Ebola Outbreak: Coming to a City Near You!

Ebola in Dallas

Southcom Commander Warns of Potential Ebola-Driven ‘Mass Migration’ from South of Border

(CNSNews.com) – Marine Corps Gen. John Kelly, commander of the U.S. Southern Command, predicted last week that the Ebola virus will not be contained in West Africa, and if infected people flee those countries and spread the disease to Central and South America, it could cause “mass migration into the United States” of those seeking treatment.

“If it breaks out, it’s literally, ‘Katie bar the door,’ and there will be mass migration into the United States,” Kelly said in remarks to the National Defense University on Tuesday. “They will run away from Ebola, or if they suspect they are infected, they will try to get to the United States for treatment.

“The potential spread of Ebola into Central and Southern America is a real possibility,” the article written about the general’s speech and posted on the Department of Defense website on Wednesday stated. SOURCE

A great many people are saying CLOSE THE BORDERS, stop all flights from Africa.

Let’s face some hard, cold facts; the borders should have been closed and fully secured a long time ago but it’s not going to happen now. A Liberal like Barack Hussein Obama isn’t going to do it, for crying out loud, Bush didn’t, Clinton didn’t, no POTUS since Harry Truman has had the balls to deport em and lock the door.

Stop flights from Africa? Well, OK, but what about the Ebola that’s here now?? What about the cases that haven’t incubated yet?

Ebola is here, it’s right here in the USA, a certainty in Dallas and only God knows how many other places yet to be disclosed. The government may or may not be responsible for this outbreak, some seem to think it is, personally, I don’t believe this is an act of some kind that has been *caused* by the government, regardless, it’s here and We, The People are totally screwed.

And we will continue to be totally screwed until we get a hard core Conservative American in the White House, with a Congress, Senate and SCOTUS that will back him up, a POTUS that is involved in the safety and care of America.

But again, let’s face facts; at this moment it doesn’t matter who the POTUS is, if they fail to act on OUR behalf, if they care more about their African *brothers* than they do about Americans, we are screwed, which brings me to this:

Marines deploy from Spain for Ebola fight

About 100 Marines based in Spain will deploy temporarily to West Africa to join the fight to contain the Ebola virus, a Pentagon official said.

Their mission will be to “provide interim resupply and transportation support” for a few weeks until an Army unit arrives later this month to assume the mission in the longer term, Kirby said. SOURCE

Maybe it’s because I truly detest Barack Hussein Obama and have no respect for him as a man, an American nor as POTUS and because I believe him to be truly incapable of any leadership role whatsoever, but what in the hell is he doing sending in MARINES to “provide interim resupply and transportation support” in the first place?

Marines are NOT supply troops, United States Marines are fighting troops and the fight against the spread of Ebola is not a fight ANY troop can stop, unless they are given free rein to set the whole damned place on fire and burn it to the ground.

Then I would say yes, sending in the Marines was a good decision, but our troops, whether it be Army, Marines, whatever the case may be, have NO BUSINESS trying to fight this Ebola outbreak, epidemic or pandemic, as the case may be.

Our troops know how to use containment suits and how to protect against the effects of biological warfare, maybe that’s the reason why the military is being sent in, but if the most recent Ebola case here in Dallas is any indication, even trained hospital staff can become infected when using their biological suits in the tightly controlled environment of an American hospital, how much protection will the troops actually have in a place like Africa?


This is a picture of Nina Pham, she is the Dallas nurse that is infected with Ebola now; she was a caregiver in some capacity to the recently deceased Ebola patient. Dallas nurse with ‘big heart’ identified as latest Ebola patient, and now, out of unnecessary and overly protective concerns for OUR safety I’m sure, City officials are ‘safely’ removing Nina Pham’s dog and taking it to ‘undisclosed location’ for monitoring.

Safety concerns? So, there is a possibility that the pooch can be infected too? This gets more absurd with every passing day. Suppose animals CAN contract Ebola and spread it to humans?


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6 Responses to Ebola Outbreak: Coming to a City Near You!

  1. BobF says:

    Coming to a city near you? Gosh darn Fred, what are you a sage or prophet? Looks like it’s at a city near me. Suspected case in Kansas City right now.


  2. Gary K says:

    Not to worry.

    Until Ebola deaths in this country reach about 30,000, you are more likely to die in a car wreck.

    Then there are the claimed 400,000 deaths caused by smoking and the documented 100,000 deaths per year due to medicines getting screwed up in hospitals.

  3. Wayne says:

    The WHO just reported that there could be 10K cases of Ebola per week in two months time. What or who are we to believe? Is this the October surprise that has been bandied about? I have a bad feeling about this one (crisis).

  4. the unit says:

    Did you see the empty cafeteria picture at Texas Presbyterian Hospital Dallas? Don’t worry, be happy. Make your last vote count. :)

  5. Abigail says:

    And what happens when/if any of our troops become infected with EB? Where will they be treated? HOW will they be treated? How will they be moved back to the US? WOULD they be returned?
    I know there are contingency plans in place for such an occurrence, just in case…right? Because we have a proactive government which always makes sure the horse is inside before locking the barn door.

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