Archive for the 'Editorial' Category

UPDATE: That ‘poor’ Palestinian Family…

Monday, February 5th, 2007
Let me put this as nicely as I know how, I am PISSED OFF, and quite frankly, THIS is the reason why: Board of Immigration Appeals rules Palestinian family DOES have grounds

I don’t particularly like to just throw it out there and call names too much anymore, I got past that a while back, but I am of the opinion that Brett Shipp of here in Dallas is either a ‘raghead loving libber’ or some kind of bleeding heart moonbat that wants to allow Palestinians to subjugate our system of justice…

Reference back to this story: Questions over Palestinian family locked up for 3 months and you’ll see where it all started, and the top link is the latest in Mr. Shipp’s campaign to assure that a family of ILLEGALS, a family that does indeed have a pitiful story, a family that does touch the heart in the presentation Mr. Shipp makes, is still, without a doubt, here in this nation ILLEGALLY, and are ILLEGAL due to their own inaction’s, they had apparently failed to follow thru on their visas, didn’t get them extended or renewed or they failed to pursue an effort to become legal citizens of this nation…

This is only the 1st of many such efforts in the near future I fear, efforts where the ‘bleeding hearts’ do their very best to pave the way for ILLEGALS to become a mainstay in American society…

Ladies and Gentlemen, our nation is being GIVEN away, and not in small pieces either, and it’s being done by members of the MSM, the Democrats, Libbers in general and in no small part by our very own President, Mr. George W. Bush, and these actions are NOT acceptable to me, and should not be acceptable to any U.S. citizen, whether they be a born citizen or a naturalized citizen, and in many cases I am familiar with, naturalized citizens are even more upset about this road to ‘amnesty’ than natural born citizens, simply because they, the naturalized citizens, DID take the time, effort and not inexpensive effort to become U.S. citizens…

Our borders remain pretty much WIDE OPEN, and they will continue to be wide open until we have a President that cares more for AMERICA and the American people than he does the opinions of the ‘world’…

I fear our nation is in great peril my friends, and I fear those threats come more from WITHIN this nation than from outside sources, and I feel that our only option is rapidly becoming one that I had hoped and prayed we’d NEVER see in the USA…

The U.S. government isn’t going to stop the invasion of this nation, whether it be from Mexicans, Iraqi refugees, Palestinians, whatever they may be, and ‘bleeding hearts’ like Mr. Shipp and his ilk only empower them that much more, the INVADERS know they have ‘friends’ and the government knows they have MSM support on THIS issue…

I can speak for no one but myself, but as for me and my household, we are Locked and Loaded, and God help any S.O.B. that invades MY home…

The State of the Union… My take…

Tuesday, January 23rd, 2007
Ladies and Gentlemen, I listened very closely to every word the President had to say tonight, but more than that, I watched HIM and his expressions, I watched Pelosi very closely, as well as the Congressmen and Senators in attendance and I saw NO real enthusiasm from the Dems on most of what the President had to say…

I also saw, at times, almost the same reactions from the Republicans, the President has a lot of folks to convince, and I am one of them…

As far as domestic financial policy, I have to tip my hat to Mr. Bush, he was quite correct, the markets are up, inflation is relatively steady and unemployment is practically nonexistent, anyone that wants a job, has a job, and I have never taken issue with Mr. Bush as far as the financial state of this nation is concerned…

Concerning health care, I’m lucky to have marvelous coverage and honestly, I’m not sure where I fall in on universal health care at this point, I hate the thought of our own people being ill and not receiving the care they need but I heard a plea from the President for billions of American dollars for health care directed to Africa, and that is something I have a real problem in dealing with, I am a 100% America 1st kind of guy and until ALL of our folks are provided with marvelous health care, I don’t get too excited about the folks of Africa and their health care, or lack thereof, in other words, I am NOT a bleeding heart humanitarian…

