HERMOSILLO, Mexico (AP) — Police and Mexican army troops arrested four members of a criminal assault force that overran a town near the Arizona border and set off gunbattles and executions that left at least 22 dead in violence linked to drug cartels.
Luis Pena Molina, town secretary of Banamichi, said Thursday that “helicopters are combing the whole area” looking for the remnants of the estimated 50 gunmen who assaulted the nearby town of Cananea, 20 kilometers (30 miles) south of the U.S. border. He said four gunmen had been detained.
The violence began Wednesday, when men armed with assault rifles and riding in 10 to 15 vehicles pulled four lightly armed city police officers out of their cars and executed them in a park.
The assailants fled to the nearby hills with authorities in pursuit. The gunmen ditched their vehicles, commandeered horses and forced ranch hands to serve as guides, according to an account from a man abducted by the armed gang.
What happens when these gangs of drug cartel people decide they are strong enough to take a small border town on the U.S. side of the border?? What then??
The libs and the left piss and moan about ‘pre-emptive war’, well, this is one of those times when a bit of pre-emptive might be a really good thing, now whether our own Little Prince will see it that way is an entirely different story, but it’s going to happen, a cartel faction WILL cross the border and pull this crap on our side, my surprise is the fact that it hasn’t happened already, they ARE here you know…
While President Felipe Calderon has dispatched thousands of army troops to fight the cartels, critics say troops trained for battle should not be acting as police officers.
And to some extent, I agree with that line but if your crime problem is out of control, and Mexico’s is, and if your adversary is armed to the teeth with everything an attacking army will have, and the cartels are, what are your options?? Some group of Mexican police that are poorly trained, lightly armed and likely on the payroll of at least one of the various cartels involved??
The official National Human Rights Commission said Tuesday that there was credible evidence that some of the newly deployed troops committed rapes, illegal searches and other rights abuses.
And it seems that in the case of Mexico, perhaps the troops aren’t a good option either, but you know, our National Guard is one hell of an option, especially if they are actually allowed to carry weapons, with real ammunition, and grenade launchers, and shoulder fired missiles, mines, UAV support, satellite support and all that goes WITH supporting a war zone, and folks, we are really close to living in a war zone in the border states, and the closer you get to the border, the worse it gets…
We have got to close the border folks, the Bush administration and both Houses seem to ignore that fact, they can pass all the comprehensive immigration reform they like but there will always be ILLEGAL invaders, our border is too wide open for it to happen otherwise, because much the same as we fight the war in Iraq, we protect our borders as we try desperately to not offend anyone…
It’s OUR border and OUR nation and if OUR President won’t take that issue seriously, if he will not give the order to shut the border down, if he won’t take the appropriate measures to effectively defend this nation 1st and foremost, then he, and his followers, are not the American Patriots they would have us to believe they are, and if some weak-assed, no meat on it’s bones immigration bill gets passed, the exact same thing goes for every elected official that voted FOR it…
Full Story Here:
Mexico arrests 4 gunmen after battles near Ariz. kill 22
We need a massive project here in the United States. Big projects bring Americans together. We watch the progress daily on the News. They employ thousands of Americans and the supply chain needed to accomplish these types of projects employs hundred of thousands of Americans.
It’s all good….
It’s good for you, me and the entire nation.
Huge projects make us proud to be Americans and they show the World that we can do anything we put our minds too.
Remember how this country felt when we completed Hoover Dam?
I have an idea for a Great New American Project that will benefit each and everyone of us…
Build the Fucking Wall!
I could not agree more…
And then we need to man it and arm it and kill ANYTHING that approaches it…
Since we won’t let our troops fight a ‘real war’ in Iraq I suggest we being them home and point them South to Mexico City. See how the ‘beaners’ feel about some ‘counter foreign interlopers’.
You gotta be kidding…
That nutless SOB in the White House isn’t going to do anything to endanger his beaner buddies…
He’ll let America die and go to hell but he won’t hurt his Mexican amigos…
Then build a wall around him and tell him to stay the Hell out of the way. Lead, follow or get out of the way
This is bullshit!! They will be coming across the Az and Texas borders as they get more bold and more weapons and what will they find there…our national guard with no weapons..what crap!!!
When did the politicians lose their gonads and their integrity and sell us out?
What do we have to do besides forming groups like the Minutemen who are now roaming the borders with weapons for self protection?
National guard my butt..they are border watchers and have to run at the first sign of conflict…not their faults though…its our Potus fault and the other elected officials who are taking our country and ramming it down the toilet.
’nuff said….sigh.
Screw the President. He has committed treason to his oath in the opinion of many, not just myself.
The time has come, in my opinion, for Americans everywhere, to train, and form up militia’s, as is provided for in the Constitution of these United States. As we have done here in Colorado. Wimps talk about vigilantes when the people that do the jobs the wimps refuse to do.
Our leaders, past and present, have failed us. This is not just a border state problem. It is everywhere, period. I am not advocating killing women, kids, and those that have only crossed the border illegally. But I am saying that we, the American people need to just plain suck it up, and start shooting the ones that are a direct threat to our nation.
The rest will “self deport” spontaneously once that starts happening.
Then, YOU, need to show up for jury duty. And find anyone charged, not guilty. No matter the Prosecutors plea. But, in the jury statement, find the Prosecutor, “Guilty of improper abuse of authority, constituting, treason to the oath of office.”
We need to start hanging our politicians for their major foul up’s. The lessor mistakes need, at minimum, a thorough Tar & Feathering.
And this is just this issue folks… Don’t even get me started on Judges…
We have shown Washington that more agents makes a secure border. The El Paso sector is almost completely secured. After 5 border watches.
Pre-emptive? I’d say we have already been attacked on our soil, so what would be pre-emptive? I’d call it self defense.