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DO NOT Confirm Eric Holder

January 28th, 2009 . by TexasFred

DO NOT Confirm Eric Holder

Some have said I am nothing but a big mouth bully on the blogs and that I wouldn’t DARE to speak like that face to face. Apparently, the guys saying that just don’t know me very well. I am an IN YOUR FACE guy if I think it’s needed, I am NOT a diplomat, I am an activist!

Below you will find the exact copies, personal info removed, that I sent to both of my Senators this AM. I don’t cut ANY of these people ANY slack, they work for US.

Eric Holder is THE biggest danger the gun owners of this nation face…

He is going to be the one that DOES come after guns and/or ammo. He is the one that will be the *bad guy* and Obama will sit back and smile smugly thru those purple lips and say, “Well, I didn’t go after you gullible gun guys, Holder did!!”

Just so everyone knows, I DID contact my Senators again.. None will EVER be able to say I didn’t try…

January 28, 2009

Fred *******

The Honorable John Cornyn
Washington, DC 20510-4302

Senator Cornyn:

You ignored the wishes of your supporters and STILL managed to get re-elected…DO NOT ignore this, Eric Holder is a danger to this nation, vindicate yourself by voting against him.

Your vote FOR the bailout is THE reason I dropped ALL support for you, I voted for Rick Noriega, and that caused me great distress, don’t cause the voters of Texas to dislike you any more than they already do, vote AGAINST Holder, don’t let Obama load this country with goons and crooks, he already placed a tax cheat on the Cabinet…

Message sent to the following recipients:

Senator Kay Bailey Hutchison
Washington, DC 20510-4302
Message text follows:

Fred *******
*******, TX *****

January 28, 2009

Sen. Hutchison,

If you vote to confirm Eric Holder you will have made MORE enemies than you will ever overcome…

Texas is fast seeing you for what you are and the office of Governor is going to be denied you if I can influence enough people, and you can bet your last campaign dollar, I WILL BE WORKING AGAINST YOU!! Every step of the way. And be aware, this is a feeling shared by the vast majority of Texans.

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Obama open to compromise on $825B stimulus bill

January 27th, 2009 . by TexasFred

Obama open to compromise on $825B stimulus bill

WASHINGTON (AP) - On the eve of a key vote, President Barack Obama privately promised Republican critics he stands ready to accept changes in $825 billion economic stimulus legislation, and urged lawmakers to “put politics aside” in the interest of creating badly needed jobs.

“The American people expect action,” Obama said Tuesday as he shuttled between closed-door meetings with House and Senate Republicans on a trip to the Capitol that blended substance with political symbolism.

Republicans who attended the sessions said the president did not agree to any specific changes but did pledge to have his aides consider some that GOP lawmakers raised dealing with additional tax relief for businesses.

Prodded to budge on another point, Obama said that despite Republican opposition, he will insist on giving relief to wage-earners who pay Social Security taxes but do not earn enough to owe income tax.

Full Story Here:
Obama open to compromise on $825B stimulus bill

‘Obama open to compromise’. Isn’t that the basis of his existence? Compromise?? That, and change? Change anything you can and compromise on what you can’t?

I said in prior posts that IF Obama said or did something I felt was wrong, I wouldn’t hesitate to blast off on his just like I did Bush, and if he did something right, I would offer kudos. This post is a bit of both, criticism and *almost* kudos.

The logic seems to be, among nearly ALL Dems, and many Republicans, if they just throw money at the problem, the problem is going to fix itself. That may be true, but what if it’s not? What about accountability from all the business people that brought this situation on us in the 1st place? The CitiGroup bunch that got bailed out and wanted to turn around and spend $50M on a corporate jet? Things like that. If the government is going to GIVE taxpayer dollars to BUSINESS, then we, the taxpayers, have a right to say what it gets spent on.

Personally, I don’t think we should bail out ANY of them, this bail out thing smacks of nothing less than sheer socialism. I have lost ALL respect for any elected official that supported the bail outs and for any that still support those socialist asshats. I’m funny like that. It’s NOT one of those things where if you don’t agree with me I cut you off, that’s a cry some really love to make, this is more of a *If you hurt my country* thing, and the socialization of America is not just hurting us, it’s KILLING us! I will have nothing to do with ANYONE that supports it, reader, blogger, law maker, makes no difference, I don’t support the enemies of America and those that supported the bailout, especially our lawmakers who voted for it against our will, THEY are now the enemy!