Energy independence is a topic that DOES mean something to me, we MUST find a way to free ourselves from our reliance on foreign oil and I am a firm believer that American ingenuity can provide those alternatives, safe nuclear power is a reality, wind power, the most efficient and clean source of electrical power we’ve ever known, MUST be expanded, these are things that we CAN do, and to all of the above efforts I heartily approve of the Presidents message…

Then we get to the part about immigration and Iraq…

There will likely be a comprehensive immigration bill and amnesty is a reality I’m afraid we’re going to have to face, Bush wants it and on THIS matter, the Dems support him, and now that the Republicans are out of power I’m afraid there will be nothing that can be done to stop the President or the Dem controlled House and Senate from allowing millions of ILLEGALS to take over the western parts of this nation and also allow them to exercise great power in many other area of the USA, and I personally feel this is nothing less than a disaster…

There is nothing left for me to say about my feeling concerning the war in Iraq and the way Mr. Bush is handling it, Iraq will be, in MY opinion, the downfall of the President and will lead to the destruction of the Republican party if something very drastic is not done, and I don’t mean a year from now, I am talking about RIGHT NOW

We are faced with 3 options as I see it, we can either send an overwhelming number of troops to Iraq and take the entire nation by force, or we can demand that the Iraqis stand and fight, and take control of their own nation and their own destiny and bring an end to their CIVIL WAR, or we walk away and write off the deaths of over 3,000 brave Americans and say their sacrifice was in vain…

Personally, I want the war in Iraq to become an exhibition of American warfighting ability that has not been seen in MANY years, I want to see the insurgents and terrorists not only defeated, I want to see them destroyed, for that my friends, is the only way we will ever have peace in this nation, but I am afraid that the concept of total and decisive victory has completely escaped our President…

America, 1st, last and always…

EDIT: 01-24-07 After thinking about the SOTU and having slept on it, I am even more astounded by the speech and the very thought that Mr. Bush could even ‘imagine’ that the Dems are going to work WITH him on ANYTHING other than amnesty for ILLEGALS…

Mr. Bush had the most perfect opportunity any President could have wished for, a Republican controlled House and Senate and a CONSERVATIVE controlled Supreme Court, and HE blew it…

And now he expects the Dems to work with him?? Sorry, I just don’t buy it…

What You Won’t Find in the Clinton Museum and Library

Sunday, January 21st, 2007
This is a LONG piece, and it does start off with a slight bit of Bush bashing, but it rapidly stops as the author goes into great detail regarding the business dealings of the Clinton’s… Please, if you’re going to look at it, read it ALL, it is very enlightening, and I honestly think Hillary believes these matters are long forgotten… Well, they’re NOT…

What You Won’t Find in the Clinton Museum and Library
by: Sam Smith

BILL CLINTON AND GEORGE BUSH are the two most corrupt individuals to have occupied the White House in modern times. While Bush has clearly proved more venal and deadly and far more destructive of the American republic, it is a fair reading of history to say that Clinton was the warm up band for George Bush, towit:

CLINTON, WITH NO LITTLE HELP from the Democratic Leadership Council, discredited and destroyed long standing principles of social democracy that had guided the party since the New Deal. Instead he offered the public GOP Lite. As Harry Truman pointed out, given a choice between a real Republican and someone who talks like one, the public will favor the real one.

CLINTON NEUTERED PROGRESSIVE organizations ranging from Americans for Democratic Action to women’s and black groups. Early in his administration they swore a loyalty that not only blinded them to his faults and corruption but left their brains devoid of ideas and arguments with which to take on the conservatives.

CLINTON DRASTICALLY LOWERED the standards of national politics with the help of a Washington establishment that rushed to his assistance as each scandal developed. The result was the Arkanization of the capital under which the only standard became whether you could get away with it. This opened the door wider for the even more venal neo-cons and their candidate, George Bush.

