Thompson stirs few sparks on stump

NEVADA, Iowa - Twenty-four minutes after he began speaking in a small restaurant the other day, Fred D. Thompson brought his remarks to a close with a nod of his head and an expression of thanks to Iowans for allowing him to “give my thoughts about some things.”

Then he stood face to face with a silent audience.

“Can I have a round of applause?” Mr. Thompson said, drawing a rustle of clapping and some laughter.

“Well, I had to drag that out of you,” he said.

Mr. Thompson is a former United States senator, television actor and Watergate investigator. His entry into the presidential race was highly anticipated by many Republicans, who saw or hoped to see in him outsized political talent and a commitment to conservatism that would enliven a Republican field that many found lacking.

But as Mr. Thompson campaigned in Iowa this week, he was something other than the dynamic presence that some in his party have been yearning for. Iowans saw a subdued, laconic candidate who spoke in a soft monotone, threw few elbows and displayed little drive to distinguish himself from his opponents.

Full Story Here:
Thompson stirs few sparks on stump

Fred D. Thompson is NOT a rock star, I know, that comes as a real shocker for some of you, but he’s just not the razzle dazzle guy, we had that rock and roll President under Bill Clinton, and we ALL know what an experience that was, and personally, I’d take a somewhat less than dynamic personality ANY day over some goofball that is renting out the Lincoln bedroom and banging young interns in the Oval Office…

Flashy might be good if you’re a youngster but we’ve seen what flashy can do for a POTUS, we’ve seen what faux conservatism can do for a POTUS, both Bush’s were prime examples of that, the great Ronald Reagan was a mature, stable and more than capable leader, he took the USA thru some tough times, he got us over the failure that was the Carter administration, he did it with grace and aplomb, he did it with maturity, a maturity that came from having lived and grown and having seen the political world and the real world, as well as the Hollyweird world and he gave us the best presidency we have ever had in my opinion…

And that is exactly what Fred D. Thompson brings to the table I think, if I wanted a sax player that hangs out with rock stars and bangs interns I could maybe go for Bill II, because that’s what a Hillary presidency would be, Bill II, “WE are the president“, ring any bells??

We need maturity, a steady hand, thoughtful actions, sincere words and TRUTH in office, we need a President that will put the American people 1st in thought, word and deed, we need a President that will secure this nation and return it to it’s rightful place in the world, we need a President that can get along WITH the world while at the same time not surrendering TO the world, we need Fred D. Thompson and if you don’t think he’s the right guy, look at what the MSM already saying about him, there’s your very 1st clue…

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9 Responses to Thompson stirs few sparks on stump

  1. Kate says:

    Agreed. We don’t need flash, we need stability. but I’m having a problem with his supporting ethanol subsidies. :/ Other than that….. so far.

  2. LittleOleLady says:

    I have also heard some refer to his wife as a ‘trophy wife’.. and after seeing the interview they did with Sean Hannity, I think the branding her as ‘trophy wife’ is nothing more than an attempt to belittle them both.

    She is a lovely articulate conservative woman (Heck, they met at Kroger, a grocery store!) and they have two beautiful young children.. she would be a compliment to Mr. Thompson’s presidency as well as the youngest first lady since Jackie-O.. IMO THAT is what is bothering those on the left… if they were democrats the left would be in whole hearted support of them.

  3. JB Davis says:

    As far as I am concerned the people who are writing stuff like the article you cited do not get Fred. They are the same people who have been complaining that we need a different type of candidate and then when one comes along they criticize him for being different.

    Fred 08

  4. ablur says:

    I have been watching Fred very closely. I like what I see but I don’t feel convinced yet. We need strength and determination in the office of president. I need him to stand a little taller and drive a little harder. He seems pretty good at speech recovery when things don’t go just so. It says a lot about his mental agility.
    I’m not sure exactly what it is, but I would sure like it to show up.
    I don’t think this nation can survive Hillary. I blogged on that today.

  5. Faultline USA says:

    I’m still with Fred. There’s always going to be something lacking in every candidate - but Fred comes as close to what we want and need in a president!

  6. TexasFred says:

    Faultline, FULLY agreed, and for the life of me, I do NOT understand WHY people tell ME what they don’t like about FDT, WHY ME?? Tell HIM, it’s really easy, go to HIS blog and make HIM aware of what you want, need, don’t like, DO like, what ever… Sheesh…

    Here’s the link: Fred ’08 - Friends of Fred Thompson

  7. mockinbird says:

    So far, I prefer FDT. I want someone who is truthful, speaks softly with real content and has real experience as a success in the private sector.

  8. BobF says:

    The more I read and hear about Fred, the more I like him. He’s a straight talker and I like that.

    LittleOleLady, I saw that interview with Sean too and was quite impressed with both Fred and his wife. See seems to be very down to earth and will make a fine First Lady.

  9. Bloviating Zeppelin says:

    Problem is: Fred makes sense. He isn’t all about flash. And moreover: he has gravitas — but only to those with the working sensors to recognize same. And that’s damned few of us.


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