UPDATE: That ‘poor’ Palestinian Family…
Monday, February 5th, 2007I don’t particularly like to just throw it out there and call names too much anymore, I got past that a while back, but I am of the opinion that Brett Shipp of
WFAA.com here in Dallas is either a ‘raghead loving libber’ or some kind of bleeding heart moonbat that wants to allow Palestinians to subjugate our system of justice…Reference back to this story:
Questions over Palestinian family locked up for 3 months and you’ll see where it all started, and the top link is the latest in Mr. Shipp’s campaign to assure that a family of ILLEGALS, a family that does indeed have a pitiful story, a family that does touch the heart in the presentation Mr. Shipp makes, is still, without a doubt, here in this nation ILLEGALLY, and are ILLEGAL due to their own inaction’s, they had apparently failed to follow thru on their visas, didn’t get them extended or renewed or they failed to pursue an effort to become legal citizens of this nation…This is only the 1st of many such efforts in the near future I fear, efforts where the ‘bleeding hearts’ do their very best to pave the way for ILLEGALS to become a mainstay in American society…
Ladies and Gentlemen, our nation is being GIVEN away, and not in small pieces either, and it’s being done by members of the MSM, the Democrats, Libbers in general and in no small part by our very own President, Mr. George W. Bush, and these actions are NOT acceptable to me, and should not be acceptable to any U.S. citizen, whether they be a born citizen or a naturalized citizen, and in many cases I am familiar with, naturalized citizens are even more upset about this road to ‘amnesty’ than natural born citizens, simply because they, the naturalized citizens, DID take the time, effort and not inexpensive effort to become U.S. citizens…
Our borders remain pretty much WIDE OPEN, and they will continue to be wide open until we have a President that cares more for AMERICA and the American people than he does the opinions of the ‘world’…
I fear our nation is in great peril my friends, and I fear those threats come more from WITHIN this nation than from outside sources, and I feel that our only option is rapidly becoming one that I had hoped and prayed we’d NEVER see in the USA…
The U.S. government isn’t going to stop the invasion of this nation, whether it be from Mexicans, Iraqi refugees, Palestinians, whatever they may be, and ‘bleeding hearts’ like Mr. Shipp and his ilk only empower them that much more, the INVADERS know they have ‘friends’ and the government knows they have MSM support on THIS issue…
I can speak for no one but myself, but as for me and my household, we are Locked and Loaded, and God help any S.O.B. that invades MY home…