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Strong earthquake felt in Mexico City

April 27th, 2009 . by TexasFred
Strong earthquake felt in Mexico City

MEXICO CITY (AP) — A strong earthquake struck central Mexico on Monday, swaying tall buildings in the capital and sending office workers into the streets.

The 6.0-magnitude quake was centered near Chilpancingo, about 130 miles southwest of Mexico City and 50 miles from the resort of Acapulco, according to the U.S. Geological Survey.

Televisa television network quoted Mexico City officials saying there were no immediate reports of damage or injuries.

The quake rattled nerves in a city already nervous about a swine flu outbreak suspected of killing as many as 149 people nationwide.

Full Story Here:
Strong earthquake felt in Mexico City

Earthquakes, disease, narco-war in progress, ALL in Mexico.

Does anyone think that right about now might be a very good time to seal the border?? Can you imagine the huge influx of Mexicans into the land of plenty?? The land of plenty, that would be the USA for those not knowing.

Mexico is NOT suffering divine punishment as some seem to believe, I personally don’t believe in that *divine* punishment anyway, but Mexicans, as a rule, are pretty superstitious, and are deeply ingrained in the teachings of Catholicism, another *blame it on God* crew if ever there was one!

I was raised in the Catholic church and I can’t even begin to tell you how many times as a kid we were told, “It’s God’s punishment” every time something went wrong, regardless the severity of an incident, it was God’s punishment. You dropped a plate and it broke? God is punishing you. You got your leg hurt playing football? God is punishing you.

That was they way it went down in rural, less than well educated Louisiana. And I would bet BIG bucks, that’s the undercurrent running through Mexico right now. The Mexican mindset today is as rural Louisiana was 40/50 years ago, the same type of people, rural, not all that well educated and totally dependent on the Catholic Church, the priest mostly, for their news and opinions.

I have visited several sites today, ones that I don’t normally visit, and there has been an almost conspiratorial attitude afoot. Swine flu is a government caused epidemic. Some believe that the narco-warriors in Mexico is being supplied by American gun owners and that it *may* spill over to American soil. Yeah, imagine that. Mexican drug violence here. Then the Mexicans get hit with an earthquake. Amazingly, I read, more than once, it’s God’s punishment!

It’s not a conspiracy, it’s not God’s punishment, it’s just life, and a lot of it happened all at once. Life does happen, and a part OF life is death! Death is the common denominator in this story of disease, war and natural disaster.

There is only one part of this equation that man can do anything about, that would be the drug wars, they can cease to wage a war on drugs, once Americans lose their demonic desires for the narcotics the Mexican drug lords are peddling. That said, there will always be disease and natural disasters!

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US declares public health emergency for swine flu

April 26th, 2009 . by TexasFred

US declares public health emergency for swine flu

WASHINGTON (AP) - The U.S. declared a public health emergency Sunday to deal with the emerging new swine flu, much like the government does to prepare for approaching hurricanes.

Officials reported 20 U.S. cases of swine flu in five states so far, with the latest in Ohio and New York. Unlike in Mexico where the same strain appears to be killing dozens of people, cases in the United State have been mild - and U.S. health authorities can’t yet explain why.

“As we continue to look for cases, we are going to see a broader spectrum of disease,” predicted Dr. Richard Besser, acting chief of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. “We’re going to see more severe disease in this country.”

At a White House news conference, Besser and Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano sought to assure Americans that health officials are taking all appropriate steps to minimize the impact of the outbreak.

Full Story Here:
US declares public health emergency for swine flu

We’re gonna DIE! We’re gonna DIE!! We’re ALL gonna DIE!!!

The fact of the matter is, yes, we really are ALL going to die, sooner or later. Perhaps this swine flu pandemic isn’t going to hit the USA as hard as it does Mexico. Maybe we are in better overall health, better fed, a higher level of nutrition and so forth.

GENEVA (AP) - Canada became the third country to confirm human cases of swine flu Sunday as global health officials considered whether to raise the global pandemic alert level.

Nations from New Zealand to France also reported suspected cases and some warned citizens against travel to North America while others planned quarantines, tightened rules on pork imports and tested airline passengers for fevers.

Full Story Here:
Swine flu fears prompt quarantine plans, pork bans

If this actually started IN Mexico, how did it get boosted world wide that fast? Are there that many people traveling to Mexico? It seems that some Canadian public health officials think so.

