I received this via email from a friend, so, no link for citation, but it looks pretty accurate to me and is being posted for your reading enjoyment.

Damn, they got me again…
Is Barack Hussein Obama Dumb, Stupid or Clueless? I am of the opinion that he has all three covered quite well.
You may recall that a while back, Barack Hussein Obama spoke of three former Presidents, making prisoner swaps at the end of wars that took place on their watch, “much like this swap” he said convincingly.
CNN carried this quote; “This is what happens at the end of wars…”
President Barack Obama boasted when he was asked about swapping an American Army SGT and deserter for five vicious Taliban terrorists, “That was true for George Washington that was true for Abraham Lincoln and that was true for FDR. That’s been true of every combat situation, that at some point, you make sure that you try to get your folks back & that’s the right thing to do…”
That statement blatantly demonstrates that the most powerful man in the world and two term President of the United States lacks even a grade school level of knowledge of American History; specifically, history as it relates to three of our most famous presidents and it demonstrates again that the Democrats essentially elected a foreigner who has no understanding of the very country that he reigns supreme over.
Then again, he was educated at an IVY League school so you can’t expect too much!
What’s wrong with his statements? Let’s keep it simple — EVERYTHING is WRONG!
1. George Washington did not become President until six years after the Revolutionary War ended in 1783. By 1789, there were no longer any prisoners for him to exchange.
2. Abraham Lincoln was assassinated in mid-April of 1865. The Civil War ended the following month. He was still dead at that time. No deals were made to exchange prisoners after the war. All prisoners were simply freed.
3. FDR died of a stroke before the end of WWII. Like Lincoln, he stayed dead after the war so he couldn’t do what this jerk says he did. You’ll recall that Harry S. Truman made the decision to drop two nuclear bombs on Japan, ending World War II. He made no deals for prisoners. We went in and released them when necessary.
4. None of the Presidents that Obama noted, were in office at the ends of those wars, making it impossible for them to make any sort of prisoner swaps, let alone the 5 for 1, plus unspecified cash, for a deserter & traitor by our “57 States” President.
5. It should be pointed out that countless Deserters & Traitors were shot or hung during all three of the aforementioned wars. What amazes one even more than the ignorance of the President is that he has managed to surround himself with a staff that is just as clueless or willing, as the media are, to cover for his dumb, lying rhetoric and behavior!
P.S. Obama mentioned while being interviewed on a Super Bowl Sunday while in the White House kitchen, that George Washington drank beer in the White House when he was President.
George Washington never lived in the White House; it wasn’t built yet.
I’m not saying that a Republican can’t or won’t make stupid statements but consider this; what kind of BS would we get from Hillary Clinton or Bernie Sanders?
Vote Republican!
I give up. I’m getting so old when they find me they’ll say “his laptop was over his ‘head.’ ” And please no autopsy.
Presenting these end of war facts, liberal relative says…so what, who would know that.?
And as for being unchristian to build walls…”Francis didn’t build that wall around the Vatican.”
But surely Barry Hussein Muhammed Bin Obama surely must know the United States started WW II by dropping an atomic bomb on Japan in 1802, no? After all as a foreign exchange student he attended Occidental, Columbia and Harvard.
Yep it happened that way…movin’ West. Deserves an apology and bow in the East.
I think he went to ACCIDENTAL college. The worst part, is NOT ONE SINGLE reporter calls him out on this. They are either as ignorant as he, or they simply don’t say anything. God forbid someone tells the king he has no clothes.
But let a republican president say the sky is blue, and the media shout for weeks that this is stupid, as the sky is not really blue, but in fact aqua and how could he not know this and on and on.
The media is the WORST and the most complicit in this conversion of America to communism. They are supposed to stop this type of nonsense and tell We The People about what is really happening. Now, they are no better than Hitler and Goebbel’s ministry of propaganda.
There are several things that need to happen soon. 1st, there needs to be TERM LIMITS imposed on Congress with no Retirement or benefits for life. 2nd, there needs to be a new Federal Prison built on the North Slope of Alaska to house all of the Criminals in Congress that have been or are continuing to steal from the American Taxpayers in overwhelming numbers. And 3rd, there needs to be two new laws enacted for the Halfrican, Disturbing the Peace by Stupidity and Theft of Oxygen.
