Blast toll in Indian city rises to 80

JAIPUR, India - A series of bomb blasts across the ancient Indian city of Jaipur killed at least 80 people and turned busy markets, a jewelry bazaar and a Hindu temple into scenes of carnage, police said Wednesday.

A.K. Jain, additional director-general of state police, said 20 people succumbed to their injuries overnight, raising the death toll from Tuesday’s blasts to 80.

Nearly 200 other people were wounded in seven explosions within the old walls of the western city known for its pink-hued palaces, Jain said. Police said an eighth bomb was found and defused.

Suspicion quickly fell on Islamic militant groups blamed for a string of attacks in India in recent years.

“Obviously, it’s a terrorist” attack, said A.S. Gill, the police chief of Rajasthan, the state where Jaipur is located. “The way it has been done, the attempt was to cause the maximum damage to human life.”

Full Story Here:
Blast toll in Indian city rises to 80

Has anyone noticed?? The Religion of Peace is always the 1st one suspected when something like this happens??

That’s because the Religion of Peace is none of that, it’s not a religion, at least not one that could be called anything other than a cult, and to call Islam peaceful?? Well, that’s wrong from every angle, there is nothing peaceful about it, they use murder and violence to bring about submission to their way of life, to call themselves peaceful is nothing more than hypocrisy…

I offer sincere sympathies to the people of India in this time of turmoil, America knows, all too well what an attack by The Religion of Peace can do and the pain and suffering it can cause, even if many Americans seem to have forgotten the attacks of 9-11, many of us haven’t…

Within hours of the blasts, authorities were suggesting that blame would eventually fall on Pakistan and the Islamic militant groups that India accuses its neighboring country and longtime rival of backing.

“One can’t rule out the involvement of a foreign power,” said India’s junior home minister, Sriprakash Jaiswal, using language commonly understood to refer to Pakistan.

Jaiswal refused to say if he was talking about Pakistan. But he suggested the bombings were connected to previous attacks on India, saying that “the blasts are part of a big conspiracy.”

The Indians aren’t known for speaking in openly hostile terms, they’re a lot nicer in their way of wording things than Americans are, but the meaning is there, you just have to understand the nuance of Indian speech…

As surely as these bombing have happened in India, they can happen here in the USA, these acts of barbaric homicide bombings can happen anywhere that the Islamic hordes wish to flex their muscle by killing innocent victims, my only surprise is that it hasn’t happened here yet…

I am certain that there will be bleeding hearts that disagree and cry that Islam is only a very misunderstood concept and make their case for turning the other cheek, but my gut feeling is this, we may not have been attacked again simply because there is a fear within the Islamic terrorists, they know that if the USA is struck like that again that there will be armed Americans set on a path of revenge, and that retribution will be swift and deadly, and not too terribly particular in who it takes that retribution upon…

And turning the other cheek usually results in having 2 sore cheeks…

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