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Michele Bachmann talks to Chris Baker about ACORN

October 15th, 2009 . by TexasFred

Michele Bachmann talks to Chris Baker about ACORN

Congresswoman Michele Bachmann talked with Chris Baker this morning and discuss the ongong investigation into ACORN. She has called for Governor Tim Pawlenty to appoint a special investigator to looking to the organization in Minnesota. She says the Governor and her had a “good conversation” yesterday and he is conducting a review, the limit of his authority. From there, the legislative auditor would then need to do a review of how the more than $100,000 of state money has been spent.

She then further said that Congress hasn’t cut off ACORN funding like you think. She says “Congress did a CYA move, they defunded ACORN just for the month of October.” (Click Here to read the Legislative Digest). She adds that on November 1, “the spicket of federal tax money will open wide open again.”

To add insult to injury, she informed us that while ACORN didn’t get federal funding in October, “They received a million dollar grant from Homeland Security for fire safety.” Click Here for the story. What does ACORN have to do with fire safety? In fact, “they received 80% of the money for fire safety that was supposed to go to Louisiana.”

Story Here:
Michele Bachmann talks to Chris Baker about ACORN

Obama, ACORN, Commies in the White House, Socialists in the White House. Then there’s Czars, many of which are avowed anti-American anarchists.

Social Security is going BROKE! Yet groups like ACORN are right back on the public dole! And ACORN, despite all their words, does nothing to help anyone other than ACORN. Oh yeah, and let’s not forget, they give great advice on how to tax shelter your whores and dope operations.

That’s some valuable advice if you’re a pimp or a dope dealer! :P

P.S., grammatical and spelling errors in the original post are NOT mine, and have been left as seen in the original post.

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