Fox: Jackson used N-word in crude off-air remarks

CHICAGO (AP) - The Rev. Jesse Jackson used the N-word during a break in a TV interview where he criticized presidential candidate Barack Obama, Fox News confirmed Wednesday.

The longtime civil rights leader already came under fire this month for crude off-air comments he made against Obama in what he thought was a private conversation during a taping of a “Fox & Friends” news show.

In additional comments from that same conversation, first reported by TVNewser, Jackson is reported to have said Obama was “talking down to black people,” and referred to blacks with the N-word when he said Obama was telling them “how to behave.”

Though a Fox spokesman confirmed to The Associated Press that Jackson used the slur, the network declined to release the full transcript of the July 6 show and did not air the comments.

Full Story Here:
Fox: Jackson used N-word in crude off-air remarks

But it’s OK. Really, it is, it’s OK. Now if I had used the *N* word, I would be called a vile and hateful racist, but since The Good Rev. Jack$on said it, it’s all OK. And he’ll make some kind of lame-assed apologies, so, really, it’s just fine. Really.

And a HUGE Hat Tip to Renee at American Truckers At War for the *heads up* on this one.

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8 Responses to Fox: Jackson used N-word in crude off-air remarks

  1. Katie says:

    There’s a double standard Fred. If you or I used the *N* word we would be vilified. But Blacks can use it all the time. They call each other it.

    If you don’t want a word to be used, then don’t use it yourselves!

  2. RTaylor says:

    This is a classic case of Jackson hypocrisy caught on tape and O’Reilly chose to edit it out as “not to hurt Jackson”….

    The word is only “racist” if Jackson can profit from it. I’m glad this got out - it not only verifies what many of us have said about Jackson for years, but it also tells us a bit about O’Reilly….

  3. Carl says:

    Expect a free pass from the MSM and uber-libs.

  4. TexasFred says:

    Carl, not a doubt in my mind… Our 10PM news did about 20 seconds on it…

  5. John Telthorst says:

    Jesse Jackson sees everything through a racial lens. He is the antithesis of MLK Jr. Dr. King wanted to get beyond race. Jackson wants race to be the center issue, because that’s how he’s made his name and pays his bills.

  6. cary says:

    In the article about this in the paper this morning, it was mentioned that Jack$on could not be reached for comment, because he was on tour in Spain.

    How do I sign up for his gig? I have yet to see him actually leading a church, and yet the punk gets to travel the world with no visible means of support? WTF, over?

  7. GUYK says:

    Well, one thing you can say about takes one to know one..

  8. JSR says:

    Jesse Jackson has run his course. He has become something resembling an ambulance chasing lawyer. His strength only comes from creating and capitalizing on racial tension. He should graduate to educating Black America on how to be accountable. He is a poor example of leadership and should retire. He impedes progress for Black Americans and should take Al Sharpton with him.

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