Deron you must have ad block +. Ad I get is cockroaches can hold their breath for 40 minutes. Then they put out concentrated CO2 and methane. Answer… #Liberal Cockroaches lives don’t matter. Step on one near you. It’s a beautiful sound that call that goes crunch when lights turned on and you know you sent one to Allah. Don’t slip now. I had to slow it down in recent years. Plus I got rid of lots so now my foot has gone to sleep when one shows up here. I have to stomp with my cane. I get range practice in the kitchen. Bo Gritz would be proud of my proficiency.
Millennials and Leftists come from an X-Files Reality: “I want to believe.”
THEY are what I call the Religious Left. They BELIEVE in global warming so it must be true. They WANT to believe everything that comes out of Obama’s mouth because he is, after all, our first black president and his reality is theirs as well.
Facts and history can simply go to hell. Facts and history do not nicely interweave with their promoted narrative.
That’s what’s really sad in America. Millions will believe what he said is factual without even thinking it through.
He is and was a Community Organizer. What part of that job description don’t American’s get?
Bathhouse Barry Soetoro was paraded around by his Chicago mentors ith $$ from Soros and Resko.
Barry Bathhouse was and still is a homosexual. He will die sometime and then, maybe then his real existence will become popular.
Barry’s so-called wife is and always been window dressing for his managed political successes.The children produced may just also be window dressing.
Everything about this leaving president has been theater.
Once Barry whomever is gone, our political stance and character will change back to normal, and hopefully this type of phoniness will end completely.
Maybe it does take a Donald Trump type to clear it all out!
How do we know he really went to an Ivy League school? No one has seen his records. He should have been Impeached and the Trial over long ago
One thing I do NOT get is how a president can be allowed to seal his records. How can he not produce a REAL birth certificate. When I applied to be a police officer, I had to submit VERIFIED transcripts from all of my schools. Not copies…actual and REAL transcripts. And I had to submit my actual and real birth certificate. NOT a copy or an image of it, but the actual one created the day I was born…in person. I had to submit a real hard copy of my social security card, and because there was a question on it, I spent months with the state getting it fixed and re-submitted to my agency BEFORE I could be hired.
And I was only a cop. This is the PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, and We The People are NOT allowed to see his transcripts, his actual birth certificate, or anything about his life.
Barry has spent MILLIONS of DOLLARS to keep We The People from seeing who he really is, and over half of the population of America is okay with that? His social security card was issued from a state he has never lived or worked in. The birth certificate the whitehouse released to the public has been proven beyond any doubt to have been altered. There are publication notices and school applications stating that obama was not born in America, and no one questions this, and states it was only a mistake. Imagine if I made a mistake and said I was foreign born on my application for college. And that info was used to my benefit. I would be persecuted. But nope, simply mistake and if you I question it, I am a racist.
There are way too many people that have come forward claiming obama is gay…including boyfriends and love trists. Some of them ended up mysteriously dead. As in dead and not unlike certain business associates of the clintons that have also ended up dead. Hell, even barry’s own grandmother says he was born in kenya. If anyone should know, it would be her…right?
Now, I have seen lots of articles and photos showing that obama is definitely a muslim. Yet he claims to be christian. When did he change and why. And if he is a christian, the church he went to is run by an American hating, white hating, capitalist hating loudmouth, that has no issue admitting his hatred. And yet, obama claims he did not know this. How could he not? This was the church he not only attended, but was married in, and had his children baptized in.
Both of his fathers were commies, his mother was a commie, his grandparents were commies, his mentor was a commie, he admitted to choosing communists as his friends, his professors, and the people he learned from. His closest friend that helped in start his political campaign is an admitted hater of America who has blown up govt buildings and is a cop killer. These are not opinion, they are fact…verifiable facts. Yet those that love obama simply stick their fingers in their ears and yell “racist, racist, RACIST” over and over as they refuse to listen to anything than what they want to believe as true….facts be damned. And not only did over half the America people vote for him, they re-voted for him for a second term.
You know, I have to wonder something. What is worse? obama or the people who voted for him? We can survive obama. But, can we survive a majority population that voted for obama? After all, the people who voted for obama fall into one of three categories. Those that hate America and want communism. Those that are truly ignorant and easily manipulation low-info voters, and niggers.
obama is a faggot, a muslim, a racist, a commie, a liar, and a crook. He hates capitalism, christianity, white people, our Constitution, and America. Everything he has ever said or done proves it.
