Rowlett votes to add liquor stores

Rowlett votes to add liquor stores

Rowlett voters overwhelmingly decided to allow liquor stores, one of four propositions to pass by wide margins.

Rowlett’s three bond items, totaling about $25.8 million, also passed easily. The bulk of the money, $18.9 million, will go to streets. Parks and facilities were the other items. SOURCE

Texas has some strange liquor laws, and not being much of a drinker it all never really mattered to me, but if you DO want to buy a bottle of booze you had to drive 10 miles or more to get it, THAT was ridiculous.

Now we have legal liquor, along with beer and wine, and it opens up a ton of much needed tax dollars for the City.

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9 Responses to Rowlett votes to add liquor stores

  1. the unit says:

    Oh, and Happy Mother’s Day to Mrs. Texas Fred.

    • TexasFred says:

      Thank you, she’s Step Mom to my kids, never had any of her own…

      • the unit says:

        Still counts. My wife was one for one of mine. Great step mom. He the one that’s passed on. Wouldn’t trade her for the natural one for a second.

  2. TexasFred says:

    One thing continues to PISS ME THE HELL OFF and that’s the FACT that we have 0ver 30K registered voters in Rowlett and only 1,600 or so actually voted…

    • the unit says:

      Then didn’t know about the referendum. They were at/on their way to/coming back from that liquor store 10 miles away. :)

  3. John says:

    It will take time for folks to get used to the new liquor stores. They will be soon waving at other people in the store. They will also start carrying their liquor to the car without a paper bag.

  4. mystere says:

    Hey Fred,

    Perhaps 0bama will pay Rowlett a visit and host a beer summit when Hildebeest drags her carcass over to wrangle some moonbat votes?

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