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Immigrant ‘hero’ honored by U.S., Mexico

December 4th, 2007 . by TexasFred

NOGALES, Arizona - An illegal immigrant who rescued a 9-year-old after the boy’s mother died in the Arizona desert was honored for his actions Tuesday by U.S. and Mexican officials at a border crossing here.

Manuel Jesus Cordova Soberanes, 26, stood shyly with his mother and stepfather as officials talked about his efforts to save Christopher Buchleitner on the U.S. Thanksgiving Day holiday.

“The desert has a way of rearranging priorities and to Manuel Jesus Cordova the priority was standing right in front of (him) that day,” said Beatriz Lopez Gargallo, the Mexican consul general for Nogales. “And this man, this hero, did what men of honor do in all nations and in all cultures.”

Authorities say if it had not been for Cordova, Christopher might be dead.

Cordova was two days into his journey from Mexico when he saw Christopher, alone and injured in the desert. He was dressed in shorts despite the desert cold, and his mother had just been killed when their van went over a cliff.

Full Story Here:
Immigrant ‘hero’ honored by U.S., Mexico

The title of this story is a bit deceptive, he’s an ILLEGAL IMMIGRANT, let’s start this off correctly…

OK, the guy did the right thing by taking care of the kid, he DOES have some serious human decency in him, but does that change the fact that he is also an ILLEGAL INVADER??

I think not, I think he was faced with a choice when he helped the kid make it through a very tough time and yes, he needs to be thanked and acknowledged for that action but the fact remains, he was trying to sneak into the USA as an undocumented individual, and that is against the law…

I don’t know what the outcome of this is, apparently Soberanes is, at heart, a good guy but where does that figure into the equation of LEGAL and ILLEGAL??

What are your feelings regarding this guy?? How should he be rewarded?? Should he be deported?? Should he get a green card?? I’d be interested in the opinions of my readers on this one, because quite frankly, I have no idea as to WHAT to do with him…

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5 Responses to “Immigrant ‘hero’ honored by U.S., Mexico”

  1. comment number 1 by: gunz

    Does Border Patrol got any limo’s? He could ride in style back to where it was he came from. :)

    Only recommendation I have, win win situation.

  2. comment number 2 by: BobF

    I’m sorry but just because he helped out the kid doesn’t make the fact that he illegally stole into this country right. He did the right thing by that kid but he still doesn’t have any regard for the laws of this nation.

    He needs to go back to Mexico and apply for entry into the United States just like all the other who have respect for us and our laws.

  3. comment number 3 by: LoneRider

    I agree with BobF and go a bit further, we might push him towards the top of the line, with regards to other known criminals.

    The cynic in me says, if we allow him to stay

    1) How many other little boys or girls will get saved ??
    2) Will all of a sudden doing a great job cutting grass for a decent price and being a good guy also fits?

    Like I said, cynic.


  4. comment number 4 by: OnlyInAmerica

    I’d say let him stay and I hope the “special visa” measure passes.

    Frankly, this country could always use more good men and women. He didn’t have to go out of his way to protect the kid, but he did.

    If he doesn’t get some sort of reward, maybe next time something like this happens, they’ll just let the US citizen die in the desert. The lesson then would become “If you help the US citizen, you’ll hurt yourself.” He saved a life and should be commended for doing that.

  5. comment number 5 by: Rev. Owen Ross

    The guy was trying to figure out a way to feed his four children. There is no line for him to get a visa as a bricklayer. We need bricklayers, so I’m glad he was coming. I’m sorry he was placed in a position between providing for his own children and providing for the child of someone else.

    I’m glad he made the choice to be the good Samaritan and save someone else’s child’s life. I wish the anti-immigrant folks would read their Bible as to how to respond, and if you don’t believe in the Bible, then learn it from Manuel Jesus Cardova Soberanes, who is a living good Samaritan.