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Tag Archives: Operation Gun Walker
Mexico President Felipe Calderon: ‘No more weapons!’
Mexico President Felipe Calderon: ‘No more weapons!’ CIUDAD JUAREZ, Mexico — President Felipe Calderon on Thursday unveiled a “No More Weapons!” billboard made with crushed firearms and placed near the U.S. border. He urged the United States to stop the … Continue reading →

Mexican attorney general: “Obama more involved in Fast & Furious than admitted!”
Mexican attorney general: “Obama more involved in Fast & Furious than admitted!” President Barack Obama appears to be getting it from all sides regarding a government snafu dubbed Operation Fast and Furious. Besides both houses of the U.S. Congress and … Continue reading →

Operation Fast and Furious - Is this Obama’s Waterloo?
I have had a number of people asking me to write more on this Fast and Furious debacle within the BATF, DOJ and the Obama administration. Today is your lucky day! Gunrunner: Cash For Cartels Scandal: New documents reveal the Department … Continue reading →

Issa staffer: Gunrunner investigation points much higher than ATF director
Issa staffer: Gunrunner investigation points much higher than ATF director A spokesman for House Oversight Committee Chairman Darrell Issa told The Daily Caller the congressman expects his investigations into the Justice Department’s gun walking programs to point to a much … Continue reading →

ATF agents: Border weapons operation a disaster
ATF agents: Border weapons operation a disaster WASHINGTON - Three federal firearms investigators told a House committee on Wednesday that they were repeatedly ordered to step aside while gun buyers in Arizona walked away with AK-47s and other high-powered weaponry … Continue reading →