GOP Hopefuls Temper Anti-Immigrant Talk

CORAL GABLES, Fla. (AP) - The Republican presidential candidates sought to embrace Hispanics in a Spanish language debate Sunday, striving to mark common ground with a growing voter bloc while softening the anti-illegal immigration rhetoric that has marked their past encounters.

The candidates avoided the harsh exchanges and name-calling of their most recent debate, while still emphasizing the need for border security and an end to illegal immigration. The polite debate came less than four weeks before the first votes are cast in Iowa and amid a topsy-turvy race in which former Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee has bolted to the lead in the state.

Only Sen. John McCain warned that harsh immigration views voiced by some Republicans have driven Hispanics away from the party. The Arizona senator has stood apart from most of his Republican rivals because he supported changing immigration laws and creating a path for citizenship for illegal immigrants.

“I think some of the rhetoric that many Hispanics hear about illegal immigration makes some of them believe that we are not in favor of or seek the support of Hispanic citizens in this country,” he said.

Full Story Here:
GOP Hopefuls Temper Anti-Immigrant Talk

Dear God, is THIS the best the RNC can come up with?? Is this the creme of the crop in Republican land??

Well, I guess we’d all better get ready to speak Spanish, there’s not a damned one in this crowd that’s in possession of a set of BALLS, nothing but a bunch of pandering politicians, to a man…

Still, Fred Thompson, Giuliani, Huckabee and Romney made it clear they would not favor a special path toward citizenship for the estimated 12 million immigrants in the Unites States illegally.

I think the esteemed candidates need to look at some updated and more realistic figures, it’s closer to 20 million than 12 million and I admire all 4 for saying they would oppose a ‘fast track’ scenario, although I don’t believe a word Huckabee and Giuliani say in regards to immigration, and I have serious doubts about Mitt…

Giuliani stressed the need for a tamper-proof ID card and the need to control the borders.

That prompted a retort from Ron Paul, who said that would lead to a national identification card for all Americans “which I absolutely oppose.”

How many more ways can you say it?? Ron Paul is a freaking moonbat, in this time of terror we NEED a national I.D. card, why NOT have a tamper proof I.D. card?? What the hell, it’s an I.D. card, they’re not trying to implant a chip in you, and if the police find someone without an I.D. card, bust their ass…

What?? Too much like “Show me your papers, NOW!” ?? Well here’s the deal, we can either crack down on the ILLEGALS in this nation and do everything needed to get them out or we can throw our legs open and say, “Go ahead, screw me again, I like it…”, and that’s exactly where we are right now, ANY candidate that is soft on immigration is NOT a candidate I can support, and that includes McCain, I know he has a few good points but his love of wetbacks and trying to assimilate them into our society is NOT something I can support and has been what has kept me from supporting him all along…

Thompson, asked if children born in the United States from illegal immigrants should be separated from their parents, said the greater issues is “chain migration.”

“Right now, we have a situation where people can bring in spouses, children, brothers, sisters, fathers, mothers and so forth,” he said. “I think that people should be able to serve as a basis for the bringing in of their spouses and of their children, but I do not think there should be endless chain migration. So I think that is the issue to focus on, and not innocent children who are born here not of their own accord and who our courts have said are United States citizens.”

Hey Fred, the little bastards are called ‘anchor babies’, you don’t need to go getting stupid and make me drop ALL support for you…

There are NO innocents in this battle, and a battle it is, we are on the verge of open warfare in the border states, and I am NOT exaggerating in any way, and that’s why I can’t understand McCain, he’s from Arizona, he SHOULD know all of this but he’s all for letting them have amnesty and working some kind of ‘fast track’, and again, that is the reason I can’t support him…

In this, the heart of Cuban-American country where Fidel Castro is still ostracized, Paul was loudly booed when he called for improved relations with Cuba.

