The Texas Sovereignty Movement

The Texas Sovereignty Movement

Under rights affirmed by the 10th Amendment of the constitution of these United States, the people of Texas are in the process of declaring their sovereignty from the United States. The 10th Amendment of the U.S. constitution states:

The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people.

The State of Texas is on the bandwagon.. Take a look at HCR 50 and HCR 66 now coursing through the legislative body in the State of Texas.

HCR 50:

Affirming that the State of Texas claims sovereignty under the Tenth Amendment to the Constitution of the United States over all powers not otherwise enumerated and granted to the federal government by the U.S. Constitution, serving notice to the federal government to cease and desist certain mandates, and providing that certain federal legislation be prohibited or repealed.

HCR 66:

Memorializing Congress in defense of the Tenth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution, affirming the right of states to nullify acts of Congress, executive orders, and judicial orders, and asserting that any act, executive order, or judicial order that assumes a power not delegated to the federal government by the U.S. Constitution and which diminishes the liberty of any state or citizen shall constitute a nullification of the Constitution.

Now ask yourself, in ALL honesty, how long do you think it will be before Obama and Company make an effort to assault the 10th Amendment in similar fashion to the coming assault of the 2nd Amendment?? How long before Obama and Company make every effort to completely rewrite the constitution of this United States?

How long before Obama and Company declare that any edict uttered by Obama and/or his minions, Rahmbo, Holder and the like, will supersede any and all other wording OF the constitution of this United States?

It won’t be long America. That is why I am so glad to see my beloved Texas in process of declaring it’s sovereignty. Now, if only we could actually secede and re-form The Republic of Texas. There is a constitution that I want to be a part of rewriting!

As I told folks in my previous post, if YOUR state isn’t in the process of declaring it’s sovereignty, it needs to be. Contact your state lawmakers. This is a state level battle and you are the only one that can effectively wage that battle.

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15 Responses to The Texas Sovereignty Movement

  1. TexasFred says:

    The below is an exact copy of the message I sent to Joe Driver (R-TX 113th), my Texas Congresscritter… He’s against Open Carry so I am very interested to see what he has to say concerning Texas Sovereignty

    Rep. Driver, I know that you and I are in direct opposition concerning Open Carry for Texas citizens, be that as it may, I am interested in you views on Texas Sovereignty and the following bills:

    HCR 50:
    Affirming that the State of Texas claims sovereignty under the Tenth Amendment to the Constitution of the United States over all powers not otherwise enumerated and granted to the federal government by the U.S. Constitution, serving notice to the federal government to cease and desist certain mandates, and providing that certain federal legislation be prohibited or repealed.

    HCR 66:
    Memorializing Congress in defense of the Tenth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution, affirming the right of states to nullify acts of Congress, executive orders, and judicial orders, and asserting that any act, executive order, or judicial order that assumes a power not delegated to the federal government by the U.S. Constitution and which diminishes the liberty of any state or citizen shall constitute a nullification of the Constitution.

    I do hope you are in support of this movement Mr. Driver, I would hate to think my vote for you was a waste of my time and effort!

  2. Longstreet says:

    I checked the other day to see if either of the Carolinas was in the movement yet. Neither is. In many ways we have not fully recovered form the War of Northern Aggression and those hellish years after the war called Reconstruction.

    I will be writing both my NC Senator and Representative about this, though.

    Top of the morning to you, Fred!

  3. Bull says:

    This is a Nationwide movement from what I understand. Just this weekend I heard that some 25 States have climbed aboard the bandwagon. I have not had the time to confirm this, however. “The Bull” just hopes that Alabama is on the list and that my birth State of South Carolina awakes soon.

  4. rtaylor83305 says:

    According to ARRA News Service, we’re in…

    Of course, Bill had a link to HR 1011 on the Arkansas Legislature’s website which says:


  5. StormWarning says:

    The three members - State Rep. Brandon Creighton (R-Conroe), State Rep. Bryan Hughes (R-Mineola), and State Rep. Leo Berman (R-Tyler) - introduced a Resolution claiming Texas Sovereignty under the 10th Amendment of the US Constitution are apparently among the most conservative in the Texas legislature. It is one of those non-binding resolutions.

    The Resolution, which is being called bizarre by some, has some “interesting” implications. As I read it, some of the intent is to argue against federal government mandated pass through costs (like the Real Identity Act of 2005 and other similar pieces of legislation and regulation).

    All in all, I think it is a good idea for this to get out into the open. Even if it won’t pass. Discussion of States’ Rights is healthy.

  6. Kate says:

    This might be a good source of info, for anyone who is interested:

  7. BobF says:

    At one time in America, a man’s allegiance went in this order: God, State, Union. Our Forefathers knew that strong States made a strong Union. Today, it’s a bloated and power hungry Federal Government that is breaking the states. Too many states are feeding at the Federal trough while handing over their rights as States.

  8. Faultline USA says:

    Good for Texas. May it pass! I’ll post a link to this article.

