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Iranian police clash with protesters

June 28th, 2009 . by TexasFred

Iranian police clash with protesters

EDITOR’S NOTE: Iranian authorities have barred journalists for international news organizations from reporting on the streets and ordered them to stay in their offices. This report is based on the accounts of witnesses reached in Iran and official statements carried on Iranian media.

Several thousand protesters — some chanting “Where is my vote?” — clashed with riot police in Tehran on Sunday as Iran detained local employees of the British Embassy, escalating the regime’s standoff with the West and earning it a stinging rebuke from the European Union.

Witnesses said riot police used tear gas and clubs to break up a crowd of up to 3,000 protesters who had gathered near north Tehran’s Ghoba Mosque in the country’s first major post-election unrest in four days.

Full Story Here:
Iranian police clash with protesters

Americans are all up in the air, wanting to take to the streets like the Iranians. But our fight is over the Cap and Trade bill passing a vote in Congress, not a presidential election. 

These people calling for take it to the streets protests have NO idea. People WILL die. Are Americans gutsy enough for that? Are you ready to become a martyr for the cause?

It’s hard to get people out protesting this issue when they see THEIR Congresscritters doing a GREAT job and representing their constituents as We, The People demand! It’s hard to get folks from here in my part of Texas to protest against the ones that aren’t doing the right thing. They aren’t our Congressmen.

ALL of our North Texas representatives voted against Cap and Trade. OUR Representatives did their job! The Congresscritters that voted FOR this debacle need to be taken to the woodshed by THEIR voters.

I tried to send a message to each one of the Putrid 8, I wanted to voice MY anger too! These clowns don’t accept messages from people NOT in their constituency. Imagine that!

And let’s face the cold hard facts, standing on the street protesting some IDIOT congressman that is not my congressman is a lot like the people on Facebook and all their *Impeach Pelosi* bullshit. There is NOTHING that I, as a Texan, can do about Pelosi, other than implore my Congressman to oppose the ignorant old bitch. And he does, at every opportunity.

Protest is only effective when heads roll. Faint heart ne’er won fair lady.

If the people of a certain ward, precinct, county or state don’t take up the fight against their idiot Congresscritters, there’s not a damn thing that I can do to help them. A man that won’t fight for himself is NOT worth ME fighting FOR him.

This is not a time for the weak of heart, if it’s protest you want, by all means, PROTEST, and do it heartily! If blood bothers you, you had better stay home, as the title said, There Will Be Blood!

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Obama implores Senate to pass climate bill

June 27th, 2009 . by TexasFred

Obama implores Senate to pass climate bill

WASHINGTON (AP) - Hours after the House passed landmark legislation meant to curb greenhouse gas emissions and create an energy-efficient economy, President Barack Obama on Saturday urged senators to show courage and follow suit.

The sharply debated bill’s fate is unclear in the Senate, and Obama used his weekly radio and Internet address to ratchet up pressure on the 100-seat chamber.

“My call to every senator, as well as to every American, is this,” he said. “We cannot be afraid of the future. And we must not be prisoners of the past. Don’t believe the misinformation out there that suggests there is somehow a contradiction between investing in clean energy and economic growth.”

The legislation would place the first national limits on emissions of greenhouse gases from major sources - such as power plants, factories and oil refineries - to reduce the gases linked to global climate change. It would also start moving the U.S. away from fossil fuels and toward cleaner power sources, like geothermal, wind, solar and more nuclear generators.

Full Story Here:
Obama implores Senate to pass climate bill

This battle is NOT over. Not by a long shot. It’s still got to pass the Senate. And if the Senate has fewer RINOs than the Congress, and if the Dems in the Senate have the good sense, and the COURAGE to stand as some Dems did in the Congress, this could still be stopped. We ALL have 2 Senators, it’s not hard to FLOOD 2 Senators.

Hammer them incessantly. Jam their emails, faxes and phone systems. Make them fully aware that we plan to vote OUT any RINO that votes for this Cap and Trade bill. Make them aware, we have a *HIT LIST* started for the Congress. No, not THAT kind of *hit list*.

Some folks in Congress are going to lose their job! The Senate is our next project!

House Democratic leaders said the bill helped accomplish one of Obama’s campaign promises and would make the U.S. a leader in international efforts to address climate change when negotiations take place in Copenhagen later this year.

We’re going to be a leader at a conference in Copenhagen? We need to worry about a lot more than leading some lame effort in Denmark.

I don’t know what efforts other nations are making world wide, but let me point you to this thought. Beijing was so polluted that China shut down ALL industry in an effort to achieve immediate cleanup of their air during the recently past Olympics. Once the games were over they went right back to their normal operation.

I lived in El Paso, Texas 25 years ago. Downtown El Paso, and the immediate area, was always blanketed with a layer of airborne filth. So much so that the EPA was threatening El Paso with all kinds of penalties and fines and so forth. Then the EPA pulled it’s head out of it’s ASS and did a study. Approximately 90% of all that pollution was not coming from El Paso, it was coming from Juarez, Mexico. Oops, sorry, we goofed, proceed…

Save the earth, save the air, all that stuff sounds great. We can’t do it all. Americans can’t be expected to sit back and allow OUR already heavy tax burden to be increased and used to BREAK the American taxpayer as WE carry the weight of this ridiculous Cap and Trade debacle.

Do we need to protest? Yes, we DO need to protest. Yes, we DO need to raise TOTAL HELL, but this spontaneous *call to action* for a NOON rally on Saturday, made at 10PM on Friday night, isn’t going to get the job done. That call, in my opinion, is just a sad example of poor planning and poor leadership.

If you’re going do something, DO IT BIG, and prepare a bit. Then do it at an effective time. Noon Saturday is NOT an effective time. Protests of convenience are NOT going to do a lot of good. And yes, I DO know that folks have jobs, but weekend radicals are NOT too terribly effective.

There is a NEWS CYCLE folks, and Saturday NOON is NOT exactly what you would call a prime event time. Not for news or political action. Why do you think so many political deals are struck on Friday night? The politicians KNOW, weekend news SUCKS, and the coverage is sparse at best. There are some areas of expertise where we can actually LEARN a few things from our pandering politicos.

If you want to get some attention, set up a 48 hour non-stop protest! Grid lock the whole damned place. A handful of soccer Moms, and old retired folks like me aren’t gonna help anything, but if you roll out 1,000 protesters on NOON Monday, and keep adding to that number over the next 48 hours, you’ll get some notice.

And you’ll find out who’s really serious about this TEA Party protest stuff and who’s just running their mouths wanting attention…

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