Folks, we are taking a few days off, I will be back Saturday morning, good Lord willing and the river don’t rise, we’re going to Louisiana, my twin girls, fraternal twins, are graduating Thursday night so we’re off to Cajun country…
Both will be starting Nursing School in the fall, following in the footsteps of their Grandmother and Great Grandmother…
Here’s pics of my babies, Sharon and Lisa, except they’re not babies any longer…
Comments on ALL threads will be held for moderation until I return, have a nice 3 or 4 days, I’ll be back soon…
Congrats Fred and the girls, Lord knows we can use more nurses….. good career choice.
Congrats to the young ladies Fred! I am sure you guys are very proud of them. Ya’ll have a great time.
Beautiful young ladies Fred. Congrats.
Finally Fred! You and me can absolutely agree on something. Those are two special gals. God bless them both.
Congrats to your girls. Have a good time.
Good lookers! I know you are proud of them. Have a good trip and be safe.
Have a safe trip cuz….my best to the girls….
Congrats to Sharon and Lisa for graduating. Good luck to them in their future endeavors and have fun in Louisiana. What part of Louisiana was this and from where did they graduate?
I just wanted to thank all of you on behalf of my sister and myself for all of your encouragement, support, and kind words. It was a 12 year journey but well worth it.