CLINTON WAS NOWHERE NEAR as good a politician as the Washington media and political establishment has claimed and the myth has proved to be a destructive fantasy for the party. Bill Clinton got 43.9% of the vote in 1992, while Michael Dukakis - purportedly the worst of all candidate - got 45%. True Clinton was up against Ross Perot who got 19% as well as Bush, but Clinton might well have lost were it not for Perot, in which case he would have joined Michael Dukakis in the hall of shame. Clinton won a majority in only two state-like entities: Arkansas and DC. In only 12 other states was he able to get ever 45%. Dukakis, meanwhile, got over 50% in 11 states and got over 45% in 12 others.

THE DAMAGE DONE TO THE DEMOCRATIC PARTY by Bill Clinton was the worst experienced under any incumbent president since Grover Cleveland. Here are some of the stats:

- GOP seats gained in House after Clinton became president: 48

- GOP seats gained in Senate after Clinton became president: 8

- GOP governorships gained after Clinton became president: 11

- GOP state legislative seats gained since Clinton became president: 1,254 as of 1998
- State legislatures taken over by GOP after Clinton became president: 9

- Democrat officeholders who became Republicans since Clinton became president: 439 as of 1998

- Republican officeholders who became Democrats: 3

CLINTON’S SCANDALS, going far beyond Monica Lewinski, were a major liability for Al Gore in 2000, far more so than Ralph Nader. According to the 2000 exits polls:

- 60% of voters disapproved of Clinton as a person

- 59% - including some who approved of him - disliked him

- 68% said he would go down in the history books for his scandals rather than for his leadership

- 44% thought the Clinton scandals were important or somewhat important. In contrast, only 28% thought Bush’s drunk driving arrest was important or somewhat important.

- 15% of those who had voted for Clinton in 1996 voted for Bush in 2000.

Much More Here:
What You Won’t Find in the Clinton Museum and Library by Sam Smith

Can we STAND another Clinton administration?? Can we live with the scandal and crime??

It will follow Hillary is she is elected, it has to, it’s the way the Clinton’s do business and to turn an old phrase, a leopard doesn’t change it’s spots…

I know Bush hasn’t been the ‘perfect’ President, not by ANY standard, but next to either of the Clinton’s, Bush is a ‘Choir Boy’…

Hillary is running, think before you support her…

A long over due rant…

Saturday, January 6th, 2007
I don’t normally launch on a huge rant, at least not very often, I generally stick to making opinionated comments and brief editorial posts, but I am way beyond angry and I have been holding this in for way too long…

I see comments from people saying they pissed off a ‘libber’ friend at dinner when they challenged them on some ignorant libber BS that was being spewed, and I just have to ask, what the hell are you doing going out to dinner with a LIBBER?? Trying to give yourself ulcers??

I had a fellow blogger, that just happens to be a member of the MSM tell me in email last night that it was OK for the Bush administration to let the information out on the ’sweep’ in Baghdad, and ya know WHY?? Because they did it in Fallujah, and hey, we took Fallujah…

And to that I say BULLSHIT, it’s wrong to EVER let that kind of information out, at ANY time, and anyone foolish enough to say so has obviously NEVER been that poor SOB out there in the field getting HIS ass shot at while HIS buddies are being KILLED all around him because some IDIOT let the plans out to the media, and thus to the enemy, so much for that theory…

I guess I’m lucky, my wife is about as radical as I am on this, it comes from her having lived with me thru all the crap I have, and having seen the BS the Dems/Libbers and RINOS lay out there where they try to tell us how wonderful it is to be violated by them, and from her having seen the military and intelligence resources of this nation RAPED and PILLAGED and kicked to the curb by the likes of Carter and Clinton and now by a so-called Conservative POTUS that for some reason known only to him, believes we can fight a politically correct WAR and NOT offend the world in doing so…

Once upon a time my wife was a seriously real Bush supporter, I wasn’t, when he got elected the 1st time, I voted for him, but grudgingly, and admittedly, after 9-11 my attitude DID change some, but in the last 3 years or so I have come to firmly believe that Bush is a RINO if ever there was one, he is no kind of conservative, AT ALL, and is as dumb as a box of rocks, and I will say it over and over, and I don’t give a damn WHO it pisses off…

