Female Suicide Bomber Kills 43 in Iraq
BAGHDAD (AP) - A female suicide bomber struck Shiite worshippers in the holy city of Karbala on Monday, an official and a witness said, killing at least 43 people and leaving pools of blood on the street leading to one of Iraq’s most revered mosques.
The blast was the deadliest in a series of attacks that left at least 72 Iraqis dead, including six youths killed when mortar rounds slammed into a soccer field in eastern Baghdad.
Two U.S. soldiers also were killed Monday in a roadside bombing north of Baghdad, bringing the American death toll closer to 4,000 as the U.S.-led war enters its sixth year. At least 3,990 members of the U.S. military have died since the beginning of the Iraq war in March 2003, according to an Associated Press count.
The violence marred overlapping trips by Vice President Dick Cheney and Sen. John McCain to Baghdad. Their visits were aimed at touting recent security gains and stressing Washington’s long-term commitment to fighting insurgents in Iraq.
Full Story Here:
Female Suicide Bomber Kills 43 in Iraq
OK, I have to admit, things really are better in Baghdad and in some other places in Iraq, these type of incidents aren’t happening nearly as often as they were, but we’re still spending BILLIONS of U.S. tax dollars that we just can’t afford to spend, money that we just don’t have to spend, and we’re spending it on a nation that is NEVER going to be a peaceful nation, no matter how long we stay there…
Let me ask this of those that say we’re doing, or have done the right thing by going to Iraq as we let Afghanistan slip to the back burner without closing the deal, what is it going to take, what do we have to accomplish for Iraq to have been worth the American lives that have been lost and the tax dollars spent?? What will it take for you to feel that we have received adequate compensation for our efforts??
An Iraqi government that has the guts to stand on it’s own and fight the insurgents with their own troops and logistical support perhaps??
Cheap oil maybe?? And I mean so cheap that we can recoup the over $400 BILLION already spent on this debacle, and the untold BILLIONS yet to be spent?? Is that going to do it for you??
How about we lose another 3,000 or so troops and completely bankrupt America in the process?? Will that work for you, we destroy us to build Iraq into a place that will fall back into it’s old ways the moment we DO walk away??
Would it be a good thing to do another Surge, and this time take it to the entire nation and force the insurgency out of Iraq?? Do you think that’s even possible?? Seriously?? You see, I am of the opinion that the insurgency can be slowed down but it won’t ever be stopped, and once again I will point out, until WE went to Iraq, there was NO insurgency, Saddam was kinda funny about that, he was OK with killing HIS people but he wasn’t going to allow anyone else to do it…
We have been 5 years in Iraq now, a nation the size of Texas, and the most powerful military nation on earth has not achieved a clear cut anything, in Iraq, Afghanistan or anywhere else for that matter, and it’s not because our troops haven’t done their job, it’s because their CiC and his V.P. are making a personal fortune, why stop now??
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March 17th, 2008 at 7:52 pm
I don’t believe there’s any way to stop the insurgency. In this case, one woman with one bomb killed 43 people. Their basically no way to stop a dedicated terrorist.
Right here in America we couldn’t stop the Weathermen. The only way the Uni-bomber got caught is because his brother turned him in, otherwise he would still be living in his oversized doghouse in Montana sending out his packages. Tim McVeigh with a truck load of fertilizer killed over 100 right here in America. Illegal aliens daily cross our borders and we’re not stopping them.
How do you fight against a person who you see daily on the street? They wave to you, talk to you, and even give you baked goods as you pass by. Then one day, as he walks up to you, he detonates a bomb and kills you. You cannot fight against someone like this by being nice. This winning their hearts and minds crap didn’t work in Vietnam and it won’t work in Iraq.
230 years ago the most powerful nation on earth found out that they couldn’t defeat a determined bunch of insurgents. You don’t need technology or might to fight a guerrilla type war, only determination and the willingness to sacrifice yourself against unseeingly odds.
March 17th, 2008 at 8:34 pm
Well, if I had to grade ALL comments that have been made since I opened this site, I would have to say this ranks somewhere pretty damn close to #1…
Excellent analysis Bob, nothing less than excellent…
March 19th, 2008 at 5:42 am
For those who missed it, the rising cost of fuel is yet another sign of a Bush Cheney Mission Accomplished. What mission was that you ask? Why the mission was to create record profits for Bush’s old oil buddies and Cheny’s old corporate buddies. Why do they think the Bush administration went all the way to the supreme court and invoked executive privilege to keep Cheney’s secret deals a secret? So when someone tells you Bush’s legacy is just torture and lying about it you tell them: hogwash. For the first time in history an American president has started a war for the sole purpose of raising corporate and oil profits and it worked! There’s your legacy! In my humble opinion.