Archive for the 'Opinion' Category

UPDATE: That ‘poor’ Palestinian Family…

Monday, February 5th, 2007
Let me put this as nicely as I know how, I am PISSED OFF, and quite frankly, THIS is the reason why: Board of Immigration Appeals rules Palestinian family DOES have grounds

I don’t particularly like to just throw it out there and call names too much anymore, I got past that a while back, but I am of the opinion that Brett Shipp of here in Dallas is either a ‘raghead loving libber’ or some kind of bleeding heart moonbat that wants to allow Palestinians to subjugate our system of justice…

Reference back to this story: Questions over Palestinian family locked up for 3 months and you’ll see where it all started, and the top link is the latest in Mr. Shipp’s campaign to assure that a family of ILLEGALS, a family that does indeed have a pitiful story, a family that does touch the heart in the presentation Mr. Shipp makes, is still, without a doubt, here in this nation ILLEGALLY, and are ILLEGAL due to their own inaction’s, they had apparently failed to follow thru on their visas, didn’t get them extended or renewed or they failed to pursue an effort to become legal citizens of this nation…

This is only the 1st of many such efforts in the near future I fear, efforts where the ‘bleeding hearts’ do their very best to pave the way for ILLEGALS to become a mainstay in American society…

Ladies and Gentlemen, our nation is being GIVEN away, and not in small pieces either, and it’s being done by members of the MSM, the Democrats, Libbers in general and in no small part by our very own President, Mr. George W. Bush, and these actions are NOT acceptable to me, and should not be acceptable to any U.S. citizen, whether they be a born citizen or a naturalized citizen, and in many cases I am familiar with, naturalized citizens are even more upset about this road to ‘amnesty’ than natural born citizens, simply because they, the naturalized citizens, DID take the time, effort and not inexpensive effort to become U.S. citizens…

Our borders remain pretty much WIDE OPEN, and they will continue to be wide open until we have a President that cares more for AMERICA and the American people than he does the opinions of the ‘world’…

I fear our nation is in great peril my friends, and I fear those threats come more from WITHIN this nation than from outside sources, and I feel that our only option is rapidly becoming one that I had hoped and prayed we’d NEVER see in the USA…

The U.S. government isn’t going to stop the invasion of this nation, whether it be from Mexicans, Iraqi refugees, Palestinians, whatever they may be, and ‘bleeding hearts’ like Mr. Shipp and his ilk only empower them that much more, the INVADERS know they have ‘friends’ and the government knows they have MSM support on THIS issue…

I can speak for no one but myself, but as for me and my household, we are Locked and Loaded, and God help any S.O.B. that invades MY home…

Conservative Vs. Liberal views

Saturday, January 27th, 2007
I recently was engaged in a rather heated discussion in a ’so-called’ Conservative forum with members that claim to be conservatives themselves, the topic was Dick Cheney’s lesbian daughter, and when I stated MY views on homosexuality and made no apology for saying that IF one of my children were to declare themselves to be a homosexual, I would literally disown them, I was castigated for being a terrible father, one that probably had kids that wouldn’t come to him with ANYTHING and I was asked, “What would you do if you had a daughter that got pregnant out of wedlock?”

Well, I DO have a daughter that got pregnant out of wedlock and I told them that I did, and you should see what kind of a BAD father I am accused of being now, so THEY say, for allowing MY daughter to engage in that kind of a relationship, because according to one of the participants in this gross act of hypocrisy, it’s a sin to engage in sex when you’re not married, and I agree, it IS a sin, but I have to ask, what would you call it when you’re the resident ’home wrecker’ in your forum and are responsible for more than one marriage breakup and you’re the one throwing out the most accusations?? They seem to forget their own indiscretions when they have a real conservative speak out concerning REAL conservatism…