That’s the good thing about being a blogger and doing it as a hobby, I don’t make one red cent off this blog and if people don’t like what I have to say they can click the mouse, leave and NEVER come back, I won’t lose a thing except some rankings that don’t mean JACK SHIT…

Do I have an attitude?? You’re damned right I do, I am TIRED of being lied to and bullshitted by our so-called leaders and I’m tired of the God forsaken LIBBERS that think they can run this nation by giving it away and allowing abortion on demand and queer marriage, but even more, I am tired of the so-called CONSERVATIVES that are being overcome by apathy and are just rolling over and taking whatever is thrown at em… THAT is the most disgusting part of the whole deal…

When Bush was elected over Gore and again over Kerry a vast majority of American voters said, without reservation, Bush is the ‘lesser of 2 evils’…

The man is ineffectual, he has NO idea of how to conduct a WAR, his administration has more leaks than a 100 year old row boat, his leadership abilities are nonexistent, his popularity is in the shitter and now he has a whole herd of IDIOT Dems that are about to hand him his head on a platter…

Bush is NOT a conservative, he’s caused the Repubs to lose control of BOTH houses, he didn’t DO a damned thing with either house when he had control and unless there are some radical changes within the Republican party, the Dems are going to be a ’shoe in’ come ‘08, unless they screw up the next 2 years and can’t get elected themselves, and if that happens, WHAT are our alternatives??

Well here’s MY take on that, the lesser of 2 evils is STILL evil and the American people should have a lot better than ANY kind of evil, but if we’re too damned lazy or so stupid or so apathetic that we can’t get up off the sofa and DEMAND better leadership, and then follow through on those demands, then by God we truly have the government, and the leadership, we deserve…

And I have people tell me all the time, “A 3rd party will just kill the Dems and/or Repubs, it’ll take votes away from them” and to these IDIOTS I say, ya think??

That is the whole purpose and intent of a 3rd party, and IF the voters of the USA can’t pull their heads OUT of the sand and work their tails off to establish a true CONSERVATIVE party, with true CONSERVATIVE candidates and honest leadership, and then stay involved with this CONSERVATIVE movement and demand that it be run correctly, well, it’s all over folks, there won’t be much of a USA left to save if it’s not done VERY soon, Bush is going to GIVE amnesty to the ILLEGALS already here and the Dems are going to let him, a RINO and the Dem/Libbers, that is what we have running this nation now, how much longer do you think America is going to last at this pace??

My Year End Editorial…

Monday, December 25th, 2006
The economy looks pretty good at this point, I can’t fault the President for being a bad ‘financial’ leader, the stock market has maintained levels that many felt were unsustainable, unemployment is at all time lows, housing starts are back up, anyone that wants a job, has a job, and a roof over their head, on most domestic issues Mr. Bush has held his own, except for border defense…

Our borders are still pretty much WIDE OPEN and we still have about 20 million ILLEGAL INVADERS in this nation and I have seen very little done to rectify this situation, the incoming congress, being Dem/Libber controlled, will likely give Bush that amnesty bill he so wanted and the Repubs wouldn’t let him have, and Mr. Bush’s RINO side will be fully revealed…

ILLEGALS left the USA in record numbers this Christmas, to go home to see friends and relatives, the MSM has made a good showing on that, and the ILLEGALS left because they KNOW they can get back into the USA relatively unhampered, so here’s the BIG question, WHY hasn’t the President given the order to SEAL the border, right now, lock it down tight and deny re-entry to ANYONE that isn’t coming here legally??