  9. TexasFred says:

    And this is an exact copy of the message I just sent to my Texas STATE Senator, Sen. Robert Deuell (R-TX 2nd District)

    Folks, I don’t just sit here and blather away on the keyboard, I don’t pass opinions and then sit here in hypocrisy and not actually get involved. As far as I know, most of my great comment makers are as involved in their STATE politics as much as I am in mine, for those that don’t do anything other than sit back, read, bitch and criticize, STFU and get back in Mom’s basement and let the grownups DO the job!!

    Sen. Deuell, I am interested in you views on Texas Sovereignty and the following bills:

    HCR 50:
    Affirming that the State of Texas claims sovereignty under the Tenth Amendment to the Constitution of the United States over all powers not otherwise enumerated and granted to the federal government by the U.S. Constitution, serving notice to the federal government to cease and desist certain mandates, and providing that certain federal legislation be prohibited or repealed.

    HCR 66:
    Memorializing Congress in defense of the Tenth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution, affirming the right of states to nullify acts of Congress, executive orders, and judicial orders, and asserting that any act, executive order, or judicial order that assumes a power not delegated to the federal government by the U.S. Constitution and which diminishes the liberty of any state or citizen shall constitute a nullification of the Constitution.

    I do hope you are in support of this movement, I know that I and my neighbors do. Many of us feel that we need to distance ourselves from the debacle in DC as much as possible, and I would love to know what your thoughts are concerning this.

  10. Malinda777 says:

    I’m off to write my reps right now! Congressman Heller might support this…don’t know about John Ensign, but I’ll write him too. And forgive me Fred if I don’t waste my ink or paper on Harry Reid! He’s got his nose so far up Obama’s ass…(or vice versa…not sure) they share the same DNA now :)

    This is FABULOUS news and I’m proud of my home state of Texas! Wouldn’t that be something if FINALLY the SOUTH DID Rise again, and even got some help from some of us out here in the Wild Wild West…Nevada, Arizona, & New Mexico would be great states to bring on the bandwagon…of course we here in Nevada would have to open season on all the Lib Californian’s that have invaded our state and changed policy.

  11. TopGun says:

    The answer is not to sit back and defend just your states. Government must be made powerless over the people when they overstep their Constitutional boundaries. This is “our” country, not some slackers in federal office who think they rule over us, no matter what their position. I don’t just want just my state. I want my country back and am willing to die to regain my inalienable rights my creator gave me. You don’t take my rights without some of my blood getting on you.

  12. Malinda777 says:

    Here was my e-mail to Congressman Dean Heller. Here in NV, they won’t let us e-mail the other reps if we don’t live in their district. I’ll have to snail mail them…the message will be the same.

    Congressman Heller:

    It is my understanding that there are as many as 25 states that have formal proposals in action regarding the 10th amendment of our Constitution and our rights as individual States to NOT be part and parcel of policies that are not in the best interests of our citizens and our State.

    I would highly encourage you to PLEASE take a look at these two measures currently in action in Texas:

    HCR 50:
    Affirming that the State of Texas claims sovereignty under the Tenth Amendment to the Constitution of the United States over all powers not otherwise enumerated and granted to the federal government by the U.S. Constitution, serving notice to the federal government to cease and desist certain mandates, and providing that certain federal legislation be prohibited or repealed.

    HCR 66:
    Memorializing Congress in defense of the Tenth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution, affirming the right of states to nullify acts of Congress, executive orders, and judicial orders, and asserting that any act, executive order, or judicial order that assumes a power not delegated to the federal government by the U.S. Constitution and which diminishes the liberty of any state or citizen shall constitute a nullification of the Constitution.

    I am curious as to your thoughts on this matter…and if you think Nevada might be willing to stand up and take a stand on behalf of our citizens and their life, liberty, and pursuit of happiness.

  13. JV says:


    As conservatives, what we need at this time is a strong leader. It could be Mr. Steele or Mr. Jidal of Louisiana It could be Sarah Palin it could be anybody but we must have leadership in the Republican Party and no squabbling. Immediately, we need to rally the conservative troops and start working on the next election in 2010. In the meantime we need a nationwide group such as ACORN that can start recruiting conservatives and signing up new recruits. There is money available from Washington that may be distributed to Acorn, we need half of that money for our group. The next thing we need is to rally strong republicans nationwide to take back the Senate and the House in 2010. In the mean time our leader needs to be pushing to get one individual that will take back the White House, we do not want 10 people running, we want one person chosen by the republican party. We do not need people running that have absolutely no chance of winning all that does is dilute the vote. The Liberal Press loves this. He/ she must be chosen. We must put of all of our effort behind this person who ever it is. From money donations, to our conservative ACORN to, to our leadership to eventually win.
    Once we take back control over the Senate and the House we need to start proceeding for a Balanced Budget Amendment to the Constitution that will not exceed a % of GDP. With provisions to pay down the National Debt included. We also need term limits for both Senators and House Representatives if this requires an Amendment so be it. We must throw out old folks that are basically wasting taxpayer money all they do is vote with their party ever time.
    This is doable Fred. It is not impossible. If this does not work by 2012 then we look at secession.

  14. TexasFred says:

    No one said it has to happen today… It’s all being looked at, ALL options, and nothing is OFF the table…

  15. Tish says:

    I’ve always told people from other states that Texas is a nation within a nation.

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