Well, here’s a little tidbit that these hypocrites don’t know, my 18 year old daughter has an almost 3 year old son, but she lives with her Mother, MY ex wife, and has since she was 3 years old, that would be the Mom that holds a Masters Degree in Theology and ministers in HER Moms church, that would be the grandmother that holds a Doctorate in Theology and co-pastors the largest full gospel church in their state, so, you see, it really has nothing to do with the ‘raising’ of a child, you couldn’t have asked for a more ’spiritual’ raising, and kids will be what they will be, but a boy and girl experimenting, even though it IS wrong, it is NOT a conscious decision to become a homosexual and to live in that disgusting lifestyle, a couple of 14 year old kids can make a mistake, and they DID, and they are paying for it every day of their young lives, and even though what they did was as wrong as wrong can be, I have a beautiful 3 year old grandson that is the light of my life and even though my daughter did make a mistake, I can still love her and accept her, she made a mistake, choosing to become a homosexual is NOT a mistake, it a choice of FREE WILL and it is a LIFESTYLE and to those that don’t agree with my philosophy on homosexual children, I really don’t care, I know what I am…

I am a CONSERVATIVE, and it’s NOT my place to define exactly WHAT it is that makes a true CONSERVATIVE, but I’m not the only one that holds these same beliefs to be true… Below is an article that was sent to me by a good friend that happens to feel the same way I do about homosexuality and I thank her for sending this to me, I won’t link her because she doesn’t need to suffer at the hands of those that will bring on the next ‘firestorm’ of ‘love thy neighbor’ even if he IS a goober smoocher…

And take note, comments on this particular post will be moderated…


Government is too big and intrusive.

Babies have the right to live.

The homosexual agenda is destructive to family and the nation as a whole.

The feminist agenda is also destructive to the family and traditional values that have served well for thousands of years.

We need a strong armed forces to protect the country. There are countries in the world that would like to see the USA fall.

We must put the well being of the Nation above the interest of any party affiliation.

We must not give or sell our secrets to hostile governments for money to finance our campaigns.


Government is the answer to everything. The more the better. Freedom gets in the way of government involvement in our lives.

There is no such thing as a baby. A fetus is just a lump that needs to be destroyed. Murdering babies is a political statement for liberals.

Liberals must be politically correct at all cost. Even at the cost of our traditions and morals. Even though they probably wouldn’t want a homosexual in the family, they pander to them for the sake of the party.

Feminist… see above.

Sell our secrets to the enemy and destroy the military by using it up when Clinton needs to have the attention of the public diverted from his corrupt conduct. Don’t spend any money on the military and once it’s used up, it’s gone.

Sell our nuclear secrets to the enemy and then have the Justice Department run cover for the Administration to keep it in power. Even when the safety of the nation is at stake, the party must stay in power.

These are only a few of the differences between what is and what should be. If this country is to survive, we as a nation must get back to our roots and establish our morals and values the way they were before the liberals destroyed them.

We must bring this country back from the brink of destruction by becoming patriots again. We must reaffirm our faith in God and not be afraid to mention Jesus Christ and the Ten Commandments in school. We must not be afraid to stand up to the people who say “separation of church and state” with the knowledge that no where in the Constitution does it say anything about any separation of church and state. Our Fore Fathers knew the importance of depending on God for the guidance of the people’s conduct in a free country.

It is still not a crime (yet) to be a Christian.

I can’t answer for others, but as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord.

Conservative Vs. Liberal views

Tancredo Says What Others Think

Thursday, January 25th, 2007
Tom Tancredo, a Congressman from Colorado, has taken some tough stands on issues. He is real tough on ILLEGAL immigration and he wants to get rid of the ILLEGALS. I admire the fact that he believes that they are a problem that needs to be dealt with. Today he decided to take on racism in the Congress.

Tancredo called for abolishing the racist caucuses that exist in the Congress. He wants to do away with the Congressional Black Caucus, the Hispanic Caucus and any other race based caucus. It is about time these racist organizations were taken to task. Tancredo believes that it is hard to portray an image of a diverse, color blind America, with race based caucuses in the Congress.

