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Romney Suspends Presidential Campaign

WASHINGTON (AP) - Mitt Romney suspended his faltering presidential campaign on Thursday, effectively sealing the Republican presidential nomination for John McCain. “I must now stand aside, for our party and our country,” Romney told conservatives.

“If I fight on in my campaign, all the way to the convention, I would forestall the launch of a national campaign and make it more likely that Senator Clinton or Obama would win. And in this time of war, I simply cannot let my campaign, be a part of aiding a surrender to terror,” Romney told the Conservative Political Action Conference in Washington.

Romney’s decision leaves McCain as the top man standing in the GOP race, with Mike Huckabee and Ron Paul far behind in the delegate hunt. It was a remarkable turnaround for McCain, who some seven months ago was barely viable, out of cash and losing staff. The four-term Arizona senator, denied his party’s nomination in 2000, was poised to succeed George W. Bush as the GOP standard-bearer.

Romney launched his campaign almost a year ago in his native Michigan. The former Massachusetts governor and venture capitalist invested more than $40 million of his own money into the race, counted on early wins in Iowa and New Hampshire that never materialized and won just seven states on Super Tuesday, mostly small caucus states.

Full Story Here:
Romney Suspends Presidential Campaign

I haven’t made the rounds of other blogs to see their reactions yet, I have been flipping back and forth between ALL the MSM stations, listening to their analysts bloviate about Romney and his announcement today…

As early as this morning many were saying that Huckabee was staying in the race for the RNC nomination merely as a spoiler, well, now we get to see if Gov. Huckabee has a lick of sense or not…

Personally, I feel that Romney may be lining up for a future run at the White House, perhaps in 2012, maybe 2016, because, lets face it, McCain IS an old man, and there is a good chance that if he were to be elected POTUS, 4 years from now he may be very tired, or could possibly be too ill to continue or, heaven forbid, he could pass away from his health issues, those that he’s suffered over the last years, his war injuries or skin cancer, I am not wishing anything bad on McCain, I am simply pointing out the obvious…

I also believe that Gov. Huckabee may be sniffing around looking for a position in the McCain presidency should such an event come to fruition, VP is my guess, or a high position on the cabinet…

Some are saying that by his move today, Romney may well be fishing for a VP position himself, I don’t know if that’s the case or not, but I do know this, IF Romney is looking to become VP, he’s not a bad choice at all if that’s what he wants, simply because time is NOT on McCain’s side, and if McCain were to become president, another run at the White House in 2012, a run by Romney if he were NOT the VP, would be even more difficult because an incumbent is even harder to defeat than an equal opponent, unless that incumbent is a total failure as president…

I still in my heart believe that McCain is a RINO, I still believe that he would be bad for America and I believe that the actions of today present the voters of this nation with many MORE questions than it does answers, we’re not to the RNC convention yet, there are still a lot of behind the scenes actions to be played out and for right now I am not about to panic, but I am NOT going to support John McCain, as of right now, I am more convinced than ever before, NONE OF THE ABOVE is looking better every day…

I also believe that a 3rd party, not the Libertarian or Greens, I mean a REAL and viable 3rd party is the most needed thing in American politics, a TRUE American Conservatives Party, and some of us are doing the exploratory work attempting to determine the feasibility of that 3rd party option, more on that topic as the race progresses, it’s not an immediately attainable goal, it is a look into a future endeavor…

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12 Responses to “Romney Suspends Presidential Campaign”

  1. JT Says:

    It just makes me SICK, SICK, SICK to my stomach that someone I consider to be a certified TRAITOR, YES, TRAITOR to this country is going to get the GOP nod.

    Furthermore, not that anyone will actually care, but IMO ANYBODY that votes for McCain is a TRAITOR by association. Period. Just like those that verbally supports or makes excuses for terrorists without actually committing or otherwise contributing any materials for any acts of violence themselves is guilty by association in my eyes.

    If he becomes POTUS, my flag will stay down for the duration of his term(s).

  2. TexasFred Says:

    Well JT, I can’t say that I disagree with you on your feelings regarding McCain, but my flag stays put, the FLAG didn’t do it…

  3. JT Says:

    Flying the flag is supposed to show pride about this country and how can I show pride if and when this nation elects that scum? It would be staying down because I would feel it would be an insult TO the flag to have it flying while that scum is POTUS!

