Tuesdays Tribulations… A.M. Edition… 02-20-07
Tuesday, February 20th, 2007BAGHDAD, Iraq (AP) - A suicide bomber struck a funeral in Baghdad on Tuesday, killing at least seven people as militants show increasing defiance to a major security operation in the capital. The attacker, wearing a belt packed with explosives, followed a funeral procession into a tent before detonating the blast in a mostly Shiite district of eastern Baghdad, police said. At least 15 people were injured.
Full Story Here:
Car Bombs, Attacks Kill 18 in Baghdad
How do you fight THIS?? With a ’surge’?? By flooding the country with troops?? Our military can go up against any armed force in this world and we have what it takes to WIN in a ‘HEAD ON’ confrontation, but THIS ’suicide bomber’ thing is a battle we can’t win, no one can win it, short of wiping out Islam, because Islam is the ‘root’ cause of the entire matter, and until they change their ways, or run out of people willing to blow themselves up in MoMo’s name, it won’t stop…
TEHRAN, Iran (AP) - President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad said Tuesday that Iran would only halt its uranium enrichment program and return to negotiations if other Western nations do the same. Ahmadinejad told a crowd of thousands in northern Iran one day ahead of a U.N. Security Council deadline that it was no problem for his country to stop, but that “fair talks” demanded a similar gesture from the West.
Full Story Here:
Iran Sets Condition to Halt Nuke Program
Wouldn’t it be a shame if Ahmadinejad turned up with a hole between his eyes?? It ‘could’ happen, but it takes BALLS to give that clandestine order, and I don’t think there’s a ’set’ left in D.C.
KABUL, Afghanistan - A suicide attacker blew himself up at a hospital opening ceremony in eastern Afghanistan on Tuesday, wounding at least two NATO soldiers and a health worker, the provincial governor said.
Full Story Here:
Bomber strikes Afghan hospital
And this my friends, is the mindset of the Islamic ANIMALS we are dealing with, anyone that would deliberately target a hospital, ANY hospital, is nothing but a worthless slug in the grand scheme of life…
TUCSON, Ariz. — U.S. Border Patrol agents have found more than two tons of marijuana inside camouflaged trucks west of Casa Grande. The marijuana was discovered Sunday after a Bureau of Land Management ranger spotted two trucks near the town of Stanfield, said Rob Daniels, Border Patrol Tucson Sector spokesman.
Full Story Here:
Border Agents Find 2 Tons of Pot in Camouflaged Trucks
A big ‘Hat Tip’ to the Border Patrol and BLM folks for doing their job and keeping this crap OUT of the USA, now all we gotta do is stop some ‘bleeding heart’ libber bastard from filing charges against em for DOING that job…
SAN’A, Yemen (AP) - Ongoing clashes between the Yemeni army and followers of a Shiite rebel leader in the north of the country have killed more than 100 people in the past five days, military officials said Monday. About 90 of the dead were in the Yemeni army, including six killed on Monday, an army official said.
Full Story Here:
Clashes in Yemen Kill More Than 100
Yemen… The USS Cole… Shiite Rebels… Anyone seeing a pattern here?? Islam and violence, violence and Islam… The HYPOCRISY of Muslims is beyond belief, ‘religion of peace’ my ass, more like a CULT of moonbats…