Plaxico Burress on Gun Safety

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9 Responses to Plaxico Burress on Gun Safety

  1. ASM826 says:

    That was great, Fred. I needed a laugh, and you provided it.

  2. Vilmar says:

    Too, too, funny! I’m stealing it.

  3. Tish says:

    What in the world?!?!?!

    I loathe stupidity.

  4. TexasFred says:

    Tish, that stupidity you loathe?? The video or the guy they are lampooning??

    Because the video is humor, the stupidity was Burress…

  5. Basti says:

    I swiped this Fred and posted it on F/B. Links to your blog.

  6. StormWarning says:

    Glock .40 has no safety on it.

  7. BobF says:

    I have no problem with Burress carrying a gun as I believe the Constitution trumps NY City law. But, what Plaxico did was stupid. Rather than use some of his vast wealth of money to purchase a proper concealable holster, he had to carry his gun in his pants “gangsta” style. He had to be cool and emulate the street punks that would have robbed him in a heartbeat. A proper holster would have allowed him to carry his gun safe and secure.

    The head coach of the KC Chiefs was asked to comment on football players carrying guns. His response was that he supposes quite a few of his players carry guns as it’s their right, if they so decide. Missouri and Kansas both allow conceal carry if you go though the training and get the permit.

  8. HeatherRadish says:

    Yeah, Plaxico is an idiot.

    I’m concerned by the talking heads who think all NFL players should be forbidden to own guns. I can understand disallowing them on team property, lots of employers do that, but forcing people to give up their rights as condition of employment? No way. Especially when players are easy targets for muggings (Steve Smith) and home invasions (Sean Taylor).

  9. Tish says:

    I’m talking about Mr. Plaxico Burress……..