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Evangelicals send McCain a message

WASHINGTON - Mike Huckabee’s recent refrain about believing in miracles makes the ordained Baptist minister appear almost prophetic.

Christian evangelicals in Virginia who favored him in droves seemed to send the would-be Republican presidential nominee John McCain a message from on high — they won’t roll over so easily.

Although the Arizona senator has effectively sealed the GOP nomination, Huckabee and his faith-focused followers waged a fierce fight to overtake McCain in what should have been a stronghold for the Vietnam prisoner of war, given the state’s long military tradition and Virginia Sen. John Warner’s backing.

In the end, McCain captured Virginia — and its 60 delegates — but the primary was surprisingly hard-fought and underscored just how much work he still has to do to get a critical portion of the Republican Party base on board before the general election.

“McCain will be our nominee and he is starting to consolidate the conservative base, but as long as Huckabee stays in the race … there will always be holdouts who find it easier to vote for Huckabee than to unify behind McCain,” said Todd Harris, a Republican strategist and former Fred Thompson adviser. “The best thing for our party would be to start the healing process now and unite behind McCain, but Huckabee’s campaign is standing in the way of that.”

So, too, it seems, are religious conservatives.

Full Story Here:
Evangelicals send McCain a message

I have a surprise for the political analysts, Huckabee may be taking some Christian evangelical support away from McCain but that’s not the only thing standing in the way of McCain and a run being blocked by Conservatives…

I don’t consider myself to be an evangelical or a born again Christian, I’m a believer in God and on occasion, I do pray, but I am not the ‘holy roller’ that the MSM is portraying Conservatives to be…

Conservatives, just like people in general, come in all shapes, sizes and colors, religious beliefs and from ALL political arenas, and I have never seen, anywhere, that there was a requirement that all Conservatives be ‘bible thumpers’, not meaning any insult to the deeply religious but I want everyone to know how I feel, and I see no corner on the market when it comes to conservatism…

Mr. McCain and his MSM court of coronation are in for a tremendous surprise from the Conservatives of this nation I believe, while the Republicans may fall for the RNC mantra about McCain and his supposed conservatism, true Conservatives do not, and as for me, and many others apparently, we’re not going to vote for McCain just because the RNC and Bush say he’s a Conservative, McCain may have the RNC charmed but the RNC is about >< that close to being the DNC, and the real Conservatives of this nation aren't going to fall for it again...

No one needs to stay home, go out and vote, but if the candidate you want isn’t on the ticket, write em in, and if you’re stuck in a state that doesn’t allow a write in, then either do a protest vote or abstain, a message MUST be sent to the RNC and it must be VERY clear in it’s content, the RNC can’t win without the Conservatives of this nation, if the RNC is intent on running fake Republicans then the Conservatives of this nation will not support you financially and we won’t vote for you come election time…

The pundits say McCain has fences to mend, well, there’s a fence to be built too, and unless McCain builds it, he will be a one term wonder IF he can manage to get elected, and if he doesn’t get elected, and we have to suffer through 4 years of a real Dem/Libber, as opposed to a wannabe Dem/Libber, (read: McCain), the political complexion of this nation will be much more Conservative by 2012…

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10 Responses to “Evangelicals send McCain a message”

  1. Longstreet Says:

    Amen, Fred, amen! For a “not very religious” fellows you sure preach a mean sermon! HA! Preach on, brother, preach on!

    Best regards, as always!


  2. GUYK Says:

    McCain is gonna have to do some serious ‘reach around’ to get my vote and reaching out to the Christian right wing is a sure way to lose it. I will not now nor never again vote for any candidate who runs on the premise that Christian morality should be the law of the nation.

    Some are saying that McCain should get the Baptist Mullah as his VP..and I say that is a guarantee that the dim-a-crits win. McCain might be able to pull the neo libertarian and conservative independent vote if he comes out hard against amnesty for illegal immigrants and promises to veto the pork laden spending bills from congress and give us some hope that the Iraq war can either be won and won fast or that he will pull up our pants and come home and allow the ragheads to kill each other instead of American troops. But I don’t see this happening ..not yet anyway. SO it still looks like a write in for MICKY MOUSE who afterall has really helped the economy of Orlando Florida..

  3. LoneRider Says:

    The problem with the notion in 4 years of Obama/Clinton and we will be much more conservative populace has its dangers as summed up:

    “that when the poor discover that they can vote themselves money, the government will collapse into a war of everyone trying to steal from everyone else”


  4. GUYK Says:

    LoneRider….we are already at the point where the poor has found they can vote themselves money…or at least they vote for the politicians who promise them money. And the government will eventually implode from the lack of money…

  5. Kurt P Says:

    I keep trying to tell myself that a vote for McCain won’t be a vote for a Lib.- that the Dems are have such an ingained anti-Republican reflex, that they’ll fight McCains ideas from habit.

    I know that’s not right, but there’s always hope, right?

  6. LoneRider Says:


    Yeah, I know we are already on the slippery slope, our slide will only accelerate with Obama/Clinton. How far can we afford to slide? I just don’t know?

    I look at France, and from 40,000′ it looks like Sarcozy(sp?) is trying to move to the right. But are we going to wind up with Mexicans and South Americans rioting and lighting cars on fire here before it gets better?


  7. GUYK Says:

    maybe Tom, I don’t know but probably so. I keep hoping for a revolution at the polls but there ain’t gonna be one this year. The way I look at it if the country is strong enough to survive McCain then it is strong enough to survive either Obama or Hillary….and if it is not then it will give us a good chance of taking the country back in two years..we did so with the GOP’s Contract with America except they reneged on the damn contract!

  8. LoneRider Says:

    Yup, I completely agree, I just *really* hope that one of those three dems does not actually go far enough with amnesty or “universal health care” that we can’t pull back.

    Heard my first Obama ad this morning (in N. Texas), the guy definitely has a great spiel.

  9. Bloviating Zeppelin Says:

    The GOP base could congeal around McCain and still not pull it off. The general electorate has had it with the GOP cycle, and this cycle will go to the Dems. And Obama will pull it off over Hillary. However, I don’t believe for a moment that Obama will be a two-termer.


  10. Rivka Says:

    Fred, I am with you on this. One of the things that has come out of the McCain followers that is totally uncalled for is how vitriolic they are becoming toward those of us who won’t drop our conservative principles to support and follow McCain. Sorry, I am NOT interested in becoming a lemming. There is a lot of evidence back in 2001 that McCain wanted the fracture that is going on right now to happen. He has accomplished it.

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