I have seen a number of sites offering up conspiracy theories of sorts. I may be wrong but I don’t see a conspiracy. What I see is a 3rd world, fly and flea infested pimple on the ass of North America and a less than stellar government that does nothing to assure that their people receive top shelf medical care. Look at the standard of living of the average Mexican citizen, it is atrocious! Many live in squalor. It’s amazing that something like this hasn’t happened in the past.

What I DO believe this calls for is, BORDER SECURITY. Americans do NOT need to be going to Mexico, not at this particular time, and a travel ban would not be a bad idea at all.

Additionally, I can’t think of a better time, or reason, to fully secure OUR border as we stop ALL ILLEGAL border crossings into the USA as well as enforcing a ban of all LEGAL Mexicans traveling to this nation until the swine flu dangers pass.

Some of us have been pleading for better border security for a very long time, and now we have an even more urgent reason to demand that the U.S. government become involved in the manner they are intended to be involved, to provide for the common defense!

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FOXNews Shepard Smith: We don’t f*cking torture

April 25th, 2009 . by TexasFred

FOXNews Shepard Smith: We don’t f*cking torture

Can someone please explain to me WHY this namby-pamby closet liberal, Shepard Smith, is still on FOX News after his incredibly childish outburst while on air with Trace Gallagher and Judge Andrew Napolitano?

A while back E.D. Hill was taken OFF the air because she made reference to Obama’s fist bump with his wife Michelle. Fox Removes E.D. Hill and Her Show

Just in case anyone missed MY take on torture and it’s use, let me make it crystal clear for you:

If it will save so much as 1 American life, I will cut ALL of their fingers off, one joint at a time… Hot pokers… Electrical… Whatever it takes…

50% of the American people are a bunch of bleeding heart wussies, and those that aren’t outright wussies are too afraid to speak out, I am NOT one OF those Americans!

Whatever it takes, done TO whoever it takes. America 1st!!

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Welcome to Dell Hell

April 25th, 2009 . by TexasFred

Welcome to Dell Hell

I spent ALL day Friday and a good part of Friday night visiting a place called DELL HELL!!

I have a Dell machine, 2 of em actually, the wife has her laptop, I use the big model at the desk, and the one I use went down. It appears I had an Adware infection that blew everything, and Norton wouldn’t remove it. Norton found it alright, caught 3 parts of it and removed them, but there was one part that just couldn’t be dumped.

So, I visited with Dell Technical Support in India, the ONLY Tech Support they have now, and spent approximately 6 hours on the phone with this guy that finally managed to kill my computer completely. :(

So, after the 2nd try he gets it all restored and tells me it was NOT his fault, it was Norton. He told me I could never use Norton again, I could only use a brand of virus/malware protection that Dell was selling. He unloaded ALL of my personal settings, dumped IE7 and Service Pack 3, told me I could NEVER use them again either, they were NOT compatible with Windows XP, and strangely, those are what came ON the thing, new from the factory, but suddenly they are incompatible. :?

The antivirus/malware that he recommended was only going to cost us $249.00, but since we were loyal Dell customers they could install it for us at a one time only price of $139.00. As he was telling me this, my wife was online on her computer and found the exact same products at Best Buy, Office Depot and Office Max for around $50.00. Needless to say, we did NOT buy the product from Dell.

I nearly started an international incident but I got *Slum Dog* to clear ALL virus, malware and Adware crap. Once completed I was done with him. A few hours later I had Norton reloaded and updated, I had IE7 and SP3 loaded and running, I got my personal settings reset, the computer was running just like new and I was done for the night. Today it is STILL running like new, Norton works just fine, the automatic setup for virus scan went off just like it was set up to do, it did a full sweep and nothing more was found. IE7 and SP3 are running in perfect concert, I have my Google Toolbar with Spell Check in place and ALL is well in the TexasFred blog world!

A recommendation to ALL, Dell is a great computer in my opinion but I will never own another one, their Tech Support in in India and their true intent is to make more money for Michael Dell, sell all the extended warranty they can and say “Thank you very much” as many times as possible.

I will NEVER buy another Dell product. If you are in the market to buy a computer, beware of the great price and promises of 24/7 award winning Dell Service, the prices are great, but their Tech Support sucks…

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