Obama Tells Vets No Lower Drinking Age
SCRANTON, Pa. (AP) - Democrat Barack Obama on Monday promised Iraq and Afghanistan war veterans help with their grievances - save one. “I know it drives you nuts. But I’m not going to lower the drinking age,” the presidential candidate said.
Army veteran Ernest Johnson, 23, of Connecticut, said one of the things that peeved him before he turned 21 was that he couldn’t come home and drink a beer - even though he was old enough to serve in the armed services and die for his country.
Obama told Johnson he sympathized, but that setting the legal drinking age at 21 had helped reduce drunken driving incidents and should remain.
The Illinois senator was taping a round-table discussion with eight veterans that is to be broadcast by MTV on the fifth anniversary of the start of the Iraq war.
Full Story Here:
Obama Tells Vets No Lower Drinking Age
Here you go, a prime example of how to lose the military vote in one easy lesson, I hope Obama pisses off every member of the U.S. military, and with any luck, he just might…
Obama is a fool, anyone, and I DO mean anyone that thinks the drinking age should be 21 is a fool and I’ll tell you why, if I am old enough to vote, if I am old enough to serve in the military, if I am old enough to take the life of another human being in the defense of my country, then by God, I am damn sure old enough to have a drink…
And if I am NOT considered to be old enough to have a legal drink at an age where I can be an active military member, then the age of military service needs to be changed to 21 at the minimum, like that’s going to happen…
I fully believe that the legal drinking age should be 18 years of age, if for no other reason than this, if you are old enough to die FOR your country, shouldn’t you be allowed to have a legal drink IN your country??
To me it’s the ultimate hypocrisy to ask a man to carry a rifle, defend this nation and put his life on the line and then tell him he’s NOT man enough to have a cold beer if he wants one, total hypocrisy, and I guess that’s why an asshat like Obama would support not changing the age of legal consent…
Despicable bastard…
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March 17th, 2008 at 9:55 pm
Amen Fred I couldn’t agree with you more on this post.
BTW, did Hussein Obama ever serve in the military or was that for just us “good old Rednecks” that Two Twats hates sooooo much??!!
How come all these monkeys want to tell us how to live and conduct our lives, but haven’t taken the time to learn how to wipe their asses in a trench hole??
Show me how I am wrong here my friend?
‘Nuff said
March 17th, 2008 at 10:12 pm
I was active duty USAF when the military went PC concerning drinking on base. Bases were instructed to follow the states laws where they were at but each base commander was given the authority to allow GI’s under the age of 21 to consume alcoholic beverages for special occasions. At first commanders allowed “underage drinking” at unit functions but that quickly went away.
This has had a very detrimental affect on military way of life on its instillation’s. The military society revolved around its club system: Officers Club, NCO Club, and Airman’s Club. When the young men and women were no longer allowed to drink on base, they quit going to the clubs. When the younger folks quit the club system, the older NCO’s quickly followed. With no younger guys and gals in the club to tell the “how great I am war stories”, what’s the use of going. Although all officers are over the age of 21, their usually aren’t enough to support their own club so they relied on money from the NCO club to keep it going…usually.
Now their aren’t any Officer, NCO, or Airman’s clubs; they’re only All Ranks Clubs with a partition separating the Officer from Enlisted side. The days of the Club being the place to gather after work, to take your spouse to dinner at, and just get together to have a good time have gone by the wayside.
Many folks here won’t understand what that means. Buy to a 26 year retiree, that’s a way of life gone by the wayside. That camaraderie we had within our ranks has gone away at stateside locations. You can only find it now overseas where drinking ages are lower and the young GI’s frequent the clubs, bringing in the older NCO’s and, of course, the women. You can “shoot the shit” with the Sarge, blow off some steam, and all is ok the next day.
BTW, I don’t drink alcohol.
March 17th, 2008 at 10:23 pm
I remember when I was in the military beer machine were installed in the chow halls. Drinking age was 18. Barak Mohamed Hussein Mouslem Obama is just a dick head who thinks he actually has a chance in hell of being commander in chief. Well perhaps if he had ever served his country and had a few beers with the boys he might understand the need to unwind with a cold one now and again.
The military has always been pro alcohol, but for the past 10 years or so. We had a much better bunch of troops then. As posted above by BTW nothing wrong with having a couple with the boss. Actually they become aware of problems that they would have not have know about had lips not been loosened up a little with a couple of drinks.
March 18th, 2008 at 6:54 pm
My mother was Air Force. As a kid I could go into any of the bars/clubs with her or my father and no one cared. I would get a soda and they would have whatever. Those days are long gone.
I don’t have a problem with setting a drinking age. Anyone who takes up the rile of freedom and joins the military at any age should be given every possible freedom without restriction. As for the rest of society, they need rules.
Simply put, if your in the military bring your ID, we are always open. If your a civilian, you got a wait.
March 18th, 2008 at 7:14 pm
When I was in my mid-teens, I made a few dollars as a stockboy in the liquor warehouse in the basement of the base store, at Wright Patterson AFB in Fairborn, Ohio. I used to haul cases of hard liquor out to the trunks of generals’ Cadillacs, driven by their wives. Every case that came down the ramp to the basement had to be opened, inspected, and a decal affixed to EVERY individual bottle. We also broke a few bottles (some of the damned wines had the THINNEST glass I’d ever had the displeasure to smash) and the place frequently smelled like the Dropped Bottle Of The Week. Whew! I also had access to the huge walk-in coolers, and us Underlings soon learned how to make the biggest, most massive ice cream sundaes in the entire world. We never drank there (although, at 18, you could get “near-beer” in Ohio). I can remember the sweetest beer I ever had: my very first. At the time, you couldn’t get Coors east of the Rockies. We had a buddy who smuggled two cases to Ohio. My very first beer was my very first illicit and illegal Coors. Sweeeet!
March 18th, 2008 at 8:45 pm
Obama is lying out of his ass anyway. Drinking age is set by the STATES, not by the Prez. The only thing that the feds can do is withhold money from states that lower the drinking age to 18. And that would raise a stink beyond belief.
March 19th, 2008 at 11:26 am
I don’t think the GI’s are concerned with the drinking age off base as much as on base. The President, as Commander-In-Chief, could lower the drinking age on military instillations to whatever he wanted as military instillations are federal instillations.
In the late 70’s I was stationed at Norton AFB in California where the drinking age was 21 off base. On base the drinking age was 18 for military and their guests. The girls used to line up at the gate hoping some GI’s would sign them on base so they could get into the clubs. Friday and Saturday nights we had live bands and the clubs were packed. The GI’s were in walking distance to their barracks and you didn’t have a lot of problems like you do now when the GI’s go into the local towns and the local boys don’t want them there. And, I don’t remember the young GI’s drinking to get wasted like you see the college boys doing.
March 19th, 2008 at 12:40 pm
And to top it off, there are now a few studies out there saying that raising the drinking age actualy contributes to the abuse problems.