Christian group awaits fiery Wednesday apocalypse

Edited: 10-08-15 @ 2:14PM
Christian group awaits fiery Wednesday apocalypse

Tomorrow is the day a U.S.-based Christian group has long maintained would be the last day on Earth.

For at least two years, the Philadelphia-based online church eBible Fellowship has preached that Wednesday will see the biblically-foretold end times, when the non-faithful perish in a final flaming rapture.

An eBible YouTube video posted in March said, “There is biblical evidence that the annihilation of every transgressor will occur on October 7, 2015.”

In an interview with the Guardian, eBible leader Chris McCann reiterated that claim and said he was preparing for the very special day. The Earth, he said citing biblical verse, will end in fire. SOURCE

While you’re contemplating this fiery day of death and destruction you could consider sending me all of your gold, diamonds and so forth, you know, just in case I’m all that’s left once the apocalypse is over and done.

In the meantime, enjoy this, and I could have used *Eve of Destruction* or *The End of the world* by REM:

And remember, I didn’t predict this, I’m just looking out for my family, friends and dear readers; just in case.

TexasFred Note: These fakes, charlatans, hucksters, snake oil salesmen, whatever you want to call them, should be ashamed of themselves for duping people into believing this incredible BULLSHIT they spew. They aren’t ashamed though, they live in their mansions, drive fine cars and eat wonderful meals while their followers, in many cases, live in abject poverty because THEY were stupid enough to buy it. We’re ALL still here and another scam has been played out on a small segment of America.

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14 Responses to Christian group awaits fiery Wednesday apocalypse

  1. Ron Stabb says:

    Hopefully the asteroid will just hit Philly. That shit-hole needs to be demolished and start over.

  2. BobF says:

    I get a kick out of these types. In Matthew, chapter 24, Jesus said only God the Father knows the day and hour.

  3. Wayne says:

    I like all of Johnny Cashes’ songs. My favorite is the song he did with Willie Nelson. If your goin to the north country fair. Oh, I hope I see you on the other side Fred. (just in case)

  4. TexasFred says:

    Just so everyone know; I am STILL hanging out in Texas… The apocalypse has NOT happened yet…. LMAO 😛

  5. Wayne says:

    All is well so far here in Florida, Thank y’all for the b day wishes. I too believe that only The Father knows when time is up.

    • TexasFred says:

      I am so glad you made it… If you had died for some other reason you might never have known, or cared if these moonbats really got their apocalypse…

      I can’t wait to hear their reasoning now… LMAO

  6. Petermc3 says:

    Well here it is October 8th, John Lennon’s 75th birthday, and Philadelphia remains one of the nation’s many cities relegated to toilet bowl status thanks to the democrats municipal management style. Maybe those religious nuts should check out the Mayan calendar before predicting the end in the future.

    • TexasFred says:

      Anyone on earth, Christian or otherwise, that predicts the *End of the World* is a nut… And somehow, I just don’t see this Philly bunch as *Christian*, real or otherwise…

      • Ron Stabb says:

        All the Christians in Philly came and went with the Pope. Back to normal in that shit hole.

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