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A few thoughts on Muslims and Islam

February 12th, 2008 . by TexasFred
A big congratulations goes out to the Danish Police, Danes Nab Suspects in Cartoonist Plot, “Two Tunisians and a Dane of Moroccan origin were arrested in pre-dawn raids in western Denmark, the police intelligence agency said.”, Tunisians and Moroccans, Muslims, those ‘religion of peace’ guys, they are for real, and they are a few sandwiches short of a picnic, and the world has been warned, repeatedly, yet these guys are still walking around looking to injure or kill any that don’t share the same religious belief as them…

I know there are folks that believe Iraq was worth ALL the casualties and money spent as we endeavored to bring about a ‘free Iraq’ and give the Iraqis the democracy they are believed to want, I think that was the last line of BS handed out by the Bush administration regarding the reasons we went to Iraq, but this little tidbit makes me think that the Iraqis don’t care WHO is in their nation and WHO is spending money, Iraqi FM: Russian businesses welcome, this could shape up to be a real Spy vs Spy scenario before it’s all over…

And then there’s this, Al Qaeda’s New Face Of Terror: American?, “U.S. officials are increasingly worried that the next attack on America could be carried out by Americans trained in terror tactics inside al Qaeda’s safe-haven in Pakistan”, border security, it’s not just about ILLEGALS from Mexico and Central America, but I don’t think Bush realizes that…

We keep fighting radical Islam in other nations, and I think Afghanistan and Pakistan are the right places to start, but the Islamic plague is spreading, the Muslim homicide bomber is coming to America, it’s only a matter of time, and unless this nation addresses it’s open borders and seriously lax enforcement, sooner or later will surely become sooner

I have NO issue with the religious practices of the Muslims, in Muslim nations, but Islam is making a serious effort to take over America, Mosques are being built in record numbers, converts are gleaned every day, the USA has enemies, and the many of those enemies are within this nation, many are U.S. citizens and they ARE Muslims, if the warning bells aren’t going off for you yet I seriously hope that it won’t take another 9-11 to wake you, and this nation up…

We are under attack every day folks, not by bomb blasts, at least not by bomb blasts yet, but the wheels are turning, the radical Islamic warrior is preparing to bring death and destruction to this nation, and I once believed that if the Islamic moonbats attacked America again, that we’d see the ’sleeping giant’ arise again, the one that the Japanese feared after Pearl Harbor, but I am becoming more and more convinced every day, the biggest majority of American today are either too afraid or too apathetic to stand and fight for this nation, there is a huge segment of this nation that doesn’t care anymore, they will roll with the flow and accept whatever happens…

All I want to know is this, WHAT will it take to wake this nation up?? What will it take to fire up American Pride again?? What will it take for people to realize that our government is no longer a 2 party system that represents us and defends this nation and the American citizens??

American voters are electing Muslims to Congress, that’s a foothold the American people will regret, every day we submit a little bit more to the Muslim hordes, they come to this nation and DEMAND that we accept them and their religion and it’s practices, Islamic tolerance and the tenants of Islam are taught in American schools but we don’t allow our kids to say a Christian prayer at a Saturday night football game, we take God out of the American school system and we take God out of our courts and we celebrate Islam and allow the Muslim plague to force it’s way into our lives while many in this nation are now wondering WHY the Muslims are making such progress…

They are making progress because WE allow them to, it’s that simple folks, WE, the American people, in our quest to not offend anyone and to be 100% politically correct, are destroying this nation as surely as the sun comes up…

Once upon a time the USA stood for freedom, and that freedom was for all, but there comes a time when you must draw a line in the sand and take issue with those that would abuse those very freedoms in an effort to enslave us with them, and that is exactly what Islam is doing to us here in America, Islam is attempting to enslave the American people with their religion, and they are doing it because WE allow it to happen…

There’s a fight coming my friends, and it will be brutal, bloody and deadly, Islam doesn’t fight WARS in the same way we do, they launch a campaign of homicide bombings, look at Iraq, Afghanistan and Pakistan of late, and many other nations where Islamic bombers have killed untold numbers of innocent people, and it’s coming to America, will that action be the spark that lights the fires of freedom and patriotism in the American people?? Is that what it’s going to take??

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One Response to “A few thoughts on Muslims and Islam”

  1. comment number 1 by: Bloviating Zeppelin

    Ellison first, Obama next. Looks to me like the foothold is entirely public and, moreover, not just accepted but welcomed. We are the boiling frog, they are the pot and the flame.
