Pay your taxes, but get some deals and freebies

Pay your taxes, but get some deals and freebies

Tax day is coming, which means you’re either going to be celebrating that refund or mourning the loss of a few extra bucks to Uncle Sam.

Either way, you can take advantage of some tax day freebies and deals. Some festivities begin this Friday, April 15 — which is tax day most years — while others are starting their deals on Monday, April 18, which is tax day this year.

For those who like to celebrate/mourn with a drink, McCormick & Schmick’s is offering an Early Filers Happy Hour on Friday, which includes $10.40 tax relief certificate. The Procrastinators All Day Celebration is on Monday and also includes $10.40 entrees and drink specials.

Other companies also are offering some deals for people in need of a little comfort food.

Full Story Here:
Pay your taxes, but get some deals and freebies

Comfort food is ALWAYS good, and since TAX DAY is nearly upon us, take a look at the list in the original story and find YOUR comfort food place.

Once the IRS gets done with us Obama should be very happy with his version of America, a place where we’ll all be Living Within Our Means, and once that happens, we’ll be needing all the freebies and deals we can get on food and shelter. 

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I have a friend that works for the IRS, and not to be denigrating them, but most Americans really don’t like the IRS or anything connected TO the IRS, but I received the following in an email today and was struck by the way this story is set.

The LAST Nickel

A father walks into a restaurant with a young son. He gives the boy 3 nickels with which to play.

The boy suddenly starts choking and going blue. The father realizes he swallowed the nickels and starts slapping him on the back.

The boy coughs up 2 nickels, but keeps choking. The father panics and shouts for help.

A well-dressed, attractive, serious looking woman, in a blue suit, is reading a newspaper and sipping a cup of coffee.

On hearing the commotion, she looks up, puts her cup down, neatly folds the newspaper and puts it down, gets up and makes her way, unhurried, to the boy.

Reaching him, she carefully drops his pants, takes hold of his testicles and starts to squeeze and twist, first gently and then firmly. After a few seconds, the boy convulses violently and coughs up the last nickel, which the woman deftly catches.

The woman then walks back to her seat without saying a word. Once he is sure his son is OK, the father rushes over and starts thanking her. “I’ve never seen anything like that before, it was fantastic. Are you a doctor? ”

The woman replies, “No, I’m with the IRS”

As one of my buddies has already commented in email, “This would be funny if it weren’t so true.”

Woody, you hit that one on the head! :?

Every year we ALL face the demon that is Legalized Extortion. I know how much I hate it, I have worked hard, all my life, and never have I seen our TAX DOLLARS squandered like they are being squandered now.

We support tyrants and evil doers the world over. We allow our nation to be taken over by our enemies, and the TAX MAN extorts even more of OUR hard earned dollars.

Hope and Change…Yeah, right.

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2 Responses to Pay your taxes, but get some deals and freebies

  1. Bloviating Zeppelin says:

    Altogether true. I was there in the restaurant at the time, in front of the register waiting to pay my bill for a key lime pie. I watched the woman do precisely that. Testicles, nickel and all.

    She climbed into a Chevy Impala in the parking lot with white federal GS plates.


  2. Always On Watch says:

    Mr. AOW and I don’t get out very often (It’s a job getting him down the ramp and into the car!), but we might be able to go to P.F. Chang’s for that tax-day deal! Thanks for the heads up, Fred.

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