UPDATE: That ‘poor’ Palestinian Family…
I don’t particularly like to just throw it out there and call names too much anymore, I got past that a while back, but I am of the opinion that Brett Shipp of
WFAA.com here in Dallas is either a ‘raghead loving libber’ or some kind of bleeding heart moonbat that wants to allow Palestinians to subjugate our system of justice…Reference back to this story:
Questions over Palestinian family locked up for 3 months and you’ll see where it all started, and the top link is the latest in Mr. Shipp’s campaign to assure that a family of ILLEGALS, a family that does indeed have a pitiful story, a family that does touch the heart in the presentation Mr. Shipp makes, is still, without a doubt, here in this nation ILLEGALLY, and are ILLEGAL due to their own inaction’s, they had apparently failed to follow thru on their visas, didn’t get them extended or renewed or they failed to pursue an effort to become legal citizens of this nation…This is only the 1st of many such efforts in the near future I fear, efforts where the ‘bleeding hearts’ do their very best to pave the way for ILLEGALS to become a mainstay in American society…
Ladies and Gentlemen, our nation is being GIVEN away, and not in small pieces either, and it’s being done by members of the MSM, the Democrats, Libbers in general and in no small part by our very own President, Mr. George W. Bush, and these actions are NOT acceptable to me, and should not be acceptable to any U.S. citizen, whether they be a born citizen or a naturalized citizen, and in many cases I am familiar with, naturalized citizens are even more upset about this road to ‘amnesty’ than natural born citizens, simply because they, the naturalized citizens, DID take the time, effort and not inexpensive effort to become U.S. citizens…
Our borders remain pretty much WIDE OPEN, and they will continue to be wide open until we have a President that cares more for AMERICA and the American people than he does the opinions of the ‘world’…
I fear our nation is in great peril my friends, and I fear those threats come more from WITHIN this nation than from outside sources, and I feel that our only option is rapidly becoming one that I had hoped and prayed we’d NEVER see in the USA…
The U.S. government isn’t going to stop the invasion of this nation, whether it be from Mexicans, Iraqi refugees, Palestinians, whatever they may be, and ‘bleeding hearts’ like Mr. Shipp and his ilk only empower them that much more, the INVADERS know they have ‘friends’ and the government knows they have MSM support on THIS issue…
I can speak for no one but myself, but as for me and my household, we are Locked and Loaded, and God help any S.O.B. that invades MY home…
February 5th, 2007 at 2:31 pm
Very irksome indeed! We are without a doubt screwed….
February 5th, 2007 at 2:41 pm
Fred has it exactly right… My blog is a counterterrorism blog and illegal immigration is a huge part of that. Every morning I wake up wondering, “Well, is today the day…” I keep wondering when the first nuke in the US will actually go off. I get reports from intelligence officers and military all over the world and folks I’m not exaggerating when I tell you it would scare the average American silly if he/she saw what was going on out there day after day. America is politically correcting herself into a grave dug by terrorists and those that would see us fall. It is not bad enough that we have countless enemies across the world and across our southern border - we have a huge draft of enemies right here at home on our land.
Those that are so concerned for illegal aliens, dictators and fascists are busily making sure that they do away with our constitution and the ideals we all hold so dear. Those that don’t want to kill us outright want to turn us into a socialistic/communistic society where only the wealthy, powerful and beautiful get to have privileges - the left is not on the people’s side. Do you honestly think George Soros gives a rat’s ass about your family? No - he is a power hungry communist who wants to remake the US into his fasicist image of paradise.
Letting in illegal aliens, defending them and coddling them gives a big green light to our enemies. Our government obviously has no intention of locking down our borders or protecting us. It’s going to get very bad folks - make sure you have all you need to ride it out and protect your own. We’re not only dealing with a global threat but an invasion from within and it scares the hell out of me. It’s hard to fight the enemy when your own government would rather defend and save them than American citizens. And the government fiddles merrily while America burns…
February 5th, 2007 at 3:04 pm
Fred, Blandly, The pathetic minority run government here in Crook County Illinois is voting to turn the county into a “sanctuary zone” for illegals to coincide with the city proper who already practices this crazy policy for illegals and our borders here per say are flooded from corner to corner with more illegals i could have ever imagined as a youngster growing up in this area.