I have been saying this for years. While we are at it we can get rid of the Black Miss America Pageant, The United Negro College Fund, and the NAACP. These groups do nothing more than widen the racial divide in this country. There are those who will call Tancredo racist. In one of life’s ironies, the organizations that have membership based on race, will call him a racist for trying to abolish their groups.

White only organizations always come under fire especially if a politician uses their organization. Let a country club that has a white only membership be used for a white politician’s party (wedding reception etc.) and that politician is forced to apologize, and account for his actions. Let some group that is a white organization refuse membership to blacks and Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton are marching in the streets. I imagine if they had a Congressional White Caucus there would be real problems and Jackson would tell us how terrible white America is.

Imagine how it would be if a Jesse Jackson’s son, who serves in Congress, were denied admission to the white caucus. “Sorry Mr. Jackson, membership is restricted to whites only.” Enter daddy:

I can’t believe that this kind of racism is present in the Congress of the younited states. We must unite, fight, be right, delight and ignite the flames of power to truth as we get rid of this shameful practice of discrimination. I will devote, emote, and quote until this travesty is removed. It is not bad enough those whities are running the country into the ground and oppressing our people by shooting them down in cold blood as their jackbooted Nazi police under orders from that Nazi George Bush laugh. It is a travesty and we can not stand for it. My son will work hard like a retard playing with lard in the yard to make sure he is admitted to the good ole boy’s KKK club. He will not let a McKinney happen to him! Poor girl beaten half to death by a white cop.

Uh, Mr. Jackson, are you aware your son belongs to the Congressional Black Caucus and they have a policy of only admitting blacks?”

That is different because we were oppressed, regressed, digressed, unimpressed at the hands of slave owners. Whites do not belong in black organizations. The entire Congress is the white caucus and you whiteys have the power. The Hymies are running a close second and then somewhere lower you find my brothers and sisters who have worked through discrimination to be treated like they are on a plantation. My son had to prioritize, stylize, realize, simonize and acclimatize in order to make it where he is and now that he is there no damned whitey is gonna join the group but you can bet he is gonna get in that racist white caucus and break up that clan meeting. He will break the clan with a plan to be a fan again and again to make it happen.

And there you have the dirty little secret. Racism is alive and well in America and it is OK so long as you are a minority racist. Have you ever noticed that when a white candidate is being questioned (especially a Republican) for a position like the Supreme Court there are always questions about belonging to groups in college that would not allow blacks (or women)? I wonder if it would count if a black Congressman was nominated for one of these positions and was asked about belonging to a racist organization that did not admit whites. Would he have to say yes, the Congressional Black Caucus is such an organization or would he get a pass because it is OK to be a racist if you are a minority. Just a thought.

Go Tancredo, get them all abolished or start a Congressional White Caucus.


Stolen From:
Big Dogs Weblog - Tancredo Says What Others Think

The State of the Union… My take…

Tuesday, January 23rd, 2007
Ladies and Gentlemen, I listened very closely to every word the President had to say tonight, but more than that, I watched HIM and his expressions, I watched Pelosi very closely, as well as the Congressmen and Senators in attendance and I saw NO real enthusiasm from the Dems on most of what the President had to say…

I also saw, at times, almost the same reactions from the Republicans, the President has a lot of folks to convince, and I am one of them…

As far as domestic financial policy, I have to tip my hat to Mr. Bush, he was quite correct, the markets are up, inflation is relatively steady and unemployment is practically nonexistent, anyone that wants a job, has a job, and I have never taken issue with Mr. Bush as far as the financial state of this nation is concerned…

Concerning health care, I’m lucky to have marvelous coverage and honestly, I’m not sure where I fall in on universal health care at this point, I hate the thought of our own people being ill and not receiving the care they need but I heard a plea from the President for billions of American dollars for health care directed to Africa, and that is something I have a real problem in dealing with, I am a 100% America 1st kind of guy and until ALL of our folks are provided with marvelous health care, I don’t get too excited about the folks of Africa and their health care, or lack thereof, in other words, I am NOT a bleeding heart humanitarian…

