Rev. Jesse Jackson Caught Bad-Mouthing Obama

Reverend Apologizes For Remarks Caught On Microphone During Fox Interview

CHICAGO (CBS)  The Rev. Jesse Jackson was caught on a live microphone disparaging Barack Obama’s relationship with African American church-goers.

Jackson, during a break in a Fox News interview, made a very crude statement regarding Obama’s relationship with African Americans after the presidential candidate made several speeches on morality at black churches.

Jackson used a slang term for the male anatomy when commenting about Obama in a conversation when he did not realize a microphone was on.

The reverend moved quickly to apologize to Obama and explain himself to reporters.

“Well, they were hurtful and wrong, that’s the whole point,” Jackson said of his words. “And when you make mistakes you should not equivocate. You should be quick to go into offensive and not try to be evasive. And if it was said to him personally or in some public forum it would be even more hurtful. In this case, my error was responding to a question before a live mic. And so when he does hear them they will not be helpful; they will be hurtful. We have a relationship that can survive this.”

Full Story Here:
Rev. Jesse Jackson Caught Bad-Mouthing Obama

ABC Evening news touched on this briefly, and they also left out the quote that covered exactly what Je$$ie Jack$ said, according to DRUDGE REPORT FLASH: REV. JESSE JACKSON SLAMS OBAMA, WANTS TO ‘CUT HIS N**S OUT’

Now I am only guessing here but I think the good Rev. Jack$on said *NUTS*, but I am only using personal speculation mind you.

According to Drudge, FOXNews will have the full thing on the O’Reilly Report tonight at 8pm/7pm Central.

Don’t ya just love it when the REAL story comes out? :P

A big hat tip to Jenn at Say No To Politically Correct B.S. for having this posted, I found it while reading her wonderful blog.

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10 Responses to Rev. Jesse Jackson Caught Bad-Mouthing Obama

  1. Lonely Conservative says:

    Jesse Jackson is a race baiter, plain and simple. He always has been and always will be. I guess Obama isn’t black enough for him. Or maybe the very little Obama has said about fathers being responsible for their children upset him. Heaven forbid a guy takes care of his own offspring. Then the kids may not need the government.

  2. Wicked Step Mother says:

    I was watching Bill O’Reilly on “The O’Reilly Factor” on Fox News Channel Wednesday night. He had a couple of guy’s, one of them being radio talk-show host Warren Ballentine, discussing the topic of the Righteous Rev. Jesse Jackson’s conversation caught on an open mic stating what he would like to do to Obama and that Obama was “talking down to black people.” Mr. Ballentine made the remark that the Righteous Mr. Jackson “misspoke.” He did not misspeak and boy is he crawfishing…..he just let his alligator mouth over load his tadpole ass.

  3. Bushwack says:

    I wonder what would happen if a WHITE reverend made that comment about Obama? Hell what if you or I would have said it?

    See it’s the good rev jackass that makes a “Mistake” all he should have to do is say sorry and move on. OH but if someone else of a different color makes a statement, “It’s a RACIST remark and we want retribution, an apology is not going to set a good enough example”

    Investing in precious metals.

  4. TexasFred says:

    Bushwack, I’ll tell ya right now, if a WHITE man had said this, Asshole Jack$on would be calling for the Secret Service to pick him up for making threats of bodily harm against the Obamessiah..

    All this is?? Just another case of racial hypocrisy, a case in which the black man can say anything in regards to another black man and an apology will suffice…

  5. Ray says:

    Mr. Jesse Jackson is purely a news hound. He loves to see his picture on T.V. and on print. He serves no purpose what so ever. With his lovely background fathering an illegitimate child, I really cannot see the title of Rev.

    He would do better to stay at home, and leave matters which require some intelligence to those that have intelligence.

  6. RTaylor says:

    I never laughed so hard in my life - watching Jesse on O’Reilly tonight - didn’t know Obama had any….

  7. Katie says:

    So Jackson wants Obama’s nuts. There is a long line for him to stand in. I’m somewhere in the middle, I understand that Hillary is at the front of the line with a very, sharp knife in her hand.

  8. Basti says:

    Wait until Jackson calls Obama a ‘High Yaller’ or accuses him of trying to ‘pass’. Ain’t no one can insult one of the ‘Mud people (Muddies)’ like another ‘Muddie’.

  9. Lee says:

    We should all chip in to buy Jesse a small pair of clippers … after which, he’d have a couple of little items to raffle off in the next Obama fund raiser. We need a President with BIG KAHONIES … elect Senator John McCain President in November.

  10. AtTheWaterCooler says:

    Looks like the trackbacks may not be working?

    Hat tip: Texas Fred Reverend Apologizes For Remarks Caught On Microphone During Fox Interview

    It is unfortunate that Jesse Jackson values partisanship more than he values his opinion … as he has more or less repented

    Partisanship vs truth … Open Microphone picks up Jesse Jackson real feelings.

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