The quality of life here has dropped dramatically as a result and yet strangely (not) our property taxes soar along with values. This occurs while they all work here for cash and buy land and homes with that cash also illegally and then overload our public services beyond capacity playing poor Mexican, stashing their cash earnings as they live better than the born and bred true legal Americans here and elsewhere rivaling any southwestern city the statistics sadly bear out.
It’s quite a scam they perpetrate and have mastered all around us in their entrenched underground Tijuana away from home here in the states funded by our dumb-ass politicians handing out money left and right for the future and present votes of these illegals.
I too wrote some stuff a few weeks back that goes mostly ignored by the pacifist peoples that are too busy every day to bother with this issue apparently, leaving it up to us to rattle the cages and it is a daunting task indeed. What will become of this nation is third world status and it’s rapidly approaching sooner than we can say Burrito Supremo.
Sorry for the long reply, but I’m pissed too, and that was a good Good piece Fred and I’m behind you on your feelings 110%
February 5th, 2007 at 4:03 pm
We’ll never convince the traitors who support the ‘invaders’ and other anti-American issues by words. There is only one way to settle these issues and the last time this way was used in the US the body count was some half a million dead and it lasted four years.
February 5th, 2007 at 4:32 pm
Fred in your list of those that are betraying the USA in re to wanting to give amnesty to invaders you let out another faction. Churches. Most especially, but not limited to, the Catholic church. Many churches (like the Adalberto United Methodist Church in Chicago) that literally, aid & abet & harbor invaders. If it were up to me any ‘church’ caught doing such a thing would be SHUT DOWN or at the very least lose PERMANENTLY their 401(C)3/tax-exempt status.
February 5th, 2007 at 4:57 pm
I’ll be uncharacteristically brief: I agree with you. Basti may well be correct. (By the way, the number was closer to 700,000 KIA.)
Beat regards to all,
February 5th, 2007 at 9:00 pm
I really like the comment from Terresa, if there is anyone in our country that doesn’t believe we are sitting on a time bomb, they are stuck in denial and need to be woke up.
The worse part is WE have been WARNED, and folks just don’t get it.
Basti is correct, it will not come to light until Americans take to the streets in a violent rage, only this time the weapons are much more lethal and there won’t be many survivors…..700K will be a good nights work.
February 5th, 2007 at 9:08 pm
The liberals are concerned about 3K+ troops that have died in the Middle East - what will their reaction be when THEY are a casualty because WE THE PEOPLE have become so fed up with the government that we do, in fact, form our own well-regulated militia, and oust those in power? We won’t stop at those in office, we will also go after the ones who support anti-American acts, such as compromising the sovereignty of the United States.
Are you listening, Career Politicians? Are you HEARING what is being said and planned? Are you in the LEAST BIT CONCERNED that your time is drawing to a close?
February 5th, 2007 at 10:26 pm
Count me in with all the above comments. And just this weekend Border Patrol agent Ignacio Ramos was viciously assaulted in prison by five illegal aliens. This country is going to hell in a turban
February 5th, 2007 at 10:41 pm
Fred you are all wrong on this one….that poor child in prison….how could you be so cruel……Oh no…listen to me….that Brett Shipp almost got me…..if you paint the right picture to kind and decent Americans they will always want to help the underdog….they leave out key facts of course…..I doubt seriously you can find a journalist that can write a story straight out with all of the facts…but the facts are we have an invasion on our hands and the do gooders are swaying the good hearted and selling us up the river……
February 6th, 2007 at 12:24 am
Hey Bro (Fred);
Sounds like the preacher to the choir. Some time back I made the statement that I thought we may very well be heading for a revolution, a real one. Those that have known us and been with us for a while will remember my being completely lambasted for the comment.
Dan, Mark, and yes, even Fred did not like my support for Class 3 firearms being readily available to the general populace. Well, the invaders include Hamas and Hezbolla. Going to use a sling shot against full auto AK 47’s while waiting for the police, and the God Damned PC planners to respond half assed?
Bluto for PRESIDENT! and an MP5 (M14 Optional) in every home!