Time to end Black History Month? 2010

Well, it’s been close to 48 hours since someone called me a knuckle dragging, Neanderthal NAZI racist. I guess I’m just not trying hard enough. Here is a re-post from a year ago, regarding Black History Month. Nothing has changed in MY estimation! Enjoy… :twisted:

Time to end Black History Month? 2010

Should Black History Month itself fade into history?

Many have long argued that African-American history should be incorporated into year-round education. Now, claims that Black History Month is outdated are gaining a new potency, as schools diversify their curricula and President Barack Obama’s election opens a new chapter in the nation’s racial journey.

“If Obama’s election means anything, it means that African-American history IS American history and should be remembered and recognized every day of the year,” says Stephen Donovan, a 41-year-old lawyer.

Ending “paternalistic” observances like Black History Month, Donovan believes, would lead to “not only a reduction in racism, but whites more ready and willing and able to celebrate our difference, enjoy our traditions, without feeling the stain of guilt that stifles frank dialogue and acceptance across cultures.”

Full Story Here:
Time to end Black History Month?

African-American history? What needs to end is ANY reference to hyphenated-American ANYTHING. The Black community calls it ‘Black History Month’ when it’s convenient but the article immediately goes to the African-American reference. I seriously doubt that even 5% of the Blacks in America are African, so, WHY do we insist on this politically correct BS by using an incorrect terminology? African-American? I don’t think so.

The majority of MY family came from England, France and Germany, they migrated to Canada and eventually to Mississippi and Louisiana. I am NOT a European-American. I am an AMERICAN, nothing more, nothing less.

Blacks in America have made great contributions to this nation. Hispanics have made great contributions to this nation. Asians have made great contributions to this nation, as have Europeans and any other group that came here, save perhaps the moonbat Muslims.

I have a serious problem with Blacks being given a ‘Black History Month’, I find it offensive, I find it very racial as a matter of fact, and I feel discriminated against.

What would Blacks call it if we had ‘White History Month’? Anyone want to venture a guess there?? I already KNOW what would happen. $harpton and Je$$ie Jack$on would be on the march. The NAACP would be filing suit and there would be uprisings all over this USA, because WHITE people want to celebrate THEIR history and heritage with a dedicated and specific month.

I have always heard it said, ‘if you’re not part of the solution, you are a part of the problem’, and those are some very powerful words. America is supposedly ‘the melting pot of the world’. Yet far too many races and various nationalities seek to change America into a clone of the land and culture they left to come here. If their homeland and culture was so great, why did they come to America in the 1st place? And if America isn’t now their HOMELAND, how can they attach the title AMERICAN after ANY hyphenated name?

I ask you, just WHO are the real racists and bigots? Damn if I can remember getting so much as one penny for college from the United Caucasian College Fund. If we don’t all believe that we are equal, if we don’t ALL participate in the celebration of AMERICAN history, then we are nothing more than what I fear we are so very close to becoming, an America reminiscent of the Balkans, with the ethnic cleansing that will be a certainty.

Yeah, I know, I’m a racist. Go ahead and say it, I hear it ALL the time. But the fact of the matter is this, I am as proud of being a WHITE American as any Black person is of being a Black American. I’m as proud of American history, even the bad times, as is any American. ALL Americans should be proud of OUR history, but when I stand and express MY pride, I am labeled a racist.

If I was the one that called for an end to ‘Black History Month’, if I was the one that founded WHITE Entertainment Network, if I was the one that started an all WHITE, United White Folks College Fund, I would be castigated all over the blogosphere as the most vile bigot alive. Why is it that only WHITE people can be labeled as racists?

America 1st, for AMERICANS. And if you don’t consider yourself to be an AMERICAN, and nothing else, then this is not your home! You are nothing more than a visitor and it’s time for you to go to whatever nation it is that you consider to be your home. I’m sure they will welcome you with open arms.

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17 Responses to Time to end Black History Month? 2010

  1. BobF says:

    When I traveled in foreign countries and spoke to Blacks who were citizens of those countries, they never refereed to themselves as African-British, African-Portuguese, African-French, African-German, or African-Canadian. Those Blacks refereed to themselves as Germans, French, Portuguese, Canadian, or British. There was no linkage to Africa. Only in America do people link Blacks to Africa on a national level. I was once watching the news and a reporter called a black man from Aruba an African-American. This hyphenated crap is for the birds.

  2. Doc Roy says:

    Fred, it’s not Black History Month, it’s “Kick the shit out of the United States Month”. Everything is how bad this old USA really is, not the accomplishments of true patriot black Americans.

  3. TexasFred says:

    All of the true, Patriot, Black Americans I have ever known consider themselves to be AMERICANS!

    I was at a conference a few years ago and my buddy Bruce was there, now mind you, Bruce is as black as the Ace of Spades…

    One of the overly PC asshats at this conference looks at Bruce and asks him, “Do you prefer to be called Black or African-American?”

    Bruce looks at me with that goofy grin that I know means, *OH SHIT, HERE IT COMES*, and he tells her, “Actually, I prefer to be called Bruce…”

    Great point Doc! Bruce is one of those great Americans, my neighbor and his wife are that kind of great American..

