How do you spell the crazy Libyan dictator’s name? He has been around for years and nobody can seem to agree on a proper English spelling. Some use a “Q” and others use a “K” or a “G.” Whatever the spelling the namesake is an embattled terroristic dictator hoping to keep his regime in power. But let us explore possibilities.
1. Kadafi
2. Kaddafi
3. Khaddaffi
4. Gadafi
5. Gaddafi
6. Gaddaffi
7. Kadafie
8. Kadaffy
9. Qadafi
10. Qadaffi
11. Qaddaffi
12. Qaddaffy
13. Quaddaffie
14. Gaddaffie
15. Ghadafy
16. Cadaffy
17. Caddaffie
18 Quadaffee
19. Qaadaghi
20. Kaddaffii
21. Gadaffie
22. Khaddaffy
24. Quadaghi
25. Chuadafi
26. Quethaphi
27. Kuaddaffii
28. Cqudafy
29. Kuedafy
30. Guadghi
31. Dgadaffi
32. Quadafphy
33. Cadaufy
34. Quhdafy
35. Guhdaphy
36. Ckadaghy
37. Qadaphi
38. Chaddaffiee
39. Cuadafii
40. Gaduphie
41. Quedaffee
42. Khaudaufy
43. Cadallghi
44. Qaaddaaffii
45. Gadafly
46. Goofdaffy
47. Coughdaffy
48. Kudahfy
49. Quadaffee
50. Khadhafy
I don’t know if we will ever figure it out? I think “sick and twisted evil man going to hell” is the best spelling.
Now, here’s something I am sure no one knows…why his name is Muammar Muhammad al-Gaddafi.
Because batshit crazy megalomaniac sociopath was already taken.
Anyee or awl thoses sphellings luk corewreckt 2 mee.
I know how to spell it, or at least have a few ideas that should work.
USMC target practice! <-I like this one best!
51. Qadaffy. You are suppose to add duck after it.
Katie — LMAO.. Good one..
I wonder if he has 50 ways to lose his lover?
I spell it “SorryassMuslimgoatFuckinpedophileworshippintyrantwhodressesfunny”