Energy independence is a topic that DOES mean something to me, we MUST find a way to free ourselves from our reliance on foreign oil and I am a firm believer that American ingenuity can provide those alternatives, safe nuclear power is a reality, wind power, the most efficient and clean source of electrical power we’ve ever known, MUST be expanded, these are things that we CAN do, and to all of the above efforts I heartily approve of the Presidents message…

Then we get to the part about immigration and Iraq…

There will likely be a comprehensive immigration bill and amnesty is a reality I’m afraid we’re going to have to face, Bush wants it and on THIS matter, the Dems support him, and now that the Republicans are out of power I’m afraid there will be nothing that can be done to stop the President or the Dem controlled House and Senate from allowing millions of ILLEGALS to take over the western parts of this nation and also allow them to exercise great power in many other area of the USA, and I personally feel this is nothing less than a disaster…

There is nothing left for me to say about my feeling concerning the war in Iraq and the way Mr. Bush is handling it, Iraq will be, in MY opinion, the downfall of the President and will lead to the destruction of the Republican party if something very drastic is not done, and I don’t mean a year from now, I am talking about RIGHT NOW

We are faced with 3 options as I see it, we can either send an overwhelming number of troops to Iraq and take the entire nation by force, or we can demand that the Iraqis stand and fight, and take control of their own nation and their own destiny and bring an end to their CIVIL WAR, or we walk away and write off the deaths of over 3,000 brave Americans and say their sacrifice was in vain…

Personally, I want the war in Iraq to become an exhibition of American warfighting ability that has not been seen in MANY years, I want to see the insurgents and terrorists not only defeated, I want to see them destroyed, for that my friends, is the only way we will ever have peace in this nation, but I am afraid that the concept of total and decisive victory has completely escaped our President…

America, 1st, last and always…

EDIT: 01-24-07 After thinking about the SOTU and having slept on it, I am even more astounded by the speech and the very thought that Mr. Bush could even ‘imagine’ that the Dems are going to work WITH him on ANYTHING other than amnesty for ILLEGALS…

Mr. Bush had the most perfect opportunity any President could have wished for, a Republican controlled House and Senate and a CONSERVATIVE controlled Supreme Court, and HE blew it…

And now he expects the Dems to work with him?? Sorry, I just don’t buy it…

What You Won’t Find in the Clinton Museum and Library

Sunday, January 21st, 2007
This is a LONG piece, and it does start off with a slight bit of Bush bashing, but it rapidly stops as the author goes into great detail regarding the business dealings of the Clinton’s… Please, if you’re going to look at it, read it ALL, it is very enlightening, and I honestly think Hillary believes these matters are long forgotten… Well, they’re NOT…

What You Won’t Find in the Clinton Museum and Library
by: Sam Smith

BILL CLINTON AND GEORGE BUSH are the two most corrupt individuals to have occupied the White House in modern times. While Bush has clearly proved more venal and deadly and far more destructive of the American republic, it is a fair reading of history to say that Clinton was the warm up band for George Bush, towit:

CLINTON, WITH NO LITTLE HELP from the Democratic Leadership Council, discredited and destroyed long standing principles of social democracy that had guided the party since the New Deal. Instead he offered the public GOP Lite. As Harry Truman pointed out, given a choice between a real Republican and someone who talks like one, the public will favor the real one.

CLINTON NEUTERED PROGRESSIVE organizations ranging from Americans for Democratic Action to women’s and black groups. Early in his administration they swore a loyalty that not only blinded them to his faults and corruption but left their brains devoid of ideas and arguments with which to take on the conservatives.

CLINTON DRASTICALLY LOWERED the standards of national politics with the help of a Washington establishment that rushed to his assistance as each scandal developed. The result was the Arkanization of the capital under which the only standard became whether you could get away with it. This opened the door wider for the even more venal neo-cons and their candidate, George Bush.

