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Obama’s secret plan for the 4th Reich? Part 2

May 16th, 2010 . by TexasFred
Obama’s secret plan for the 4th Reich? Part 2

Naming the snakes in Obama’s 4th Reich

The in-depth investigation into secret plans for government to collaborate with large corporations to dominate society has revealed Obama’s Pandora’s box. When one opens the box they will discover an assortment of snakes-venomous individuals and entities in both the private and public sector who are currently laying the groundwork for a 4th Reich-modeled after Germany’s Third Reich before and during WWII.

It is time to begin naming the snakes, and there are many.

First, consider this. In order for a fascist regime (big government and big business forming an alliance to totally dominate society from top to bottom) to exist and be successful, it needs a police force to maintain order and to enforce the edicts handed down by the ruling class.

Citizens normally resist when they finally wake up to the fact that their government has become an oppressive, malevolent force. Thus, an apparatus must be put into place to minimize such civil unrest.

Rumors have been afloat for months alluding to the possibility that Barack Obama has begun to lay the groundwork for such a police force. Some have seen it in the healthcare bill. Others have seen it in Cap and Trade legislation. Still others have insisted that the U.S. military has been training a special domestic force to help police with ‘crowd control’ in the event of massive civil unrest-the program called ‘Consequence Management Response Force.’

And then there was the report that Obama had revised an Executive Order issued initially by Ronald Reagan, the revision of which would allow INTERPOL to operate on U.S. soil with immunity from the restrictions and requirements of the Constitution.

Each time such suggestions have been made, vehement denials have proceeded in response.

Fair enough.

But when one takes a cold, hard look at what the Obama government and the U.S. Army-in conjunction with a large corporation-have been doing with regard to a new police force, it is difficult to explain it all away and even more difficult to engage in denials.

In 2009, the U.S. Army under the directive of the Administration in Washington, called for the Rand Corporation to conduct a major study on the need for, feasibility, and cost of a ’stability police force for the United States.’

That report was issued in 2009 under Contract Number W74V8H-C-0001, and Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data is available for Rand’s publication, ISBN 978-0-8330-4653-6, and states the following (Direct link to Rand .pdf file):

This project investigates the need for a U.S. Stability Police Force, the major capabilities it would need if created, where in the federal government it would best be headquartered, and how it should be staffed. In doing so, it considers options based in the Departments of Defense, Homeland Security, Justice, and State. The project was conducted for the U.S. Army’s Peacekeeping and Stability Operations Institute (PKSOI). Its purpose was to make recommendations to PKSOI, the Army, and the community of rule-of-law researchers, practitioners, and policymakers on the need for (and characteristics of) a U.S. Stability Police Force.

This research was conducted within RAND Arroyo Center’s Strategy, Doctrine, and Resources Program. RAND Arroyo Center, part of the RAND Corporation, is a federally funded research and development center sponsored by the United States Army. The Project Unique Identification Code (PUIC) for the project that produced this document is ATFCR07234

The most serious revelation of all, however, is found in the report’s recommendations and conclusions:

This study asks several questions. First, is a Stability Police Force (SPF) necessary? An SPF is a high-end police force that engages in a range of tasks such as crowd and riot control, special weapons and tactics (SWAT), and investigations of organized criminal groups. In its ability to operate in stability operations, it is similar to such European forces as the Italian Carabinieri and French Gendarmerie. Its focus on high end tasks makes it fundamentally different from UN or other civilian police, who deal with more routine law and order functions. It is also different from most military forces, which are generally not trained and experienced to conduct policing tasks in a civilian environment.

Second, if an SPF is necessary, what should it look like? This includes considering such issues as: its objectives, tasks, and size; its speed of deployment; its institutional capabilities; where it should be headquartered in the U.S. government and how it should be staffed (standing force, reserve force, and hybrid force); and its cost.

Our conclusions are based on several facts and assumptions. First, it would be optimal to have SPF personnel with civilian police skills, orientation, and perspective do high-end policing. This is because civilian police have more experience working with the civilian population than do military personnel under normal circumstances. Additionally, police skills are created and maintained only by constant use, and only police forces that work daily with civilians can exercise the maximum number of SPF policing functions among the civilian population.

