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Federal criminal complaint contends Obama ineligible

March 26th, 2009 . by TexasFred

Ex-officer alleges prez used ‘contrivance, concealment, dissembling and deceit’

An ex-military officer has raised the stakes in the ongoing dispute over Barack Obama’s eligibility to be president, filing a criminal complaint against the “imposter” with the U.S. attorney’s office for the Eastern District of Tennessee.

Retired U.S. Navy officer Walter Francis Fitzpatrick III, who has run a campaign for two decades to uncover and try to correct what he believes are criminal activities within the military, accused the president of “treason.”

In his complaint addressed to Obama via U.S Attorney Russell Dedrick and Assistant U.S. Attorney Edward Schmutzer, Eastern District, Tennessee, Fitzpatrick wrote: “I have observed and extensively recorded invidious attacks by military-political aristocrats against the Constitution for twenty years.

“Now you have broken in and entered the White House by force of contrivance, concealment, conceit, dissembling, and deceit. Posing as an impostor president and commander in chief you have stripped civilian command and control over the military establishment.”

He cited the deployment of “U.S. Army active duty combat troops into the small civilian community of Samson, Ala.,” and said, “We come now to this reckoning. I accuse you and your military-political criminal assistants of TREASON. I name you and your military criminal associates as traitors. Your criminal ascension manifests a clear and present danger. You fundamentally changed our form of government. The Constitution no longer works.

Full Story Here:
Federal criminal complaint contends Obama ineligible

I identify you as a foreign born domestic enemy,” That part has me rolling. I am guessing that Fitzpatrick has just joined the rapidly growing list of Domestic Terrorists. You know the ones I’m talking about. The REAL, loyal, patriotic Americans that have the guts to stand up and call a spade a spade! Those of us that are fighting every way we can to rectify the disaster that inhabits the Oval Office and threatens the very fabric of this nation.

I am proud to wear the title of Domestic Terrorist. If by standing up for this nation, and doing what I personally believe to be the RIGHT thing causes some to view me as a Domestic Terrorist, then I have done my job well. If by standing FOR the constitution of this nation, and by my willingness to defend said constitution I am a Domestic Terrorist, so be it! I wear that title proudly!

There is a destructive strain of PCness that is coursing through the veins of this nation. That PCness is going to destroy our once great nation. There are many supposed, so-called, self proclaimed Conservative bloggers that are too damned afraid of offending our enemies. They are afraid to stand and fight. They prefer *reasoned discourse* and they wish to engage in *logical debate* with the libber-pukes that are destroying this nation.

You can’t have reasoned discourse and logical debate with those on the libber-puke left, they have no reason or logic to debate with. They are appeasers and spenders, ‘Throw some more money at it, it’ll be OK’, or that one Obama himself hatched by reaching out to Iran. The idiocy of that would have been hilarious had it not been so disgustingly repulsive!

There is nothing I hate more than the asshats that call themselves Conservatives, and then think that they can talk their way out of everything. I don’t want to fight, I don’t like to fight, I never have, but once in a while a REAL patriot is left with no choice save to engage the enemy and fight to the death. That time is fast approaching, the time for talk is long past. Many in this nation have no use for the appeasers of the RNC and the gutless asshats of the RNC as they try to repair the ills of this nation with *reasoned discourse*!

Feint heart ne’er won fair lady. Those words are still true today folks. And to those faux conservatives that don’t have the balls to take a hard stand, to those appeasers and asshats that think they can reason with the libber-pukes of this nation, YOU are as much a danger to America as the libber-pukes themselves.

I know not what course others may take, but as for me, give me LIBERTY or give me DEATH. ~Patrick Henry~

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Obama Scraps ‘Global War on Terror’ for ‘Overseas Contingency Operation’

March 25th, 2009 . by TexasFred
Obama Scraps ‘Global War on Terror’ for ‘Overseas Contingency Operation’

The Obama administration has ordered an end to use of the phrase “Global War on Terror,” a label adopted by the Bush administration shortly after the September 11, 2001 attacks, the Washington Post reported on Tuesday.

In a memo sent this week from the Defense Department’s office of security to Pentagon staffers, members were told, “this administration prefers to avoid using the term ‘Long War’ or ‘Global War on Terror’ [GWOT.] Please use ‘Overseas Contingency Operation.’”

A spokesman for the Office of Management and Budget, from whom the direction reportedly came, told the Post there was no guidance given from the agency and that it was merely the “opinion of a career civil servant.”

The Obama administration’s rhetoric has paralleled this idea, having used the “Global Contingency Operation” phrase for a month prior to the e-mail being sent.

Full Story Here:
Obama Scraps ‘Global War on Terror’ for ‘Overseas Contingency Operation’

OK, I am going to say it. I will likely be labeled a *Domestic Terrorist* for this, but that’s good too, as I will address a bit further in this post.

Barack Hussein Obama is the most stupid, gutless, America hating poser to EVER inhabit the Oval Office. He is totally incompetent. He is truly the ‘Teleprompter President’, he surrounds himself with the most incompetent bunch of uber-liberal tax cheats imaginable and now he’s concerned with the way it sounds to call a terrorist a terrorist!

