Look Out Portland, Jack’s Stalking Your Little Girls…

Jack McClellan Alert

OK folks, Sue at Warriors for Innocence has done it again, she has located Jack McClellan and we need to get this on as many websites as possible, he’s out there and he’s stalking, whether he’s REAL or just an attention whore, makes no difference, it’s his WORDS that matter, and he says he IS a pedophile and as such, he IS a DANGER to little kids.

If anyone in the Portland area reads this and spots the monster, send us an email and let us know, a picture and a short story would be great too, turn his tactics around on him, take his picture and we’ll put it on websites all over the USA, let’s see how he likes that! Fred

Jack just posted again on his favorite pedophile message board. He’s announced that he’s decided to live in Portland, Oregon because it’s “the biggest media market in Oregon” and he would feel safer there.

Jack originally wanted to live in Gold Beach. Kudos go to the Gold Beach Police who warned Jack that they’d be keeping a close eye on him. Jack immediately ran off crying and complaining about his ‘safety’.

Jack’s already up to his old tricks and bragging about it as well. He says he “already attended a big GL event in the area (The Oregon State Fair in Salem), and had a great time with no problems. There are several more GL events coming up this weekend that look promising, and I doubt I’ll be bored living here.”

It is painfully obvious that Jack loves the attention. He never would have made this announcement otherwise. So, Jack, don’t whine about how everyone is going to follow you all around Portland. Because they will, now that I’ve emailed a good portion of them.

Let me make this clear. If you are living in Portland, keep an eye out for Jack because he’s stalking little girls. He’s sexually attracted to girls as young as 3 years old. He’s determined to boast about this and rub it in your faces. Don’t let him do this. Don’t give him power over you. Don’t live in fear, instead, live with awareness. Be aware of not only Jack, but all the other Jacks out there that we don’t know about.

There are several events planned for this weekend in the Portland area. WFI has notified these events along with the local police department to keep an eye out for Jack.

Just keep looking over your shoulder Jack!

Cross posted with:
Warriors For Innocence

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18 Responses to Look Out Portland, Jack’s Stalking Your Little Girls…

  1. Bloviating Zeppelin says:

    Great. Fornicalia has enough problems. Portland’s sufficiently Left that its standard Motherless and Godless assholes will embrace him with open arms. In the meantime, ol’ Jack, I think I’d keep an eye out for those evil Mothers and Fathers, Right-Wingers All, who just MIGHT want to watch out for their children and are packing Sigs or Spydercos.


  2. gunz says:

    A mental hygiene warrant needs to be issued for this sick prick, why can’t they at least do that to get him off the streets?

  3. TexasFred says:

    Well, I guess it’s a matter of personal choice but I’d love to see the aftermath that a 230gr Remington Golden Sabre or a Federal ‘Hydra-Shok’ JHP in 230gr would induce at about 10 yards when fired from a 5″ barrel XD-45… Why waltz when you can Rock and Roll??




  4. Robert says:

    After talking with a reporter at the times yesterday who is a Oregon correspondent, the folks up there are none to pleased about this asshole relocating to their neck of the woods.
    He made reference to liberal activists that are actively engaged in finding this guy and keeping an eye on him… We will see.

    If this type of behavior does not cross political lines, then I am afraid all hope is lost in our Nation.

  5. Jenn says:

    “If this type of behavior does not cross political lines, then I am afraid all hope is lost in our Nation.”

    Hmmmmm…Jerry Stubbs anyone? Accepted and Loved and Re-Elected. Foley…not even guilty, flogged and tried in the media.

  6. Basti says:

    I’ve got this post on my blog as well. I still say someone is gonna do the ‘right thing’ and end up in prison for doing it. Then of course the outcry about inciting others to vigilante justice will be heard.

  7. TexasFred says:

    Folks, PLEASE… Lets not make this one about politics…

  8. Jenn says:

    I ONLY ASK ONCE, Admin…

  9. Jenn says:

    Sorry Fred.

  10. Lisa Bellison says:

    If someone “does the right thing,” let’s pray that no innocent angles get caught in the crossfire. It sounds dangerous and a child, the ones we’re trying to protect, could get hurt.

  11. TexasFred says:

    That’s the very reason I support GUN CONTROL…

    Gun Control = Using BOTH hands and hitting the intended target…

  12. Nick Winkler says:

    My Name is Nick Winkler..a reporter at KATU in Portland. Am doing a story regarding Jack McClellan today. If anyone knows where he’s at in Portland..please drop a line.
    [email protected]

  13. Bloviating Zeppelin says:

    Hey, that’s a new one. A reporter actually reading blogs. Imagine that. Good for you, sir. You might just pick up on what the Average American is actually thinking, instead of the Selected Few. Again, I slap my head in amazement. Here is an actual, thinking, responding human being who knows how to use, seek, find, dig through the internet.

    Nick: dude, should I send you a Christmas card?


  14. Sues says:

    Thanks for the support everyone. Jack is one sick pedo scum. He brought this on himself. He publicly whines and moans about being harassed, and then he will privately bask in the attention that he craves.

    We aren’t that stupid Jack. We know that you want the attention. I just hope the media doens’t interview him and give him the attention and the public voice that he does not deserve. Talk about him, plaster his picture all over so people can identify him, but don’t provide him a platform for his sick and twisted ideas.

  15. TexasFred says:

    I wish we had a house number on the bastard, I wouldn’t hesitate to post it..

  16. The Gunny says:

    Well Jack it’s like this. I spent 22 years in the Marines, defending this nation as a Special Op’s Instructor/Infantry Unit Leader. You have penetrated the innocence of Portland’s perimeter concerning our chidren, and I along with the authorities (no doubt) will defend her. Stand by for heavy roles in what ever ocean your in. Also be advised, I have an 8 year old daughter as well! Portland is NOT as “offbeat” as you may think, especially when it comes to our children.

  17. Sues says:

    I’ve already had correspondance with citizens of Portland. They are all keeping their eyes out for Jack. He won’t be hard to spot. Just look for the homeless child predator who lusts after little girls.

    If you see Jack, DO NOT resort to violence. No matter how tempted you may be. It will no doubt make you feel better at the time, but in the end it will only get you into trouble and give Jack even more of the exposure that he craves. Instead, call the police. Jack is very afraid of police officers. :)

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