Mayor John Harper vs The World — Part VII
I guess folks are wondering WHY I missed a day in the continuing saga of a Mayor under siege. Well, frankly, because he didn’t do or say anything worth reporting.
That has changed.
This morning I became the recipient of an email from several concerned sources that wanted to make sure that I knew that Hizzoner was at it again, attacking the City Manager, Ms. Lynda Humble, and portraying himself as The Victim of a Council and city that is out to get him.
Hizzoner sent this out as a PRESS RELEASE, and since some folks consider bloggers to be a part of the press, ie: Journalists, I was made privy to that release.
What follows is apparently considered by Hizzoner to be a PRESS RELEASE, some of us are of the opinion that it’s just another chapter in John Harper’s Manifesto.
Statement from Mayor Harper
Rowlett City Manager Lynda Humble today announced the agenda for the April 5 City Council Meeting. The agenda amounts to a “political lynching” of the Mayor! The Rowlett City Council wants to stop your Mayor from speaking out about their failures to keep their promises to control spending and not increase taxes or fees. They want me to resign instead. They are not hearing the voice of the people.
I very likely will step down from my post as Mayor. I am considering the most appropriate time to do that and still do my best for the citizens of Rowlett. I want to be sure that my message is heard by all the citizens and not drowned out by special interest groups who want to continue the status quo.
My message is simple. I have prepared a Fact Sheet which cites sufficient factual incidents (there are more) to show that this City Council is not listening to the citizens. Taken individually, each incident might not seem too concerning. However, taken together, it is very disconcerting. Where are the kept promises? Will this continue into the future?
It is time for change. It is time to elect new council members who will keep their promises. You have choices for the upcoming election. Choose change. We need different leaders.
Four years ago I promised you that I would lead the City of Rowlett forward and bring professionalism to our local government. You trusted me and I kept those promises. Now, Rowlett is on the move!
Today Rowlett has proper fund balances and even some modest excess reserves. The City bond rating has increased. There have been no city property tax rate increases during the past four years. Unfortunately, there have been fee increases imposed by the City Council. The City is in a very sound financial condition for today but that cannot be sustained without change. That change will require shared sacrifice of city employees and city taxpayers in order to assure our future.
Genuine accountability and transparency are now firmly in place in Rowlett, but challenged. Rowlett Citizens are at the center of every decision made by me, but not by all. All of us…city staff and City Council… need to be focused on genuine and continuing customer service! We must keep the taxpayers first and always! That direction…that value… is very much challenged now.
Four years ago I presented my vision that Rowlett would be transformed from a bedroom community for Dallas and instead achieve its own destiny of being a regional center for commerce in the northeastern Metroplex. We are on the cusp of achieving that vision! As your Mayor I have led the City to a good place. Now we have to continue to improve as the new opportunities in Rowlett are being realized.
The City must and will grow both in residents and in businesses. More and better jobs will be available right here in Rowlett. This growth will give us the increased tax base needed to provide more city services and amenities. I have voted consistently for no increase in taxes or discretionary fees. We should only spend what we have! No deficit spending! I have voted alone.
We need a lot of new investment and a lot of outside help to become a regional center. That is why I have been so active in groups and organizations that oversee the major spending in the Metroplex. I have promoted and protected Rowlett interests. This network provided me a strong influence on regional transportation issues and criminal justice issues. No one on the current City Council has shown any interest in these groups or organizations.
So, yes, Rowlett is being transformed. Just look at the projects now underway: Bush Turnpike, DART Rail, new highways, rehabilitated neighborhoods, improved parks. The City needed a transformational leader…someone with the credentials, the experience, and the network of friends and colleagues…to get things done. I have been that transformational leader. Now, I will step down and hopefully be replaced by another dedicated and proven leader.
Voter registration ends on April 14. Early voting at the Rowlett Public Library begins on May 2. Election Day is May 14 at your designated precinct poll.
And what follows is a *Fact Sheet* from Hizzoner. I will let my readers make up their own minds, but as I have said on numerous occasions, and will say once again, it’s not the figures that Hizzoner presents that give me a problem, it’s the way he goes about it.
Transactions approved by the Rowlett City Council:
Purchase of non-critical goods and services during the extended economic downturn – some examples:
Out-of-town retreat for City executives
Office furniture for City Manager and Assistant, others
100 new high-end desktop computers for City staff
$4,500 dishwasher for the Animal Shelter
Hiring external consultant to do executive searches
Hiring of external consultant to do City Engineer duties
Use of needed contingency/emergency funds to pay operating expenses
Supplemental payment for the City Employee Retirement Plan
Lease payments and interest payments for new equipment
Landscaping and mowing of city property
Reallocation of Employee Vacancy funds without Mayor/Council review
Current budget is for $375,000 in savings
Actual savings in prior years:
$975,273 - 2009
$749,545 - 2010
What was/is being purchased with the significantly extra savings?
Adoption of self-insurance for City Employees health program
Estimated cost in 2011 - $2,650,842 – an annual increase of 10%
(Others recently abandoned self-insurance due to high risk)
Reduction in the Texas Municipal Retirement System benefits
Estimated cost in 2011 - $2,900,653
Estimated cost in 2016 - $$4,569,978…an increase of 57.5%
Reductions to be effective in 2012 - $129,736
Purchase of Public Works equipment using funds designated for neighborhood streets, alleys, and screening walls - $700,000
Increased fees paid by Rowlett residents
Water - 3.9% in addition to 10% pass-thru increase
Emergency 911 – 13.6% residential, 70.4% commercial
Approved a tax rate increase for debt service – 3%
Reduced City workforce by an additional five positions
19 positions are already vacant, budgeted but long unfilled
No formal legal review of process for determining reductions
Alternative actions such as furloughs, across-the-board pay reductions of 1-2%, or reduced allowances were not considered
Promoted Director of Human Resources during RIF decision
What is needed now:
Buy time until the economy rebounds/grows in Rowlett
Accept that there is a “new normal” now in Rowlett for likely next five years
Reduce non-critical spending, not core municipal services
Limit spending to no more than what is received in revenue each year
Escrow any surplus and savings and invest them to stimulate growth in Rowlett’s commercial property tax base
Pay down the most expensive debt as soon as possible
Do not refinance debt for longer period of time than original contract
Defer any new borrowing or Bond Referendum for capital purchases
Encourage savings in tax-sheltered plans for City employees
Stop the heated rhetoric and personal attacks that are factually erroneous and politically motivated! The election period ends on May 15.
