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Tag Archives: Islam Supports Obama
A warning from a former Muslim Redux
This is a post I put up some time back and I think it may be very appropriate to use at this time as we look at the United States about to seriously re-involve themselves in Iraq. A warning from … Continue reading →

Posted in America 1st
Tagged ACLU, Barack Hussein Obama, CAIR, Hate Speech, Islam Supports Obama, Islamic supremacy, ISNA, MPAC, Obama Supports Islam, OPEC, Sharia Law, Sharia Law in America, Sic semper tyrannis, Sleeper Cells, The Hypocrisy of Islam, The Islamification of America, The Religion of Peace, The Truth is Not Hate Speech, The United Nations
A warning from a former Muslim
The Department of Justice, under the administration of Barack Hussein Obama and Eric Holder, has threatened Americans with this: DOJ warns Muslim bashing on social media may be federal offense. What Obama, Holder, the DoJ and Islam call *bashing* we … Continue reading →

Posted in America 1st
Tagged ACLU, Barack Hussein Obama, CAIR, Eric Holder, Hate Speech, Islam Supports Obama, Islamic supremacy, ISNA, MPAC, Obama Supports Islam, OPEC, Sharia Law, Sharia Law in America, Sic semper tyrannis, Sleeper Cells, The Hypocrisy of Islam, The Islamification of America, The Religion of Peace, The Truth is Not Hate Speech, The United Nations
Taxpayers Will Pay for Obama Bus Tour of Battleground States, Says White House
Taxpayers Will Pay for Obama Bus Tour of Battleground States, Says White House (CNSNews.com) - President Barack Obama’s upcoming bus tour through the Midwest states typically viewed as swing states during presidential election years will be paid for by the … Continue reading →

Obama offers millions in Muslim technology fund
Obama offers millions in Muslim technology fund The White House Friday highlighted a new multi-million-dollar technology fund for Muslim nations, following a pledge made by President Barack Obama in his landmark speech to the Islamic world. The White House said … Continue reading →