Because he wants them here, but for what reason?? That’s a question that only GWB can answer, but he is, in MY opinion, more concerned with the amnesty of ILLEGALS and allowing MORE of them to come in to the USA than he is with taking care of LEGAL U.S. citizens…

World leaders are calling for peace during this holiday season, well, that’s what world leaders DO, they hope for the best and KNOW that until the enemies of freedom and democracy are destroyed, there will be no peace…

Ethiopia is attacking Somalia, and we’re not in there dropping bombs ourselves?? What’s wrong with that picture?? Somalia has been a ‘thorn’ in the side of America ever since Clinton showed the world that his balls were for nothing other than playing ‘hide the cigar in the fat chick’…

We’re STILL in Iraq, and if current rhetoric by the White House is any indication, we’re going to be there for a long time to come…

Rumsfeld is gone and I have to wonder, in all honesty, was he a better Sec/Def than many of us felt he was?? Was he about to lay out a brilliant strategy for the battle in Iraq and the GWOT as a whole?? Would that be the reason for his oh so sudden departure as Sec/Def?? Were his ideas and strategies about to make Pres. Bush look like the ill prepared ‘war fighter’ that I believe he (Bush) is??

The Iraqis claim they need us to ‘back them up’ in their ‘effort’ to route radical insurgency and make an elected government work, but I see no real evidence that Iraq can or will stand on it’s own as a democracy or as a viable fighting force that can stand against those that would take Iraq back to the middle ages in a ‘crusades’ type battle just to make the USA look bad in their efforts to help Iraq move forward…

And our efforts in Afghanistan are still not back on ‘full offensive’ simply because the DoD claims that our military is stretched nearly to the breaking point, a statement I personally feel is less than truthful and is used more as an excuse to cover the failures of the White House and DoD…

If the military needs more bodies, get them in uniform and trained, but then you turn around and hear that the Joint Chiefs and senior commanders in theater say they are doing great on personnel levels and don’t need more help…

Someone in the military hierarchy needs to step up and tell the truth about Iraq, Afghanistan and all the rest, IF our military is ’stretched’ to the breaking point by Iraq, our military is truly in ‘dire straits’ and all I can say to the American people is this, look at the top, it all starts there, and rolls down hill…

In a few days the Dems will take control of congress and that had better be the biggest ‘wake up call’ the Republicans ever receive…

The Capitol Gang has been hit by several scandals this year, from Fox News: “The October surprise of former Rep. Mark Foley’s e-mail and instant messages with teenage congressional pages wrapped up a year tainted by scandals involving ex-lobbyist Jack Abramoff, Louisiana Democratic Rep. William Jefferson, and former Republican Reps. Randy “Duke” Cunningham, Tom DeLay and Bob Ney.”

The Dems didn’t so much WIN this last election as the Repubs GAVE it away, when the Repubs lost sight of Conservatism, they LOST the Conservative base that is responsible for them being in office in the 1st place…

The Repubs have a lot of bridges to mend with Conservatives in this nation and depending on how ’smart’ the Repubs are, they can win or lose, by their own actions, because if John McCain is the best the Repubs can come up with in ‘08 they can kiss the White House goodbye for at least the next 4 years…

For the Repubs to take it all back in ‘08 it’s going to require them to return to TRUE Conservatism and not just ‘pander’ the Conservatives for their votes, Conservatives and the religious right aren’t going to fall for the same old BS again, I think the ‘06 elections pointed that out graphically, Conservatives have no confidence in them anymore and we have been reduced to voting for the lesser of 2 evils, and the American people deserve much better than that, the lesser of 2 evils is STILL evil…

This year left the USA seriously divided, and the root of the problem IS Iraq, I don’t see the Dems having a magic wand to wave that will make it all go away, in fact, I have heard very little from the Dems that gives me ANY reason to be cheerful at all, they offer nothing and our Republican President walks around like he’s lost…

I feel the time is right for a serious 3rd party to emerge, an American Conservative Party, I know that they wouldn’t stand a chance YET, but 2 more years of Bush and then 4 years of the Dems if the Repubs can’t get their act together may be what it finally takes to make this 3rd party scenario a reality…

I wish all the best to each and every one of you in the coming new year and I sincerely hope that this nation gets it ALL together and takes a stand, saying America 1st…

Dear President Bush…

Monday, November 27th, 2006

Dear President Bush:

I’m about to plan a little trip with my family and extended family, and I would like to ask you to assist me. I’m going to walk across the border from the U.S. into Mexico, and I need to make a few arrangements. I know you can help with this.

