Sundays Selections… 04-15-07

BAGHDAD (AP) - Four bombs exploded in predominantly Shiite sections of Baghdad Sunday, killing at least 37 people in a renewal of sectarian carnage that set back the U.S. push to pacify the capital.

Full Story Here:
4 Bombs Kill 37 in Baghdad Shiite Areas

Not to sound repetitive, but, we have got to do more than we’re doing if we are to have any expectations of this ever ending…

WASHINGTON (AP) - Attorney General Alberto Gonzales said Sunday that he has done nothing improper in the firings of eight federal prosecutors in testimony prepared for his appearance before a Senate panel widely viewed as a last chance to save his job.

Full Story Here:
Gonzales: ‘I Have Nothing to Hide’

I have felt this was a ‘tempest in a tea pot’ since it started, I personally feel that it’s nothing more than the Dems seeking to nail an already wounded administration…

TEHRAN, Iran (AP) - Iran said Sunday it is seeking bids for the building of two more nuclear power plants, despite international pressures to curb its controversial program.

Full Story Here:
Iran to Build 2 Nuclear Power Plants

OK, here’s the plan, let em build the power plants, fully and completely, and as they as fueling them, drop a low yield tactical nuke or a MOAB on em and blame the blast on an Iranian technical malfunction… That’s what I’d do if I was The Decider

KANDAHAR, Afghanistan (AP) — A suicide car bomber targeted a private security firm Sunday in southern Afghanistan, killing four Afghans working for the company and wounding another, police said.

Full Story Here:
Suicide car bomb kills 4 Afghans working for security firm in southern Afghanistan

There has been a marked resurgence of violence in Afghanistan lately and I just have to wonder, if we had stayed in Afghanistan and done the job we went to do, actually completed the 1st task at hand, instead of running off to Iraq to do execute the vendetta that Bush wanted, well, ya gotta wonder…

MEMPHIS, Tenn. — City Councilman Edmund Ford received a package containing a white Ku Klux Klan robe, and the council chairman wants police to investigate. Ford received the package by special delivery Friday. He said he didn’t want to dignify it with a response.

Full Story Here:
KKK Robe Sent to Memphis Councilman

Somehow, this just struck me as hilarious, those ‘Ole Boys’ in Memphis don’t mess around with name calling and such, no nappy headed ho’s for them, hell no, they send the whole enchilada, and from what I’ve heard, that’s a fairly expensive thing to just give away too, I mean, being raised in the south, I heard that somewhere… Just sayin’…

One Response to “Sundays Selections… 04-15-07”

  1. Tab Says:

    The original boys in the hood.

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