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October 17th, 2008 . by TexasFred

TexasFred and Wicked Step Mother are celebrating their wedding anniversary today!! Will be back tomorrow! Maybe… If the mood strikes me… :P

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Toby Keith Hits Back at Accusation Song Is Pro-Lynching

August 9th, 2008 . by TexasFred

Toby Keith Hits Back at Accusation Song Is Pro-Lynching

Toby Keith hit back at a recent blog post that derided his 2003 song “Beer for My Horses” as a pro-lynching anthem.

“The song was a hit and the words ‘lynch’ and ‘racism’ has never come up until this moron wrote this blog,” he said, according to ContactMusic.

The country singer, 47, was on “The Colbert Report” last month to perform “Beer for My Horses,” the popular song that inspired a movie of the same name.

Huffington Post blogger Max Blumenthal called the song an “ode to lynching” and said that “Colbert’s studio audience clapped to the beat, blithely unaware that they were swaying to a racially tinged, explicitly pro-lynching anthem that calls for the vigilante-style hanging of car thieves and other assorted evildoers.”

Full Story Here:
Toby Keith Hits Back at Accusation Song Is Pro-Lynching

“Colbert’s studio audience clapped to the beat, blithely unaware that they were swaying to a racially tinged, explicitly pro-lynching anthem that calls for the vigilante-style hanging of car thieves and other assorted evildoers.” Lynching Advocate Toby Keith: Obama Acts White To Win

I have listened to Toby sing this song, many times, I have seen the video repeatedly, and never once picked up ANY kind of reference to RACE.

There is a serious reference to stopping crime, the characters are police officers, and stopping crime is what they do. And stretching a few necks? That’s not racist, not in ANY way, and it’s not a lynching if your state has, and supports the death penalty. And when there comes a time that it’s wrong to speak out FOR Law Enforcement, this nation is done for!

It is MY opinion that this Max Blumenthal is some kind of left wing libtard idiot that had nothing better to do and figured that taking a few shots at one of the *big boys* might help to promote his nefarious reputation. Remind you of anyone we’ve been exposed to lately??

Blumenthal cited the lyrics “Grandpappy told my pappy back in my day, son, A man had to answer for the wicked that he’d done, Take all the rope in Texas, Find a tall oak tree, round up all of them bad boys, Hang them high in the street,” as proof of its racial implications.

It’s called JUSTICE Max, something that a libtard like you would have NO understanding of. I seriously have to wonder if Blumenthal was a student of LBCC and their top notch PoliSci professor, Dr. Donnie Dickless? He sees *race issues* everywhere. If you don’t say good morning the right way, it’s probably because you’re a racist and you don’t respect him and his almost, kinda sorta, black but only when it’s convenient persona.

Say, Donnie, you’re not Max Blumenthal and writing under a pseudonym for the HuffPo are ya?? Sure sounds like your M.O., your REAL self gets a chance to come out and play and not jeopardize your good name?? The good name that about half of your students give you in the *Rate My Professor* thing huh?? Yeah, we’ve seen that too. :P

Tell ya what Donnie, how’s this for a bit of real Southern Hospitality?? In an effort to promote some *understanding* between you and all of us bog dwelling, beer swilling, football loving, NASCAR worshiping, evil redneck right wing extremists and racists, how about this??

We’re going to San Diego tonight, gonna take in the game, eat a couple of hotdogs, drink a few beers, do some real MAN STUFF, things like that. We can come by and pick ya up and you can go with us, might do you some good to hang out with MEN for a while, *M* won’t mind if ya hang out with the guys will she?? Uh, sorry, that hang out thing, that wasn’t meant to be racist… :(

Leave a comment here and let me know, I won’t call your cell or home, I don’t want to be accused of harassing you, but the game starts at 7PM, we’re back at our hotel just resting up a bit, we can pick you up at 4PM and be at the park and in our seats by *Kick Off*. It’ll be an experience you’ll always remember.

Hell man, you’ll be singing Toby Keith songs with us before the night is over. :P

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TexasFred *could* become CaliFred?

August 8th, 2008 . by TexasFred
TexasFred’s California Adventure:

Posting will be a bit slim thru Tuesday. We are flying out to California tonight, my better half has a transfer offer from her company, they want her in the office in Irvine and we have weekend meetings with some real estate people, I will be looking further on Monday, who knows, maybe.

Seems to be a lot of really nice town homes in the area of Irvine and Tustin, and it’s not too far from her company office to Tustin, we found a couple of really nice listings there, so.

I am not terribly thrilled about California, but if it’s what we have to do, it’s what we have to do.

And with me being fully retired, what the hell, I can aggravate some of the local moonbats and libbers if the better half takes the transfer.

See?? There’s a bright side to every scenario!!

I’ll have the laptop, the hotel we’ll be staying at has a wireless setup so I won’t be totally cut off in a foreign land, I might get to see Gawfer and Bushwack while I’m there, that would make it worth my time… :D

EDIT TO ADD: Trip updates are in the comments section.


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