Caption This…

Caption This

Go ahead, give it your best shot, and as usual, nothing is off limits, but please, only one entry per person…

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19 Responses to Caption This…

  1. TexasFred says:

    I wasn’t thinkin’, I asked Cheney, “Say Dick, how’d ya get that moniker, Dick??” and damn, he pulled it out and showed me, it was THIS long…

  2. Debbie says:

    Oops. I forgot my Depends today.

  3. Bloviating Zeppelin says:

    “This man and a parrot walk into a bar. . .”


  4. Ranando says:

    “I shoved the U.S. Constitution up my ass about this far and I’ve got to tell you, It’s hard work”.

  5. Miss Beth says:

    Seriously, folks, down there on the border, there really IS a chupacabra and the babies are THIS BIG. That oughta take care of them there illegals!

  6. silent e says:

    Have you SEEN the size of Pelosi’s ass???? and I’m being nice…..

  7. gunz says:

    “Oh yes, you have too praise the troops in speeches, when you’re slashing veterans’ benefits and combat pay.”

  8. Rorschach says:

    “Larry Craig claims his stance is this wide, but I have a hard time believing that ANYONE’s stance is that wide.”

  9. Jenn says:

    “I bumped into Hillary the other day, in our new politically correct multi-sex bathrooms on The Hill and her wang was this big, bigger than Bill’s; from what Putin told me. I did however notice a surprising lack of balls.”

  10. R Willey says:

    “Ya Know….how I ever made it into the white house is beyond me! I really got to hand it to that B.S. artist Karl Rove……..I mean it’s like without him………I’d just be down in Crawford clearin’ brush.

  11. serr8d says:

    Hey, I did this one already!

    “You know, you hear things about Mr. Barack Hussein Obama, but you can’t really believe anything based on things racial…”

  12. Brad Marston says:

    Well, compared to listening to me talk, can you really consider waterboarding torture?

  13. Faultline USA says:

    Of course I’m logically consistent. Iraq, the war on terror, and my open borders support for the NAFTA highway . . . what’s inconsistent about that?

  14. Bull Jones says:

    silent e wins in my book!

  15. Kate says:

    My vote, for what it’s worth, goes to Jenn. :)

  16. GUYK says:

    yeah, its THIS long but I just ain’t got the balls to match it

  17. TexasFred says:

    LMAO… Site Meter doesn’t lie, I am guessing Amy is cussing me like a dog right about now…

  18. Bloviating Zeppelin says:

    I think Jenn’s is purty darn good.


  19. Patrick Sperry says:

    My Brother…
    I am tossing this, into the stupid is as stupid does category…

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