Fox News Channel - Fred’s Follies

Fred Thompson is set to kick off his official announcement week on the Tonight Show tonight… but it could be overshadowed by more turmoil to come in the Thompson campaign.

When Thompson appears on Jay Leno tonight it will mark the campaigns complete repudiation of a new media campaign strategy and announcement plan that the original Fredheads had designed over several months and finalized in August.

More resignations of key founding Fredheads are coming. Soon NONE of the people who got the buzz started in March may remain.

OK, I am nothing if not fair, this was quite obviously written some time this afternoon, before FDT made the official announcement but that changes nothing in it’s context, this report from FOX News gives a more than subtle suggestion that there may be some serious turn over in the Thompson campaign and I am not going to give FDT a free pass on anything, I DO support him, but there is going to have to be nothing but unity and honesty come from FDT and his campaign, I am NOT settling for the LESSER of anything ever again, and if the campaign really does have problems, I am going to point them out…

That doesn’t mean I won’t support FDT if his campaign has problems, ALL campaigns have problems, but lies and deceit will be met with fury and soundly blasted across the entire blogosphere, I honestly hope we see the most dynamic campaign in American political history from FDT and his group, they ARE capable…

Thompson did Leno in June and numerous senior aides said at the time he would “never return to Hollywood to announce — that’s what McCain did! We won’t use video, that’s what Hillary did. We will let Fred be Fred. We are launching from the (Grand Ole) Opry then hitting New Hampshire and Iowa.” Now they are copying both McCain and Hillary by appearing on Leno and a video.

The original Fredheads are no longer angry or frustrated; most have been fired already or given up. The remaining originals say they will quit soon.

I specifically remember those statements being made and it does appear to be a different opening than was originally advertised but maybe it’s just a change in tactics, launching from the Opry would have been awesome but Jay Leno does have a much bigger audience, and it was FREE, and to ANY candidate, that’s a great price…

Maybe this is nothing more than a change in tactics and strategy, maybe for some it’s caused sour grapes that their personal agenda wasn’t addressed or their suggestion wasn’t adopted as law, who knows, as much as I am going to demand the best and ask TOUGH questions, this is, after all, American politics…

There’s still an awful lot of ground to cover before this is settled and we have a candidate, keep your eyes and ears open and NEVER be afraid to question Thompson, or any other candidate, in my opinion, if a candidate is truly on the up and up and if his primary interest is what’s best for the USA and it’s citizens, they won’t balk at answering the tough questions, if they DO balk, they are then wrong candidate, I don’t think FDT will balk, I just want to see a bit more FIRE in his presentation…

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Fox News Channel - Fred’s Follies

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And a big Hat Tip to An Ol’ Broad’s Ramblings, she sent this story to me…

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2 Responses to Fox News Channel - Fred’s Follies

  1. John Stuart says:

    Reality Check

    Sir Winston Churchill once said, “The price of greatness is responsibility.” These days, people seem to equate greatness with celebrity, bestowing leadership upon those who can act the part, smile at the cameras, and say what we want to hear. Charm and poise have replaced grit and determination. Our leaders must look good to make us feel good. Our Presidential candidates must be charismatic, handsome and dynamic, rather than honest, hard working, and sincere. In other words, we’re in love with the illusion, instead of looking for substance.

    We’re looking for the best candidate to win the next election, and so we bank all of our money on the illusionists – TV actors turned politicians; liberal mayors seeking the limelight; and political flip-floppers hoping everyone forgets the past. We get sucked into this at each election and we end up getting the leaders we deserve: flip-flopping liberal actors.

    In our rush to beat the opposition, we forget that we are laying the mantel of responsibility of this great nation upon the shoulders of one person. The price of greatness for our nation lies in the hands and heart of the candidate we elect, and we had better hope that person knows what responsibility looks like. Celebrity may charm the nation, but it cannot lead the world. In the years that lie ahead of this nation, integrity, strength, and character will be needed in the Whitehouse. Stardom will grow stale and popularity will pale. We need a leader who will lead, not one who just wants to win the race.

    Teddy Roosevelt once said, “Far and away the best prize that life offers is the chance to work hard at work worth doing.” When we go to choose our candidate for the Whitehouse, we need to look at the hard work ethic and strong character of the person we nominate. We need to find a Churchill for our nation and a Teddy Roosevelt for our people.

    There is one candidate whose military service, political track record, and vision for the future encapsulate these vital characteristics. He is not a celebrity, and his ambition is for America, not himself.

    His name is Duncan Hunter.

  2. Robert says:

    Short answer to a long comment:
    Agreed, Duncan Hunter would be a GREAT President, He is tough on the border issues and on Crime, he is tough on terror and seems to have a clue about fiscal responsibility… therefore he has absolutely NO chance of being on the GOP ticket.

    Trust me if the GOP puts up a Rudy, or a McCain, and Hunter runs as Indy, he gets my vote.