I plan to skip all the legal stuff like visas, passports, immigration quotas and laws. I’m sure they handle those things the same way you do here.

So, would you mind telling your buddy, President Vicente Fox, that I’m on my way over?

And - Please! - let him know that I will be expecting the following:

1. Free medical care for my entire family.

2. English-speaking government bureaucrats for all services I might need, whether I use them or not.

3. All government forms need to be printed in English.

4. I want my kids to be taught by English-speaking teachers.

5. Schools need to include classes on American culture and history.

6. I want my kids to see the American flag flying on the top of the flagpole at their school with the Mexican flag flying lower down.

7. Please plan to feed my kids at school for both breakfast and lunch.

8. I will need a local Mexican driver’s license so I can get easy access to government services.

9. I do not plan to have any car insurance, and I won’t make any effort to learn local traffic laws.

10. In case one of the Mexican police officers does not get the memo from Pres. Fox to leave me alone, please be sure that all police officers speak English.

11. I plan to fly the U.S. flag from my housetop, put flag decals on my car, and have a gigantic celebration on July 4th. I do not want this to result in any complaints or negative comments from the locals.

12. I would also like to have a nice job without paying any taxes, and don’t enforce any labor laws or tax laws.

13. Please tell all the people in the country to be extremely nice and never say a critical word about me, or about the strain I might place on their economy.

I know this is an easy request because you already do all these things for all the people who come to the U.S. from Mexico.

Sincerely, A One World Traveler…

Yeah, like that’s ALL gonna happen…

Mexico has pretty stringent laws governing immigration into their country, Mexican Immigration & Visa Visas and they actually enforce those laws so I am told…

But Vincente Fox expected us to ignore OUR laws for his people, and our President, Senor Jorge Bush is all for it too, grant amnesty, give em citizenship, oh hell yeah, fast track em to becoming voters…

That is NOT the actions of a CONSERVATIVE president, that is NOT the action of a president that is protecting HIS nation and representing the WILL of the people that put him in office, it’s the actions of someone that has turned their back on all LEGAL citizens that were BORN in this nation and all the folks that went to the trouble to become LEGAL citizens by following the letter of the law…

What do you do with a president that won’t protect his own nation???

Call me at 1-888-407-1776 and we can talk about it, ON THE AIR…

Nat’l Guard Units Face 2nd Tours in Iraq

Friday, November 10th, 2006

WASHINGTON (AP) - The Pentagon is developing plans that for the first time would send entire National Guard combat brigades back to Iraq for a second tour, the Guard’s top general said in the latest sign of how thinly stretched the military has become.

Smaller units and individual troops from the Guard have already returned to Iraq for longer periods, and some active duty units have served multiple tours. Brigades generally have about 3,500 troops.

The move - which could include brigades from North Carolina, Florida, Arkansas and Indiana - would force the Pentagon to make the first large-scale departure from its previous decision not to deploy reserves for more than a cumulative 24 months in Iraq.

For some units, a second tour would mean they would likely exceed that two-year maximum. The planning was described by Lt. Gen. H. Steven Blum, who commands the Guard, in an Associated Press interview this week.

Full Story Here:
Nat’l Guard Units Face 2nd Tours in Iraq

Some folks ask, in all innocence I suppose, WHY do you NOT support the war in Iraq and to them I say, because we are not fighting a war in Iraq, we are sending our troops over there and allowing them to be used as targets in a shooting gallery…

A WAR means we mount an MAJOR OFFENSIVE and we KILL the enemy, oh, wait, we did that, in the 1st 4 DAYS we were in Iraq… Sorry… I forgot ‘mission accomplished’…

So, why are we STILL sitting around, with U.S. troops patrolling the streets of Baghdad, Fallujah, and many other Iraqi towns and villages, and why are we getting troops KILLED, every day in this country called Iraq??

