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Tag Archives: False Flag Event
The United States is in Grave Danger from the Obama Regime
The United States is in Grave Danger from the Obama Regime First we have this: Is Obama Considering Releasing the World Trade Center Bomber? This is absolutely unbelievable. Americans were yet again the victims of terrorist actions in Libya, and … Continue reading →

Posted in America 1st
Tagged Alan Caruba, Barack Hussein Obama, Domestic Enemies, Domestic Terrorism, False Flag Event, Martial Law, Prepping US for Martial Law, Quds pose threat to U.S. Homeland, Sheik Omar Abdel-Rahman, The Enemy Within, The Liberal Left, U.S. in Grave Danger, Warning Signs
The Confederate Flag as a distraction from current issues - a commentary by TexasFred
The Confederate Flag as a distraction from current issues - a commentary by TexasFred Make NO mistake Ladies and Gentlemen, I am a dyed in the wool Southern born man with a Rebel’s heart that became a Texan by choice many … Continue reading →