And yes, he is stupid as hell. He is a puppet. That is why he needs multiple teleprompters for everything he says. I bet his teleprompter has to tell him to take a breath every few seconds, lest he suffocate. The moment he goes off book or his teleprompter goes off, he vomits stupidity with every utterance. You can almost hear the collective puckering of assholes from all of obama’s handlers when his teleprompter quits working. He was chosen as president puppet simply because of the color of his skin. They had the idea that the moment anyone questioned what they were having obama do, they could simply point and yell “racist” and it would shut down the opponents. Boy, were they right or what?
I hope one day all will be revealed. I wish I had a time machine so I could either go back in time to the hospital he claimed to have been born at and see if he was really there. Or go attend one of his classes with him, or read his homework assignments or his law review articles. Follow him around with a hidden camera as he visits bathhouses.
One day, I really do hope we find out….I really do. I want history to judge obama truthfully.
The man is a faggot, the man is a muslim, the man is a communist
Think of this. I had a secret security clearance while in the military. If I was an admitted drug user and had kept company with admitted domestic terrorists, I would have been denied my clearance and most likely kicked out of the military. Today we have a man as president who has admitted drug use and kept company with domestic terrorists. I only maintained nuclear armed B-52’s while this guy carries the nuclear football and is the sole authority of launching a nuclear attack. Talk about being screwed up.
Knowing my U.S. history as I do, I really must disagree with parts of this article. Which, by-the-way, has been around ever since the Obungler made his statements on the Berghdahl swap fiasco back in June ’14. I too could not find its original source but I remember reading this before. Now, the facts:
1. George Washington did not become President until six years after the Revolutionary War ended in 1783. By 1789, there were no longer any prisoners for him to exchange. [PARTIALLY TRUE! However, Washington and the British did perform naval prisoner swaps during the revolutionary war.]
2. Abraham Lincoln was assassinated in mid-April of 1865. The Civil War ended the following month. He was still dead at that time. No deals were made to exchange prisoners after the war. All prisoners were simply freed. [PARTIALLY TRUE! Although Lincoln was assassinated on April 14, 1865, 5 days after the war ended with Lee’s surrender on April 9, 1865. There were no prisoner swaps except for a brief period of time in 1862 and not again until just 4 months before the end of the war. Both were enacted only because of lack of facilities to house them. Union forces frequently released Confederate prisoners throughout the war with the promise that they would not take up arms against the union again.]
3. FDR died of a stroke before the end of WWII. Like Lincoln, he stayed dead after the war so he couldn’t do what this jerk says he did. You’ll recall that Harry S. Truman made the decision to drop two nuclear bombs on Japan, ending World War II. He made no deals for prisoners. We went in and released them when necessary. [PARTIALLY TRUE! There were some, but few, prisoner swaps during WWII between the U.S. and the Axis powers, mostly between emigre prisoners from Axis countries for American citizens held in Axis countries]
4. None of the Presidents that Obama noted, were in office at the ends of those wars, making it impossible for them to make any sort of prisoner swaps, let alone the 5 for 1, plus unspecified cash, for a deserter & traitor by our “57 States” President. [PARTIALLY TRUE! As stated above]
P.S. Obama mentioned while being interviewed on a Super Bowl Sunday while in the White House kitchen, that George Washington drank beer in the White House when he was President. George Washington never lived in the White House! It wasn’t built yet. [TRUE! But he did brew beer at his home in Mt. Vernon - Had’ta be where ole George drank beer while watching his Super Bowls]
As I stated above: I received this via email from a friend, so, no link for citation, but it looks pretty accurate to me and is being posted for your reading enjoyment.
It was a read, laugh, enjoy post, I DO those on occasion….
I’m sort of where Wayne was a week ago. It happens. Everyday. Somewhere. And nope doesn’t qualify for state or federal assistance. So far only asking for water, food, clothes in local assistance. Church coordinated. No calls for $ yet. Town will set up some sort of program where maybe $ can be donated safely.
Then couple of cold nights later in early morning four children burned to death.
Shouldn’t get political, but wonder what Bernie’s plan, or Hillary’s or the Gope’s will be?
Oh, I thought about it a few minutes. Bring in more non-citizens to take their place and on government subsistence.