    Of course, I might consider flying it but flying it upside down instead…

  4. TexasFred Says:

    Each to his own I suppose…

  5. BobF Says:

    JT, I wholeheartedly agree with you about McCain but please think about this first concerning the flag.

    When a military member swears an Oath of Enlistment there is always an American Flag present; a requirement. When military members hear the National Anthem being played, they will always stand at attention and face the American Flag if it’s present. When the American Flag passes in review, military personnel will always stand and salute the Flag. When a military member dies in service to his country, an American Flag will cover their casket. At the funeral of a deceased member, that flag will be presented to his/her next of kin. The flag will be folded with the utmost precision and cradled like a new born child until presentation is made. When a hero or great American dies, it’s the flag that’s flown at half staff to signify a nation in mourning.

    Throughout history, men have literally sacrificed their lives to keep the American Flag raised during battles. The Flag Bearer was a position of honor and entrusted only to the best and bravest of soldiers.

    Medal of Honor recipient, Private Joseph E. Brandle:

    During the Civil War, the job of color bearer was one of the most hazardous as well as important duties in the Army. Soldiers looked to the flag for direction and inspiration in battle and the bearer was usually out in front, drawing heavy enemy fire while holding the flag high. On Nov. 16, 1863, regimental color bearer Pvt. Joseph E. Brandle, from the 17th Michigan Infantry, participated in a battle near Lenoire, Tenn. “…Having been twice wounded and the sight of one eye destroyed, he still held to the colors until ordered to the rear by his regimental commander.”

  6. TexasFred Says:

    Couldn’t have said it better Bob…

    Now, if it only sinks in, not everyone has that Esprit de Corps that some of us do…

  7. Kate Says:

    JT, that flag is a symbol of my freedom. It’s been tattered and torn, but it still stands proud. Do not insult it, or my father, or me, or those who have died defending it, by your foolish comments.

  8. Nunoftheabove Says:

    Not trying to pile on, but I agree with others. The flag is bigger than politics and more sacred than individuals and their flaws.

    Much has happened in this country that I am not proud of, but I am still a patriot and my flag is still the symbol of the best in the country, not the worst.

    We may have the worst president ever come November 2008, but the underlying foundations of the country will overcome the moronic behavior of power hunger snakes, both parties qualify right now.


  9. Bloviating Zeppelin Says:

    1. The flag is larger than all of us, and represents so much more.
    2. An act such as that is something I would expect of an illegal Mexican invader.


  10. GM Roper Says:

    I do NOT consider McCain a traitor. Stupid yes; yellow-bellied supporter of Democratic bills yes; an ego that won’t quit yes! I also know that he is likely to pick a very conservative VP… Fred?… if for no other reason then to be able to pull in more votes. IF and that is a BIG IF he picks a qualified conservative and it IS likely that he will serve only one term, then all bets are off.

    I’m damn sure not a McCainiac, I was as supporter of Fred, then endorsed him on my blog. I will vote for anyone on the Texas Republican primary come March 4th, anyone but McCain that is.

    As for the flag… Let me tell you something JT, I think you let your brain slide down into your ass. And Fred will tell you I seldom cuss. But my dad was buried under that flat, as was my grandpa, and my great grandpa. I will be buried under it and so will one of my brothers. If you want to take your flag down because McCain wins, wonder what you’ll do if Hillary or Obama wins? Suck it up JT, this country is too damn strong to worry about ONE candidate. Especially if good folk keep it alive.

  11. TexasFred Says:

    I have been accused of being too much of a hard ass on doofus comment makers, well, by God, this time it wasn’t me, I let JT make a dickhead out of himself and didn’t even criticize him in the process…

    JT, just so you know, when you’re so damned stupid that you get a great guy like Mr. GM Roper upset enough to use ANY form of a cuss word, you pretty damned aggravating…

  12. BobF Says:

    The American Flag is the symbol of our nation. That flag represents all that our men and women fight for. It’s the visible representative of the Constitution of the United States, which is the the purpose of the Oath we’ve sworn to protect and defend and therefore:

    Leads our troops into battle,

    Brings them home when they have fallen in battle,

    And is present when we lay them to rest.

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