Because the goddamned Iraqis are either too lazy or too stupid to stand up and fight for themselves, likely BOTH observations are correct, if the truth could be told…

When we have Regular Army and Marine units going BACK to Iraq for their 3rd tour, and we have National Guard units preparing for the deployment of their 2nd tour, something is really wrong with our war fighting ability, or, more precisely, the leadership of our military and the way THEY are directing the usage of our manpower…

Someone seriously needs to think about kicking the Iraqis squarely in the ass and TELLING THEM, not asking politely, in a PC manner, by God TELLING the sons a bitches, “OK assholes, here’s the deal, YOU either stand up, on your own by (insert time frame here) or we’re bugging out and you lazy, unorganized, goat worshipping, no fighting, prayer rug kneeling, Allah ass kissing bastards can sink or swim, YOUR call…”, and for all those asshat libbers and RINO ‘Bush is God’ asshats calling for an ‘exit strategy’, there ya go, THAT is an exit strategy…

We have been pissing around in Iraq for LONGER than WW II lasted, in it’s entirety, tell me, what is wrong with THAT picture, and tell me WHY the goddamned politicians get so pissed off when some of us compare it to Vietnam, v.2006… Can you tell me the reasons for that??

Well I’m gonna tell you what I think, I think George W. Bush has his head buried in his ass, and I think it was a really tight fit until Rummy got his yanked OUT…

I am tired of excuses from the White House and DoD, in almost 4 years we haven’t been able to pacify a nation the size of Texas?? With what was once thought to be the mightiest army on earth??

Bullshit, the ragheads are doing to US in Iraq exactly what they did to the Russians in Afghanistan, except they are being ALLOWED to do it in Iraq, because we have the might, we have the weaponry and technology, we have the troops and THEY have the guts to get the job done…

What we don’t have is leadership with the BALLS to ALLOW our troops to DO that job, starting right at the very top with George W. Bush…

And God help ANY of you if you think the Dems, who are being run by Pelosi and Murtha will do ANY better…

My, God, where have the GUTS of the leaders of this nation gone to??

What will you say…

Friday, November 10th, 2006

I received this via email, from Murray over at Lone Star Diary, I hope you enjoy it…

What will you say…

When you look around and see your small town that you were raised in turned into a third world country and as you walk down a sidewalk of what used to be so familiar to you has now been desecrated and soiled?

When you have to pray in private because it is against the law to in public?

When the flag that you or a family member fought for, sacrificed their life, limb and sometimes sanity to serve and protect, is now banned?

When you watch a neighbor or friend being attacked, beaten, or even killed on the street corner and you stand by helplessly looking on too afraid to get involved?

When you try your best to soothe you sick child’s fears away, try to heal them yourself of their illness because going to a hospital is a last resort due the inadequate care and exorbitant costs that you cannot afford just because it has come down to a decision of putting what gas you can afford into your vehicle so you can go to that job that you hate to gather what ever type of paycheck you can get to feed them and put shelter over their heads?

When your children and grandchildren look up at you with tears in their eyes because you were supposed to lead the way and ensure their future and they ask, what happened?

When these same children reach back in their short memories of better times, days when there was no hunger, no fear and America was a land of plenty and ask why did our lives change?

When you have to debase yourself and stand in line to buy whatever food may have been shipped in that day, and despite the constant of rice, beans and whatever else may be available, your body craves for fresh vegetables, fruit and meat that is now considered a luxury and only the rich can afford ?

When you catch yourself speaking English and your grandchildren look at you and chastise you for speaking the Old language that brands you as outdated?

When your government is now a fascist regime and you have no choice but to follow their orders and ideology?

When you look back at all the warning signs that were given and yet you ignored them because you were too absorbed and self-obsessed in your own little world, secure in the fact that these were missives and declarations of the misguided and conspiracists. What will you say?