Second, we assume that a new agency would be difficult to establish. It would be politically challenging and face resistance from a range of organizations in the Departments of Justice, Homeland Security, and State currently engaged in policing. It would need some additional overhead, and would take significant time to establish. All personnel and all additional administrative overhead personnel would have to be recruited. Training facilities and programs would have to be created and established, rather than modified or expanded, as they would have to be if an SPF becomes part of an existing agency.

The Rand Report is 213 pages long and goes into great detail concerning creating this new ‘high end’ police force to work along side of the military and civilian police to ‘maintain the rule of law.’

The problem is that nowhere in this study or in its final recommendations is the U.S. Constitution ever mentioned as a prohibitive factor in the implementation of such a broad-based, far-reaching, and all-pervasive policing agency. The only exception is a brief reference to the restrictions of the Posse Comitatus Act, which prevents the military from engaging in domestic law enforcement.

And the Rand Report states that ‘without relief from this constraint, it (the program) could not take advantage of the hybrid staffing option (military and civilian together) to develop and maintain the needed skills.’

While the report refers extensively to the ability of such a special force to be deployed overseas in military missions, nowhere does it place any restriction whatsoever upon the force from being used in domestic law enforcement here at home. In fact, the report specifically designates the stability police force as a possible method by which the Department of Homeland Security can maintain ‘civilian stability’ within the United States in the event of a terrorist attack or some other national emergency.

This is further born out by the fact that the report cites the possibility that such a new policing agency could be made a part of the Department of Justice.

The question, thus, becomes, why would such a new national police agency be needed, particularly when it is clear the intention is to use it here at home as well as overseas? What is developing behind the scenes that would make such a force necessary? Is the government, and large corporations, expecting massive civil unrest? Why?

These issues will be examined in the next segment, along with some more ‘naming of the snakes.’

Full Story Here:
Naming the snakes in Obama’s 4th Reich — Part 2

For commentary on the issues of the day, visit his blog at The Liberty Sphere

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5 Responses to “Obama’s secret plan for the 4th Reich? Part 2”

  1. comment number 1 by: Steve Dennis

    We are entering scary times! Too many people will read this and discount it, but the truth is that Obama is taking over the financial institutions and is expanding the government’s role in industry. Cap and trade will be used as a tool to totally control industries.
    Someday these people who do not believe this is happening are going to wake up and realize what happened, by then it will be too late.

  2. comment number 2 by: minuteman26

    What type of cretin would want to join such an organization? Would they modify the oath that these yahoos take so that the constitution is irrelevant? Would these people turn on their fellow citizens to accomplish the whims of tyrants? And how is it we have two eighty year old men(Soros and Strong), one of which is not a citezen still relevant in trying to bring down the USA and form a world govt under the UN? We need to put pressure on congress to get us out of the UN ASAP. Also suggest that citizen militias be formed in each state of the union so that good will be able to confront evil when the time comes. If we’re not ready we’re sunk.

  3. comment number 3 by: Bloviating Zeppelin

    This would be an extremely difficult task to pull off, as mentioned. There are days when my department of 1,500 barely functions. And a plan like this would require practice and knowledge and detailed planning. I know of no such plan in my executive staff.

    HOWEVER, I will say THIS:

    There are MANY laid-off law enforcement personnel in my state looking for jobs. My department alone cut 200 deputies last budget year. Not to mention the number of reserve officers and on-call officers who would LIKE to become SWORN FULL TIME officers and make money. All of them are YOUNG and INexperienced.

    The enticement of a FULL TIME L.E. job coupled with some benefits would lure, I suspect, unemployed officers to a separate SPF job because — as we all know — its true purpose would likely not be revealed up front by the federal government. Unemployed officers with families, wives, children, mortgage and car payments — they would be the first, I might suspect, to hire on.


  4. comment number 4 by: BobF

    Not just unemployed law enforcement personnel, but unemployed military personnel. Troops returning from combat, especially Iraq, are trained extensively in urban warfare. Needing jobs to support themselves and family, they would be prime candidates.

  5. comment number 5 by: TexasFred

    Let’s just hope that these youngsters see through the BULL SHIT and remember their oath…

    To defend against ALL enemies, foreign AND domestic…

    The enemy is in the White House!

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