CLINTON WAS NOWHERE NEAR as good a politician as the Washington media and political establishment has claimed and the myth has proved to be a destructive fantasy for the party. Bill Clinton got 43.9% of the vote in 1992, while Michael Dukakis - purportedly the worst of all candidate - got 45%. True Clinton was up against Ross Perot who got 19% as well as Bush, but Clinton might well have lost were it not for Perot, in which case he would have joined Michael Dukakis in the hall of shame. Clinton won a majority in only two state-like entities: Arkansas and DC. In only 12 other states was he able to get ever 45%. Dukakis, meanwhile, got over 50% in 11 states and got over 45% in 12 others.

THE DAMAGE DONE TO THE DEMOCRATIC PARTY by Bill Clinton was the worst experienced under any incumbent president since Grover Cleveland. Here are some of the stats:

- GOP seats gained in House after Clinton became president: 48

- GOP seats gained in Senate after Clinton became president: 8

- GOP governorships gained after Clinton became president: 11

- GOP state legislative seats gained since Clinton became president: 1,254 as of 1998
- State legislatures taken over by GOP after Clinton became president: 9

- Democrat officeholders who became Republicans since Clinton became president: 439 as of 1998

- Republican officeholders who became Democrats: 3

CLINTON’S SCANDALS, going far beyond Monica Lewinski, were a major liability for Al Gore in 2000, far more so than Ralph Nader. According to the 2000 exits polls:

- 60% of voters disapproved of Clinton as a person

- 59% - including some who approved of him - disliked him

- 68% said he would go down in the history books for his scandals rather than for his leadership

- 44% thought the Clinton scandals were important or somewhat important. In contrast, only 28% thought Bush’s drunk driving arrest was important or somewhat important.

- 15% of those who had voted for Clinton in 1996 voted for Bush in 2000.

Much More Here:
What You Won’t Find in the Clinton Museum and Library by Sam Smith

Can we STAND another Clinton administration?? Can we live with the scandal and crime??

It will follow Hillary is she is elected, it has to, it’s the way the Clinton’s do business and to turn an old phrase, a leopard doesn’t change it’s spots…

I know Bush hasn’t been the ‘perfect’ President, not by ANY standard, but next to either of the Clinton’s, Bush is a ‘Choir Boy’…

Hillary is running, think before you support her…

Rep. Tancredo To Test Presidential Waters

Tuesday, January 16th, 2007

(AP) Colorado Republican Rep. Tom Tancredo, an outspoken opponent of illegal immigration, said Tuesday he will form an exploratory committee this week for a possible presidential campaign but does not plan to give up his House seat.

After making a weekend trip to Iowa, home to the first nominating caucus in January 2008, Tancredo said voters there told him other presidential candidates don’t share their views.

“They believe that there is a void in this race that none of the other candidates are willing or able to fill,” he said.

Tancredo has said immigration would be a central issue if he does run. Campaign spokesman Tim Haley said Tuesday that Tancredo would also push opposition to abortion and other conservative themes as well.

Haley said grassroots leaders in Iowa told Tancredo they want a “true conservative” in the race to counter other potential GOP candidates, including Arizona Sen. John McCain, former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney and former New York Mayor Rudy Giuliani, who are seen as moderates by some.

While in Iowa, Tancredo promoted his book, “In Mortal Danger,” which warns about the need to secure U.S. borders.

Tancredo was partly testing the support among Iowa Republicans for McCain, who has proposed a guest worker program for illegal immigrants.

Tancredo and other anti-immigration activists have heavily criticized McCain for being too soft on immigration.

A bill McCain helped sponsor would have provided a path to citizenship for some of the estimated 11 million illegal immigrants in the country now. Tancredo advocates securing the border before creating a guest worker program.

Tancredo met with activists and GOP leaders in Iowa.

“Too many people believe that their leaders in Washington have forgotten them,” Tancredo said after the visit. “I want to make sure that their voices are heard in the upcoming election.”

Rep. Tancredo To Test Presidential Waters

You can bet I’m happy right now, and if you want to support Tom Tancredo, check out the web site…

Team Tancredo 2008

Will Christians Back a Mormon Candidate?