  4. extex_cop says:

    I once lied on a job application. I checked on it that I was Afican-American. The HR person looked over my app. and stated I had checked the wrong box….and I should have checked… ‘caucasion’….since I didn’t look black. I asked her why I couldn’t check both since I was white African-American. I told her my great grand father was born in South Africa to American Missionaries…and since he was born there…he could claim dual citizenship….therefore I’m African-American. She then asked me to show her proof. I said I would as soon as she required all the Blacks in the company to do the same. Needless to say I wasn’t hired…they said I was ‘over qualified’.

  5. Ron Russell says:

    Personally I don’t give a crap what they wish to call themselves, black Americans, afro-americans, colored folks, negros, or whatever. Thats their business and not mind. That said to set aside a whole month on the national scene, in our schools, in our communities to celebrate “Black History Month” is repugant to me. It goes against everything I believe in and as I see it unAmerican. What’s next, “Native American Month”, or perhaps “Latino Month”. Nope I will not travel down that road. How about, “American History Month”, now that I could handle. Seems like we use to have something like that years ago. Personally I sick and tired of “black set asides” such as, affirmative action, NAACP, black congressional caucas, black college funds, black frat house—-hell anything with black in front of it tells me all I need to know—its a racist group promoting one group over another. Yep, like you Fred, I’ve had enough of this!

  6. TexasFred says:

    Ron, it may be *their* business what they call themselves, but as Theodore Roosevelt said:

    There is no room in this country for hyphenated Americanism. When I refer to hyphenated Americans, I do not refer to naturalized Americans. Some of the very best Americans I have ever known were naturalized Americans, Americans born abroad. But a hyphenated American is not an American at all. ~Theodore Roosevelt~

  7. mrchuck says:

    Here’s another one, the racist NAACP.

    As long as this racist organization is around. I will also call it Nigg-s-, Apes, Alligators, Coons and Possums. Get it? NAACP I hate what it stands for.

    Or, call it in “mixed” company, Nigg-s Ain’t Acting Like Colored People. Again, NAACP.

    Any organization that promotes it’s race is Racist!! Don’t care who.
    Italians, Polish, Mexican, any organization which promotes it’s ethnicity, IS RACIST.

    Does not bother me at all. Probably cause I am white and educated.

    So, just what will we all do???? Maybe go back to the 40′s where every city had it’s own race neighborhood.

    Yes that would work, except all the races that were not white,, would want to move into the white neighborhoods, JUST LIKE TODAY!!! So we gain nothing.

    So, I say live with it. And if by chance you are not white, and you read this “web blog”, maybe just go out and kill yourself, and just maybe Karma will prevail, and you will return as a white baby! Yeah, that’s the answer for the black people.

  8. minuteman26 says:

    Well said Fred. Your either an American 100% or your not. However, it seems all the blacks presently serving in Congress are racists, crooks or marxists bent on destroying this great nation. They’ve got to keep the scam running to amass power and money. That being said, it kind of makes recent black history irrelevant and reprehensible.

  9. extex_cop says:

    Yep…I too hate all the hyphenated nationality catagories out there. If you are an American and want to be hyphenated…then call yourself an American-African….because here in the USA…America comes first.

    Now the only thing I like that is hyphenated is ” Tex-Mex ‘ food….ummmm…makes me hungry…time to go raid the ice box <<< damn..tells you how old I am…ha ha

  10. Ron Russell says:

    Listen to Morgan Freeman on Black History month: Morgan Freeman on Black Histroy Month

  11. minuteman26 says:

    Agree wholeheartedly with Mr. Freeman.

  12. TexasFred says:

    Morgan Freeman hit that one OUT of the park!!

  13. Katie says:

    That he did Fred. A Grand Slam Home Run!!!

    For the record I am not a hyphen.

    I am an AMERICAN of Eastern European Decent, who happens to be Jewish.

    And if you notice what I call myself first and last you will see no hyphen.

    And if someone doesn’t like it, we can step outside!

  14. Lee says:

    Great post Fred and you’re right Morgan Freeman really nailed that one. When will people realize that if they don’t want to be separated, they need to stop separating themselves.

  15. Patrick Sperry says:

    It’s great to be an American! Being of Irish decent only adds to that!
    Pride in one’s ancestry is a whole lot different than using race to point out what you think someone of another race did to “you” two hundred years ago..

  16. mrchuck says:

    Careful with Morgan Freeman,, as he donated 2300 dollars to the Barak Obama campaign, and also voted for him!

    Granted, Morgan Freeman gave the correct answers on this interview, but anyone, anybody that supports Barak Obama is never welcome on my property or in my home, nor will give him any kudos, support, etc.
    He is great with words and has speaking clarity, but an OBAMA SUPPORTER, IS POISON to my way of thinking and politics.
    Remember this.

  17. George says:

    Theodore Roosevelt (a Progressive) said it 100 years ago. There should be no hyphenated Americans, just AMERICANS!
    Libertarian Russell Means (of the American Indian Movement),
    stated he was not a native American, he WAS an AMERICAN
    INDIAN, emphasizing (his words), you notice AMERICAN IS FIRST!