Well Kenny, you’re right about one thing; all HELL will break loose but the outcome is NOT going to be what you expect. In OUR family no one fights alone, we’re The Thin Blue Line and WE ARE FAMILY, we’re the biggest, most well equipped and well trained gang in the whole world.

Bring it you bastard!

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4 Responses to 2 Police Officers Ambushed in South Los Angeles

  1. Bloviating Zeppelin says:

    “. . . it may be because he hasn’t retired yet and still has to maintain a modicum of decency even when the urge to choke the living hell out of some fool is running rampant.”



  2. Wayne says:

    I wish we had moved to Texas, Fred.

  3. Bunkerville says:

    The old “White priviledge” soon to rise as we become the minority. The MSM will make it so whether it was Black or White, perpetrator or victim.

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