I will say…You got what you deserved.

We are half way there and you, my neighbors, my friends, my family, my fellow Americans are allowing it to happen.

What I Mean By “I Feel Liberated” from Rush Limbaugh

Friday, November 10th, 2006

RUSH: I’m probably going to make a mistake trying this because there’s not a whole lot of time in this segment. Sometimes even I am amazed. Yesterday I said on this program, in response to a question, “How are you feeling?” this was not something I worked on the night before, a big monologue. “Okay, folks, I have a major announcement.” I got a bunch of questions from people in the e-mail telling me how they felt. They were depressed and so they asked, “How do you feel, Rush?” The first thought that came to my mind: I feel liberated. “What do you mean by that?”

I  said, “I’m tired of carrying the water for people who don’t deserve having their water carried,” and from that, hell has broken loose. I was lying! I’m abandoning the GOP! I somehow admitted that I’m no longer going to read the White House talking points when I never, ever get the White House talking points. Some twerp on television last night said, “A-ha! See? The White House had this big meeting with conservative talk show hosts. They got in there and they got their marching orders and they went…” I wasn’t invited to that! I wasn’t invited because they knew I wouldn’t go. I don’t do group things, number one.

Number two: they know they can’t influence me that way, and now this. This is from, our radio station in the Hampton Roads area is WNIS 790 and they’re running a contest there, a little survey today on, “What did Rush really mean? Is he leaving the GOP? Is he angry with President Bush? What do you think he meant? What effect, if any, could his comments have on the Republican Party?” So I got an e-mail from a friend last night who totally understood it. “Rush, I loved your water carrying comment. It’s so true. I was thinking about just how awful presidential debates have been, well, forever. Not one minute of those debates would make for good talk radio. The fact is the best candidates the parties offer up can’t present their cases very well, or don’t.

Full Transcript Here:
What I Mean By “I Feel Liberated”

Well, I am tired of “carrying the water” too, for ALL of em, I am tired of being lied to by MY government, I am tired of being taken for granted by MY elected officials and I am tired of seeing my elected officials PANDER like a whore in heat, in hopes that they can NOW win what is sure to be a HUGE voting block from the ILLEGAL INVADERS that will soon be given full amnesty by the Congress, Senate and President of the United States of America, I don’t feel ‘liberated’, I feel that we have been betrayed, and THAT, Ladies and Gentlemen, makes me very angry…

It’s not that the candidates don’t present their cases ‘well’, they present what they have, and it amounts to NOTHING, from either side…

Several of us are in discussion on ways to implement a REAL and viable American Conservative Party, and I don’t mean some recycled bunch of BS like the ‘Greens’ and the ‘Libertarians’, I am talking about REAL American values, REAL American concerns, REAL American morals and Real American compassion, for REAL Americans, LEGAL Americans, American Patriots, the CONSERVATIVE Americans, those that have EARNED the right to be called United States Citizen

The Republicans have totally abandoned the Conservatives of this nation, the Dems can’t even SPELL Conservative and here we are, the Conservatives of this nation, stuck in the middle between 2 sets of pandering idiots…

It’s time folks, it’s time for an American Conservatives Party, with folks like Tom Tancredo and John Bolton leading the pack…

And if you believe we don’t need a 3rd party, if you think the Dems and Repubs are doing a great job, this is NOT for you, and you are invited to keep your nose OUT of it, this movement will require men and women with GUTS, the guts to take on the ’status quo’ of American politics, THAT is the kind of people this message is intended for, not the BLIND and the ’sheeple’ that are too cowardly to STAND and FIGHT for America…

Do I think this post will piss off some of my readers?? Hell yes I do, I WANT it to, I want people to wake up and look around, I want them to realize that if we don’t SAVE America, and very damned soon, there won’t be an America left TO save…

Will this post cost me some readers?? Maybe, I honestly don’t care, because if a reader can’t take the TRUTH, this isn’t the place they need to be in the 1st place…

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