‘Overseas Contingency Operation’?? What the hell are you talking about? Here’s a clue for you and your clueless bunch of idiots that have taken this nation to the brink of destruction, it’s call WAR, and it’s a WAR on TERROR, and your gutless political correctness is NOT going to appease the enemies of this nation.

People like Obama, and those that support him, are more concerned with TRUTH TELLERS like me and the thousands, if not MILLIONS, of other Conservative bloggers in this nation than they are with defeating our enemies and protecting our nation. They are so concerned that they have labeled us as Domestic Terrorists. Obama and Company don’t have the guts to call the enemies of this nation TERRORISTS, they don’t have the guts to call our efforts against these enemies a WAR on TERROR, but they have the audacity to call me, and people like me, Domestic Terrorists.

Along those same lines, our enemies captured on the field of battle are no longer referred to as ‘enemy combatants’, U.S. Guantanamo inmates no more enemy combatants. I guess it’s more PC to call them ‘our future allies’ than it is to actually call them what they are, American hating scumbags that need to be shot!

I don’t believe that Obama and Company have ANY desire to protect this nation. It is my express belief that all they intend to do is appease our enemies as they try to use cowardly and PC BS to work their way out of any confrontation that may present itself!

Personally, I don’t care what our enemies think of us, they are our enemies, we already know what they think. Our enemies didn’t hold us, or our military might, in very high regard. PCness will not change their opinion one way or another. Obama and Company need to remember this:

It is better to be feared than loved, if you cannot be both.” ~Machiavelli~

Since it is more than obvious that our enemies don’t love us, would it not be expeditious to instill in them a morbid FEAR of us as well? Obama and Company must go!! I say again, save America, Impeach Barack Obama!

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La. Gov. Jindal urges GOP to stand up to Obama

March 25th, 2009 . by TexasFred
La. Gov. Jindal urges GOP to stand up to Obama

WASHINGTON (AP) - Louisiana Gov. Bobby Jindal again found himself carrying the Republican mantle opposite a primetime appearance from President Barack Obama on Tuesday, saying Republicans must be ready to defy the president when they disagree with his policies. He also joked about his widely panned response to Obama’s address to Congress last month.

“We are now in the position of being the loyal opposition,” Jindal said at a Republican congressional fundraising dinner that only by coincidence fell on the same night as Obama’s news conference. “The right question to ask is not if we want the president to fail or succeed, but whether we want America to succeed.”

Saying “the time for talking about the past is over,” Jindal said Republicans have begun to find their voice after back-to-back elections losses - motivated by what he called historic Democratic spending excess.

Jindal is widely considered a potential 2012 GOP presidential candidate, but his televised response to Obama’s speech at the Capitol last month was widely panned. Some compared his delivery to the late children’s television host Mister Rogers and said the address could hurt Jindal’s national potential.

Full Story Here:
La. Gov. Jindal urges GOP to stand up to Obama

I have a lot of respect for Gov. Jindal, I think he may well be the best thing that has happened to Louisiana in a very long time. That said, Gov. Jindal needs to realize, it’s not just the Republicans that need to defy Obama, it’s ALL of us, Dems, Repubs and Conservatives one and all.

This is where the real hangup lies, the Republicans don’t care about the Conservatives. Until such time that the RNC moves back to the RIGHT side of the aisle, there is not a whole lot of sense in talking about unification. Conservatives are NOT going to unify with the RNC as long as the RNC is a hell of a lot closer to the Dems and liberalism than they are to real, solid Conservative values!

There are many Conservatives that have lost ALL faith in the Republican party, I am one of them, many of my readers fall into that group as well. The RNC did to us exactly what the DNC did to Conservative Dems many years ago when the Democratic party took a hard left and embraced liberalism as if it were the Holy Grail!

The RNC lost both houses under Bush and then lost the presidency. The RNC really needs to do some serious soul searching and face the fact that THEY are the ones that wandered to the left, Conservatives are exactly where we have always been, here on the RIGHT, standing up for conservative government, smaller government, transparent government, standing up for the American family and the traditions of that family unit and the fact that it’s really a BABY, not a decision!

When the RNC comes 180° on their stance, the one that many of us honestly do feel is much closer aligned with the Dems than it ever was to anything even remotely Republican, when the RNC becomes that kind of reliable, with those kind of values, then, maybe, we can ALL stand together and retake this nation from the evils that have befallen her.

Oh, and one other thing, the RNC needs to remember this, without the Conservatives of this nation, a Republican can’t get elected to the position of dog catcher. At this point in time all the RNC has shown many of us is just another version of the Democratic party. We are offered EVIL and LESS EVIL, but not less evil by much. As I said during the last election, I refuse to ever vote for the lesser of the evils again, and that reminds me of one of my favorite lines regarding the lesser of the evils.

What’s worse?? To burn to death or drown? You’re dead either way. If this nation doesn’t get back on the level, and very soon, we are dead

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