Caption This…

Behold Kunta Kinte, the only thing greater than yourself,
an EVIL white woman pandering for your vote.

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24 Responses to Caption This…

  1. jo says:

    Hope the parents check that cute lil baby for democrat cooties !

  2. Mad Irishman says:

    “Quick Bill! Get off it’s mother! We have to boil this one quick so I can eat his eyes and steal his pigment before my face falls off!!

  3. Kate says:

    Somebody change this load! Mine too!

  4. Debbie says:

    BABY: H-E-L-P !!!!!! Get me away from this devil woman!!

  5. bigdadgib says:

    I’m not going there Fred… :)
    not with a 10 foot pole!

  6. GUYK says:

    GOTDAMIT BILL! You said you didn’t have sex with that woman! Just a blowjob!

  7. GUYK says:

    “Andy Young was right, Bill…dammit, you have gone to bed with more black women than Obama!”

  8. Patrick Sperry says:

    “Nows my chance to find out if those sterotypes are in fact true.”

  9. jd3 says:

    Let go of me before I have to bitch slap you!

  10. FHB says:

    Hilarious. I think you and GuyK pegged it. jD3 had a good one too. I’m flashin’ on a routine by Dave Chappelle with a little baby on a street corner. “I’m sellin’ weed bitch!”

  11. TexasFred says:

    JD3 and I share a rather weird sense of humor, we’re 1st cousins, our Dads were brothers… :D

  12. Nunoftheabove says:

    Quick, call CPS, this is a clear cut case of child abuse.

  13. Bloviating Zeppelin says:

    “Oh shiiiiit, her tongue IS forked! MOM!!”


  14. Ranando says:

    “Gib me muh muddafuggin’ weffare chek, yu muddafuggin’ beeetch.”

  15. serr8d says:

    cute kid: “Got a dry pocket?”

  16. Murray says:

    “Momma, please don’t let this white bitch eat me!”

  17. Tony GOPrano says:

    Gee, you sure look familiar? Is your Daddy named Bill?

  18. Robocop says:

    Who’s yo mamma?!?

  19. Robert says:

    “Now listen to me Barack Hussein Obama, I don’t want you around these parts!”

  20. SSG Deron says:

    “Who the Hell is Willis”?

  21. Carl says:

    A victim of shaken baby syndrome is held by a victim of shaken faith syndrome.

  22. Brad says:

    A Clinton finally did something to lift up an African American.

  23. Malinda777 says:

    My “peeps” know that I was a casino dealer for 20 years before my life today. In an actual incident, a FAMOUS black football player for the Dallas Cowboys cornered a white dealer at my casino trying AGAIN to convince her at the end of a long day of already trying to convince her of “who he was and what he could do for her” while she had her small child in her arms at the coffee shop picking up dinner for she and her child on her way home. Her child in her arms cried, “Mommy…Cocoa Man! Cocoa Man!…he’s going to get me!” We all just about died in embarrasment, but laughed our asses off…he was being a dick.

    So, I reverse that in this caption. “Mommy, Mommy, Vanilla Woman, Vanilla Woman, She’s gonna get me!!!”

  24. BobF says:

    As long as I can keep you no welfare, you’ll vote Democrat.