Monthly Archives: July 2011

Ordinance threatens citizens’ constitutional rights

Once again I am posting a news story that is, or should be highly important to ALL of us. American citizens are under attack from their own governments and I have a few things to say about that! Ordinance threatens citizens’ … Continue reading

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Posted in Freedom Under Attack | Tagged , , , , , , , | 16 Comments

Escalation in Arizona: Firearms confiscated

Some of you may remember a couple of weeks ago I wrote about a WAR that is taking place in Quartzsite, AZ. State of emergency declared in western Arizona town amid corruption allegations by mayor. Well, it appears to have … Continue reading

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Posted in 2nd Amendment | Tagged , , , , , , , | 10 Comments

FBI: AWOL soldier had bomb materials near Ft. Hood

FBI: AWOL soldier had bomb materials near Ft. Hood KILLEEN, Texas (AP) - An AWOL Muslim soldier who had been granted conscientious objector status earlier this year was arrested and bomb-making materials were found in his motel room near Fort … Continue reading

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U.N. Official Sees Anti-Muslim Prejudice in Early Assumptions About Norway Attack

U.N. Official Sees Anti-Muslim Prejudice in Early Assumptions About Norway Attack ( – A United Nations human rights expert Tuesday waded into the debate over the media’s early response to last week’s Norwegian terrorist attack, saying that the assumption Islamists … Continue reading

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