Report: Players turning in guns to NFL personnel after Belcher incident

Report: Players turning in guns to NFL personnel after Belcher incident

It’s been a rough few weeks around the NFL, with an NFL player dying in tragic — and perhaps avoidable — circumstances each of the last two Saturdays. It remains to be seen how Jerry Brown’s death affects the Cowboys’ approach to player safety, but it’s clear that Jovan Belcher’s decision to kill his girlfriend and then take his own life is having a positive effect on gun-owning players around the NFL. SOURCE

Let’s take a look at this in a line by line type analysis.

“It’s been a rough few weeks around the NFL, with an NFL player dying in tragic — and perhaps avoidable — circumstances each of the last two Saturdays.”

As players in the NFL these guys have NO excuse for driving drunk; if they want to *party* they can afford a Limo and driver. To tie the death of Jerry Brown into this story is tremendously insincere in my opinion, both Brown and Josh Brent made a horrendous decision, Brent decided to drive drunk and Brown decided to ride with him.

That is FREE WILL folks, nothing more, and neither player can say that they didn’t know better. Well, Brown can’t say anything, he’s dead.

The point is, Brown was killed in an alcohol related accident, his death had nothing to do with GUNS in any way and in MY opinion CBS Sports is only using Brown’s death to advance their own anti-gun agenda.

“But it’s clear that Jovan Belcher’s decision to kill his girlfriend and then take his own life is having a positive effect on gun-owning players around the NFL.”

A positive effect? I’m not so sure that’s how I would look at it, but given the content of the next few lines, maybe, in some instances, it really has been a positive happening, but I’m not some anti-gun bleeding heart libber.

So, according to Peter King “at least seven” players have turned in their guns. That’s a good thing if you’re an anti-gun person I suppose, and in reality, these NFL guys can have some seriously well trained security personnel all around them if they need that kind of protection.

One player even reportedly turned in multiple guns, apparently telling the personnel he turned the guns in to that he simply didn’t trust himself.

Here is where the brutal honesty I am known for comes in; many of these NFL guys aren’t too terribly smart. Many aren’t too far removed from the thug life, ghetto life, whatever LIFE it is you want to call it, and *street creds* go hand in hand with the THUG image many want to project.

I do have to say, if this player believes he can’t trust himself with a gun then he is probably correct.

If he has anger issues that make him feel that way he needs to deal with those issues, and I have to respect the idea that he recognizes his possible weakness, but he needs to seek help and address those issues and lay them to rest before he has an anger attack and uses some other method to strike out at the target of his anger.

Seven players doesn’t even comprise a single unit of a football team, but hearing that a player gave up his guns because he didn’t trust himself is ultimately positive news, if a bit jarring at first. Seriously: It means the Belcher incident impacted the way someone who carries a gun sees himself in light of said firearm possession.

And again, I say that person needs to address more than his carrying a gun and lack of personal trust and responsibility. There are some seriously DEEP issues at play here.

Guns, as the saying goes, don’t kill people. People misusing guns kills people. And the more people who don’t trust themselves with guns who are setting down their guns, the better off everyone will be.

Better off right up until the time that some homicidal maniac loses control of his anger and discovers that a rock, a ball bat, a hammer, a knife, a plethora of other inanimate objects can kill another human just as dead as a gun; albeit without the efficiency.

Keep the topic on course, a MAD MAN killed his girlfriend and took his own life, that is one maniac, one person committing murder with a gun, while at the same time MILLIONS of legal, sane and responsible gun owners killed no one.

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8 Responses to Report: Players turning in guns to NFL personnel after Belcher incident

  1. Bloviating Zeppelin says:

    This is just so much rentoon-rentoon-rentoon.

    People that want to hurt themselves will. With a rock, with a gun, by driving a railroad spike into their ear with a ballpeen hammer. Whatever.

    People that drive drunk will drive drunk. People that drink and do drugs will drink and do drugs. The same people that boo-hoo-hoo about guns and drunk football players are the same coneheads that just made marijuana legal in Colorado and Washington. That’ll go well.

    The bulk of the newest generation(s) is/are self-absorbed because that’s how they were raised by the culture, by helicopter GOWP parents, and catered-to and coddled.

    This is just so much over-reactive PAP which WILL be used by Leftists and “Progressives” (We know how to run your life better than you do!) to help REMOVE more of your freedoms.

    Asshats may ask: “so that includes your right to down a bottle of Ketel One?”

    In a word: yes. It sure as hell does. Stay the fuck out of my life and go back to your own navel-gazing.


  2. Katie says:

    How many football players have beaten their wives/girlfriends? How many have killed the same with their fists, knives, cars, etc… any way but with a gun. More than 10 I bet you. Yet I don’t see anyone condemning them for that.

    Now if Belcher’s girlfriend had a gun, he would be dead and she would be explaining to the police how he got those fatal bullets in him while he was beating her.

    But she would be alive.

  3. TexasFred says:

    I found this on The Dallas Morning News, and thought it VERY telling!

    Witness: Josh Brent abandoned Jerry Brown, rescued him after being begged

  4. BobF says:

    The FBI did report that the #1 weapon used in violent crime is a baseball bat.

  5. NativeSon says:

    Dear NFL,
    Since the 7+ guns you have recently come in possession of are LIKELY to go off unexpectedly and KILL or MAIM someone-PLEASE, for EVERYONE’S safety (and my betterment) send them either FedEX or UPS to (insert my address here). I have developed a talent for training them to ONLY go off when I instruct them to-I have over 50 years of a PERFECT RECORD and therefore, consider my “gun training” skills to be very effective!

    Thank you, and I am happy to provide this service to you and your players.

    Most Sincerely,


    P.S. If any firearms come in at a later time-please feel free to ship them to me as well. :)

  6. the unit says:

    In these two cases we got alcohol, cars, wheels, fuel to propel, gun, ammunition, maybe drugs, what else? Now states oking thc in smokes. “Behind every successful man is his little woman, behind each failed successful man is the other woman.” It’s the zippers fault.

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