Thursday, December 21st, 2006

BOSTON (AP) - As a clean-living, church-going father and grandfather, Gov. Mitt Romney has a natural appeal among conservative Christians.

The Massachusetts Republican, though, faces a delicate dilemma: How does a devout Mormon woo religious activists critical to winning the GOP presidential nomination when many of those same activists are openly hostile to a faith they consider no more than cult?

For his all-but-announced presidential bid to succeed, Romney must win primary votes across the Bible Belt from people whose churches have a historical antagonism with his own Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.

“The rhetoric between evangelicals and Mormons has been almost abusive,” said Richard Mouw, president of the Fuller Theological Seminary in California, the largest evangelical seminary in North America.

Full Story Here:
Will Christians Back a Mormon Candidate?

I am old enough to remember, vividly, all the rhetoric that flew when JFK was running for President…

He was a Democrat, he was too young, he had no experience, he was the son of a ‘rum runner’ AND he was Catholic, and being Catholic got him talked about worse than anything else…

Personally, I am not a devout Christian, but I do have some strong Christian beliefs, and I know there is no way I could support a Mormon candidate, in ANY capacity, no more than I could support a Muslim one…

I am not fluent in the ‘Book of Mormon’ but I know enough to know that there is a huge divide in Mormon beliefs and Christianity, and for that reason alone I could never get behind Romney, and Romney is a supporter of the ban on assault weapons…

Gun control: According to his 2002 gubernatorial campaign, Romney “is a supporter of the federal assault weapons ban. Mitt also believes in the rights of those who hunt to responsibly own and use firearms.”[35] On July 1, 2002, Romney signed a permanent ban on assault weapons. “Deadly assault weapons have no place in Massachusetts,” Romney said, at a bill signing ceremony with legislators, sportsmen’s groups and gun safety advocates. “These guns are not made for recreation or self-defense. They are instruments of destruction with the sole purpose of hunting down and killing people.”

Now I realize this quote comes from Wiki and I don’t particularly like them as a source but in this case it’s a fair representation of the facts, Romney may not be a ‘gun grabber’ in the true sense of the word but I feel it is MY right to own a weapon like the M-16 or AK-47 if that’s what I, a legal, adult male that has never been arrested or charged with any crime, WANT to do…

I personally don’t think the 2nd amendment gives me, or anyone else the right to own land mines, rocket launchers or other weapons of this nature, not in it’s literal intent, but a rifle is a rifle and IF the guy will go after a sportsman that happens to enjoy shooting an AK-47, what’s next??

There are some good points in this story from Wiki too, Romney has some good points, but I am afraid he will let his presidency be run by his religious beliefs if elected, Romney is, at least at this point in time, a potential candidate I just can’t get behind…

Now, if it came down to a choice between him and Shrillary, well, Mitt’s the choice…

US town bars foreign flags in swipe at immigrants

Friday, November 17th, 2006

PHOENIX (Reuters) - A Nevada town passed a law this week making it illegal to fly a foreign nation’s flag by itself, the latest swipe by a U.S. community at illegal immigrants.

The town council of Pahrump, which lies in the Mojave Desert west of Las Vegas, voted 3-2 on Tuesday to make flying any foreign flag above the U.S. flag or alone an offense punishable by a $50 fine and 30 hours’ community service.

The meeting also pushed through measures to deny services to illegal immigrants and make English the official language in Pahrump, a commuter town of 40,000 residents some 60 miles (97 km) west of Las Vegas.

Supporters said they passed the measure to hit back at Hispanic demonstrators who carried Mexican flags when they marched in U.S. cities earlier this year to press for rights for 10 million to 12 million illegal immigrants living in the shadows.

