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Bottom line on health care summit: Dems push ahead

February 26th, 2010 . by TexasFred

Bottom line on health care summit: Dems push ahead

WASHINGTON (AP) - President Barack Obama strongly signaled that Democrats will move forward on a health care overhaul with or without Republicans, preparing his party for a fight whose political outcome will rest with voters in November.

Delivering his closing argument at a 7-1/2-hour televised policy marathon Thursday, Obama told Republicans he welcomes their ideas - even ones Democrats don’t like - but they must fit into his framework for a broad health care remake that would cover tens of millions of uninsured Americans.

That’s the deal.

It’s a gamble for Obama and his party, and it’s far from certain that Democratic congressional leaders can rally their members to muscle a bill through on their own. At stake are Democrats’ political fortunes in the midterm elections and the fate of Obama’s domestic agenda pitted against emboldened Republicans.

Full Story Here:
Bottom line on health care summit: Dems push ahead

I guess it’s time to give the far left moonbats a NEW post they can reference in their continuing quest for material that proves that I detest Barack Hussein Obama and give them even more reasons to call me a racist. That’s what they like to call me, you, anyone that doesn’t agree with, or espouse total love and adoration for Barack Hussein Obama.

Obama told Republicans he welcomes their ideas - even ones Democrats don’t like - but they must fit into his framework

HIS framework? How about this? Barack Hussein Obama, and his socialistic ideals for America do NOT fit into the framework of well over 50 percent of the American people.

I can’t speak for ALL Conservative Americans, but as for me, I have no use for the ObamaCare plans of the most egotistical narcissist to ever infest the Oval Office.

Yesterday, the GOP lawmakers that attended the ObamaCare debacle wasted their time. The media that provided a constant stream of said debacle wasted their time, and any American that sat through this debacle wasted 7 1/2 hours of valuable life that they will NEVER get back!

All so Barack Hussein Obama could have the final say and TELL America, not plead his case, not to ASK America, but to DICTATE TO us that we WILL accept this ObamaCare BS from him.

“The truth of the matter is that politically speaking, there may not be any reason for Republicans to want to do anything,” Obama said, summing up. “I don’t need a poll to know that most Republican voters are opposed to this bill and might be opposed to the kind of compromise we could craft.

“And if we can’t,” he added, “I think we’ve got to go ahead and some make decisions, and then that’s what elections are for. “

That last line, about what elections are for, THAT is the most truthful statement Obama has ever made, and we ALL know that Obama avoids the truth at every opportunity.

Elections, in 2010 and 2012, if they are not outlawed by the Socialist Emperor in Chief, will spell disaster for the Democrats and their leader. Obama and Company are in for a rude awakening.

The ObamaCare debacle yesterday wasn’t about hearing the different ideas that Republican lawmakers had to offer, it was about giving Obama the opportunity to run his mouth and tell the GOP what was going to happen, whether THEY like it or not.

DEMOCRATS (Including President Obama): 233 MINUTES OR NEARLY 4 HOURS



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