Desired outcome
Reschedule the cancelled March 19 comprehensive budget review
Complete a comprehensive budget review prior to City Manager’s proposed budget submission on August 2
Appoint a Citizen Panel to participate in comprehensive budget reviews to assure focus on taxpayer as decisions are made
Connect past isolated budget reviews to the larger context
Proposed operating budgets for the next 5 years must clearly and aggressively address the need for long-term sustainability
Repeat this comprehensive budget review process annually
Suspend the survey of proposed cuts to municipal services until August
City employees and taxpayers must agree to an equitable “shared sacrifice”, requiring givebacks from both groups
Continue the positive and aggressive marketing of the City of Rowlett to commercial developers and brokers
Restored mutual respect and trust among Rowlett elected officials
Many here in Rowlett see the PRESS RELEASE as a sign that Harper will resign. Most that I am hearing from are hoping it’s sooner rather than later. I am not so sure that Harper WILL resign, this may simply be another cry for attention.
If Hizzoner is going to resign, is this FACT SHEET just his attempt to justify his actions? Or his inability to communicate his wishes to the Council and Manger is a calm and professional way?
Mayor Harper, I know you’re reading this blog, so please, don’t misrepresent my words when you tell people that I, and MY FOLLOWERS are attacking you over THE NUMBERS. That Sir, is a LIE, and the list is already long, you don’t need to add to it.
The City Council meeting on Tuesday night, April 5th would be a dandy time to make your leaving official I am thinking!
“Today Rowlett has proper fund balances and even some modest excess reserves. The City bond rating has increased. There have been no city property tax rate increases during the past four years. Unfortunately, there have been fee increases imposed by the City Council.”
Does Hizzoner recognize that if there are “excess reserves” that he is taking credit for it is because there are higher payments by the citizens which he blames the city council/city manager for? I live far away from Rowlett, and if I lived there, I’d be circulating a recall petition right now.
So yes, this south Texian is part of the “evil cabal.” 😀
GM — You Sir, are a Cranky Old Bastard of the 1st Order, and it is my distinct pleasure to know you and that fact!! 😛
After reading that first half (HIZZONER’S plea)-where do I sign up to vote him KING???
To change one word of (I believe it was a Motley Crue) song, “Girl (HIZZONER), don’t go away mad, girl-just go away!” 🙂
Why would we vote in SIX new council members-when we could just replace ONE Mayor???
Harper says he has plans to step down
By Kenny Green,
Published: Thursday, March 31, 2011 2:14 PM CDT
No official resignation filed with city
Rowlett mayor John Harper has indicated he will resign from his elected position.
Harper issued a press release during a mayor with the breakfast event declaring his intentions.
“I very likely will step down from my post as mayor,” he said. “I am considering the most appropriate time to do that and still do my best for the citizens of Rowlett. I want to be sure that my message is heard by all the citizens and not drowned out by special interest groups who want to continue the status quo.”
The city indicated it has yet to receive any official notification the mayor intends to resign.
“On March 31, in an unofficial announcement, Dr. John Harper indicated that he may resign his position as mayor of the city of Rowlett,” said Lynda Humble, city manager. “However, no formal letter of resignation has yet been submitted. Unless, and until, an official letter of resignation is filed, the city will continue with business as usual and will continue to recognize Dr. Harper as the mayor of the city of Rowlett.
“On April 5, the council will discuss external communications which several feel have generated an inaccurate perspective on city affairs. This item was placed on the city council agenda at the request of several council members.”
Harper believes that, under his leadership, the city has become a better place to live.
“So, yes, Rowlett is being transformed. Just look at the projects now underway — Bush Turnpike, DART Rail, new highways, rehabilitated neighborhoods and improved parks,” he said. “The city needed a transformational leader; someone with the credentials, the experience and the network of friends and colleagues to get things done. I have been that transformational leader.
“Now, I will step down and hopefully be replaced by another dedicated and proven leader.”
Mr. Mayor, YOU had exactly NOTHING to do with DART or the Bush Turnpike coming to Rowlett, that was in place a long time before YOU were… Your friends across the lake are your only allies at this time, and if they knew the REAL you, they too would want to see you gone.
I have an idea, go be Rockwall’s Mayor, in less than a year they will be offering to pay US to take you back, and if you do it right, we can get enough money from YOUR friends in Rockwall to balance OUR budget in Rowlett, you know?? Rowlett, the City where you’re supposed to be Mayor?? Yeah, THAT Rowlett..
And we’re hoping that we get a new Mayor that doesn’t suffer *a split personality*, a superiority complex, and what a few others have indicated to believe a sociopathic personality that won’t threaten to *castrate* those that disagree with him and won’t curse out the Council and City Manager simply because they disagree on an opinion.
It’s not too much to ask for SANITY is it?? 😕
And the story spreads far and wide…
Rowlett mayor says he’s resigning
Let’s see if Mayor Harper has the huevos to follow through on the threats… 😛