Full Story Here:
US town bars foreign flags in swipe at immigrants

I’m gonna say this as nicely as I can, we are one the verge of WAR breaking out on the streets of THIS very nation, right now, as we speak, simply because the government of the United States of America, starting with our ineffectual President, right on down thru BOTH houses of Congress, are comprised of the biggest bunch of PANDERING, boneheaded, dumb SOBs that can be assembled in one place at any one time…

This IS the land of the free, and IF you’re a LEGAL citizen of this nation, you have a RIGHT to practice that freedom, in your speech, your actions and in your way of life, but with that legal citizenry come some obligations as well…

If you came to this nation, and remain here illegally and YOU support a sovereign government over that of the USA, tote your ass BACK to that sand pile before we kick your ass…

If you came to this nation, and remain here illegally and you want to IMPOSE the languages and customs of your ‘native’ land on the citizens of the USA, and force us to assimilate to you and your lifestyle, tote your ass back to your ‘native’ sand pile before we kick your ass…

If you came here, and did become a LEGAL citizen, congratulations to you, now, drop the hyphenated name, you’re not a Mexican-American or an Asian-American or and anything else-American, you are an AMERICAN, that’s it, bottom line, plain and simple, you tell me you’re a hyphenated ANYTHING and I will kick your ass…

The government of the USA may not have the BALLS to stand up to this ILLEGAL invasion, but approximately 50% of the LEGAL citizens do, and if you think we, the LEGAL citizens of the USA, are going to stand by and let a bunch of ILLEGAL Hispanic bastards and ragheaded goat lovers take over the USA, you are VERY mistaken, we WILL kick your ass…

This is MY home, and it can be YOUR home as well, but if you want it to be YOUR home too, you fly the flag of this nation, and you fly it proudly, above ALL others, you speak English, or you LEARN to speak English, YOU become a part of America, a viable, tax paying and useful part of America, as well as loyal citizen of the USA, and I will welcome you with open arms, you come in here and mess up, and we WILL kick your ass…

If you want to come in here and think you’ll have a lot of allies in the press, look at who THIS story came from, and look at the ’spin’ Reuters tries to throw into the very title, like Pahrump passed this law simply to make life tough on some poor, hard working illegal that just wants to get along, bullshit, Reuters needs to have their ass kicked as well…

This, by God, is the United States of America, not the ‘Allah loving LULACS and La Raza Union of the Northern Hemisphere’…

Not yet anyway…

Rumsfeld quits after Democrats ride Iraq to win

Wednesday, November 8th, 2006

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld, the controversial face of U.S. war policy, quit on Wednesday after Democrats rode Americans’ anger over Iraq to victory in Tuesday’s congressional elections.

Just days after declaring his strong support for Rumsfeld, President George W. Bush said he agreed with his top war manager that it was time for a new perspective.

Bush said the current Iraq policy was “not working well enough, fast enough.”

He said Rumsfeld would be replaced by former CIA Director Robert Gates, a member of the Iraq Study Group, a bipartisan group that is assessing alternative strategies for Iraq.

Tuesday’s elections gave the Democrats control of the U.S. House of Representatives and results by Wednesday had moved them within one seat of victory in the Senate.

Full Story Here:
Rumsfeld quits after Democrats ride Iraq to win 

It’s not just been Democrats calling for Rummy to go, ’some’ Republicans and a whole load of  Conservatives, me included, have been saying it for quite some time…

Let’s face a SERIOUS fact here, Rummy has been a major contributor, thru his actions, and in-actions, to the Repubs losing this election…

Rummy didn’t do it all by himself, the President gave him a lot of latitude, in MY opinion, too much latitude and he trusted him implicitly, and THAT, in my opinion, was the biggest mistake Bush has made so far…

And when the Repubs start looking to see who they can point their fingers at, try the mirror, you did it to yourselves, your party wouldn’t listen, they proceeded into Iraq, and as of late, have left our soldiers sitting there like sitting ducks, forced to adhere to ridiculous rules of engagement, with no clear enemy, and no way to differentiate the enemy from the allies in Iraq…

Maybe some ‘new blood’ will help but Robert Gates is NOT new blood, he’s a re-cycle from the Bush 41 administration and cronyism is what has motivated this nomination, as sure as it motivated Harriet Miers and her failed SCOTUS try…