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Radical Muslim preacher Abu Qatada granted bail in Britain

May 8th, 2008 . by TexasFred

LONDON (AP) - A radical Muslim preacher accused of having close ties to al-Qaida was granted bail by a British immigration appeals commission Thursday.

Abu Qatada, who was jailed in 2002 over accusations that he played a key role in raising money for extremist groups and provided spiritual advice to militants planning terror attacks, will remain in custody until arrangements for his release are completed.

Judge John Mitting ruled the cleric should be released after the Court of Appeal ordered the government in April to stop extradition proceedings, claiming he faced the threat of torture if returned to his native Jordan.

But the judge acknowledged Qatada could pose a national security threat and imposed a strict 22-hour curfew, meaning he must be inside his home for all but two hours a day. Precise details of the curfew will be decided at another hearing, probably within two weeks, officials said.

Home Secretary Jacqui Smith said she was extremely disappointed with the decision and would “take all steps necessary to protect the public.”

Full Story Here:
Radical Muslim preacher Abu Qatada granted bail in Britain

Ya know, it’s going to be really interesting to see what happens when the Islamic hordes take over Europe, and take it over they will, as surely as you’re reading this, it WILL happen…

And it will be interesting to see how long it takes before we hear the cries, “But where are the Americans?? Why won’t they come and save us again??”

And even more interesting than that will be the response of the USA if Obama is the new U.S. president, I am guessing that he will back his Muslim brothers and let Europe go to hell in a hand basket, because you can’t save a people when you’re allowing your own nation to be taken over by Islamic rule and Sharia law…

Can you?? :roll:

It’s coming folks, I can see it in our very near future, and what I see is ugly, it all depends on how soon they come after our guns, when that event happens, and under a presidency of Barack Obama it will happen, when that happens we’ll be in a fight for our very lives…

I’d say you need to prepare, and I don’t mean stock up food and water, the fight won’t last that long, it will be brief, violent and decisive, and depending on whether or not our own troops take up arms against the citizens of this nation, either way, it will determine the course of this nation for whatever remains of her existence…

EDIT TO ADD: And the above scenario shows us exactly why American presidents have maintained close ties with the U.N. and it’s supporting nations, they know, or are reasonably sure that American troops won’t take up arms against their own people…

U.N. troops would have no reservations in doing so…

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2 Responses to “Radical Muslim preacher Abu Qatada granted bail in Britain”

  1. comment number 1 by: Robert

    Well it is by the grace of GOD that our forefathers put that little “Right” in the document…. While Politicians like Obama are constantly trying to remove that “RIGHT”, they haven’t yet accomplished that feat. They are inching up that path and when they get to the point of repossession of firearms, we will see the second part of the civil war.

  2. comment number 2 by: TexasFred

    Robert: One Executive order from that son of a bitch and it’s game on…

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