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Tag Archives: Black Activists
Holder wades deeper into Zimmerman battle, calls for review of ‘stand-your-ground’
Holder wades deeper into Zimmerman battle, calls for review of ‘stand-your-ground’ Attorney General Eric Holder waded deeper into the controversy over the George Zimmerman case and verdict on Tuesday, suggesting a national review of “stand-your-ground” laws during a speech before … Continue reading →

Posted in Racial Issues
Tagged Al Sharpton, Barack Hussein Obama, Black Activists, Civil Rights Charges, Department of Justice, Eric Holder, Fast and Furious, FBI, George Zimmerman, Homeland Security, IRS, Jessie Jackson, Ku Klux Klan, Martial Law, NAACP, NBPP, New Black Panthers Party, NSA, Right to Self Defense, Stand Your Ground, Stand Your Ground Law, The Castle Doctrine, Trayvon Martin