Barack Obama supported the bail out. He voted FOR it! That places him squarely in the group of people that I have NO use for. But, in all fairness, the lead-up to this financial mess isn’t the fault of Barack Obama, he wasn’t running the nation when this started, he had NO oversight of anything connected to this debacle. Yes, he was a United States Senator, but what the hell, you can’t hold him responsible there, when he did show up, he voted *present*. Talk about covering you ass!

I don’t directly blame Obama for the financial crisis this nation is in. Sure, he could have been a more effective Senator, but would that have made any difference in the overall scheme of things? May, maybe not, now we’ll never know. Has Illinois ever had an effective politician? Obama inherited this mess from the Bush administration. And lets face it, Bush was all for throwing money at it too, just like the RINO he IS. The Bush response wasn’t too terribly different than that of the Democrats.

I don’t know what the solution is going to be, actually, I don’t think anyone does. I do know this, throwing OUR money at this problem, while allowing the business people that put us here to continue with their status quo, well, that isn’t the solution either.

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Cartels in Mexico’s drug war get guns from US

January 27th, 2009 . by TexasFred

Cartels in Mexico’s drug war get guns from US

PHOENIX (AP) - As police approached a drug cartel’s safe house in northwestern Mexico last May, gunmen inside poured on fire with powerful assault rifles and grenades, killing seven officers whose weapons were no match.

Four more lawmen were wounded in the bloodbath and a cache of weapons was seized, including a single AK-47 assault rifle that authorities say was purchased 800 miles away at a Phoenix gun shop and smuggled into Mexico.

The rifle’s presence in Mexico underscores two realities in the government’s war against drug traffickers: Nearly all the guns the cartels use are smuggled into Mexico from the U.S., and officials say a small number of corrupt American weapons dealers are making the gun running possible.

“It’s a war,” said Bill Newell, special agent in charge of the U.S. Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives in Arizona and New Mexico. “It’s a war between the drug cartels. And it’s a war between the government and the drug cartels. And the weapons of war are the weapons that they are acquiring illegally here in the United States.”

Full Story Here:
Cartels in Mexico’s drug war get guns from US

I am going on record, right here, right now, ANY American caught buying guns with the express intent being to smuggle them into Mexico needs to be imprisoned until they are too old to pick up a gun. ANY gun dealer that is caught arranging, buying guns for, or smuggling guns into Mexico needs to have their license revoked and their freedoms as an American citizen removed, forever!!

The anti-gun people will use this report as an excuse to cry and complain about how we ALL need to lose our guns and rights, but those people are just plain STUPID! There’s no nice way to say it, and I am not known for my people skills so screw it, they are nothing less than STUPID. You can remove every LEGALLY owned gun in this nation and crime statistics will not decrease, not one bit, in fact, they will increase, exponentially.

Legal gun owners are NOT the ones out there robbing people, holding up stores and banks and committing various acts of unprovoked violence. HONEST gun owners are not the individuals that are purchasing, or otherwise acquiring guns for the Mexican gangs. The LEGAL gun owners of this nation want those actions stopped as much as the BATF does. This is something that hurts ALL of us, and our rights as LEGAL gun owners are in jeopardy because of the actions of a divisive few.

U.S. Customs and Border Protection, whose inspectors scrutinize border-crossers at ports of entry, declined to characterize the frequency of its searches of vehicles driving into Mexico, but conceded that not all traffic leaving America is searched.

Not all traffic leaving America is searched?? Really?? You think?? Well here’s another piece of shocking information, not all traffic ENTERING America is searched either. There is a constant involved in this entire matter. Guns OUT, drugs and ILLEGAL INVADERS in, and the border of this nation is as porous as a sieve! Until our border issues are FULLY and effectively addressed, until such time as our borders are fully secured, these problems will continue.

To the BATF I say this, do your job! Stop the ILLEGAL gun trade. That is your job. Capture the *bad guys* that use the freedoms of this nation to circumvent our laws to their advantage, take these guys OUT of the equation. Do the LEGAL gun owners a favor, take these cretins out and make U.S. gun owners, the honest, legal, safe, well trained believers in the 2nd Amendment that we are, make US the *good guys* again. That would be a welcome change!

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