I guess the Paulinistas couldn’t find any Spanish speakers to stack and pack the audience with…

Look folks, ALL of em are pandering for votes, and we, the American taxpayers are going to take a hell of a hit if ANY of this bunch get into the White House, there is only one man of substance that didn’t go to Miami to pander, and that is Tom Tancredo, he had the BALLS to stand his ground…

Did it hurt his already weak following?? Probably, but I have a totally new-found level of respect for the man…

I am seriously debating with myself as to whether I will continue to support Fred D. Thompson, for those of you that do, I will maintain the Fred ’08 blog roll but I may very well remove it from MY site…

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15 Responses to GOP Hopefuls Temper Anti-Immigrant Talk

  1. gunz says:

    That’s about as well that one could say about it IMO, and as far as Huckabee is concerned he’s dead wrong on a ton of it.. I WAS looking at him, but he likes his tacos it looks like. We need a president not a court jester, he’s starting to remind me of Gomer Pyle. No offense to Gomer. Damn…

    I have nothing for Giuliani, and like you, I don’t trust him or some of the others, especially on this issue. Still following Thompson with caution, and yes Tancredo has it right, he’s not shy about it either. My kind of guy on this issue and most people seem to playing into the system and who they think is electable vs. who is the right man for the job.

    Wake the Hell up America will you??

  2. Tanc says:

    I think it’s time to rally around Tom Tancredo…

  3. TexasFred says:

    Tanc, I think you may be right… Very right…

  4. jo says:

    If you start a Tancredo blogroll…I would love to be on it.
    Of course that means having to locate co-blogger…who has been on an extended leave :-(

  5. Longstreet says:

    Fred, I agree with you on everything but the National ID card. Lord knows I am not a supporter of Ron Paul! I have fought this National ID card thing since, at least the 1960′s, as a broadcaster doing editorials and commentaries on the air. The problem, as I see it, with the national ID card is… the government. We simply cannot trust the government to do the right thing. It is allowing them more power to screw us with. They won’t hesitate to use it, either.

    ON another topic, Fred Thompson. Fred can go home. it’s over. The whole damn lot of ‘em stink. Tancredo got my attention, though, by standing up for what he says are his beliefs. If you should start a Tancredo blogroll, let me know please. I’ll join it… if for no other reason than to show I am not supporting any of the others!

    Best regards!


  6. Ranando says:

    Tancredo might just be my man.

    Did I or did I not tell you that you would not be voting for Thompson come election-day.

    I’m also against a National ID card, always have been. I haven’t done anything wrong, why should I have to carry a card? What’s next after the card, a tatoo?

  7. BobF says:

    “Only Sen. John McCain warned that harsh immigration views voiced by some Republicans have driven Hispanics away from the party.”

    If they were driven away from the Republican Party because of this, then I’m glad as I don’t want to be associated with them. Were not talking immigration here, were talking about people who illegally steal into the United States in violation of its laws. Any Hispanic who came to this country legally should demand that other Hispanics do likewise.

    When I travel abroad, I carry a passport to prove I’m an American Citizen. When I was active duty military, I carried an identification card to prove such; now it’s a retiree card. I’ve had NSA checks run on me for security clearances so I know the government knows more about me than I do. So, if I have to carry an national ID Card to prove I’m an American Citizen, it’s no big deal. If you’ve got a Social Security Number, they’ve already got your information. Shoot, just apply for a Social Security benefits explanation and they’ll tell you every place you’ve ever worked and paid taxes.

  8. Kate says:

    Stupid me. I thought I already had a tamper proof ID card. It’s called a drivers license. I had to jump through hoops to get it too, even though it was quite obvious I was born right here in the good ol’ US of A.

  9. LoneRider says:

    I already have a national ID card, it has my A# on it of course. And I’ve thought about this, does it bother me that I have to carry this card around with me at all times, and to be honest being told I have to wear my glasses when I drive bugs me worse (long story, my vision is 25/20 and 30/20).

    After reading all of the comments, I have to completely agree with BobF, you pay taxes, have a drivers license, have a SS#, pay your bills with your checking account, and such is just part of life. Having a universal ID card does not change any of that, not give anyone who is looking any more information about you than they already have. Unless you are purposely living below the radar, maybe???

    Maybe I have already been brain washed, but there are some things I am willing to do to continue the life that I enjoy. We already have security check points, anyone who has traveled out West has been through them. There are agriculture checks going into CA, and I have been through at least 3 or 4 immigration check points, not counting the 2 times I went through the security stations at the Hover dam.

    Now I will say, if any of these check points start recording who goes through them I will balk, but having a card with my picture, finger print and American flag on it in my back pocket does not bother me at all. Having worked very near the defense industry, being interviewed in support of friends who have gotten high security clearance and the act of getting my green card I am sure my background has been checked out more than I know. Carrying a card in my back pocket does not change any of that.

    Here is a poll question, “What do you think of a person resists a national ID card? a) they are hiding something b) they are just being traditional c) they don’t any more government interaction than they already have d) etc…”


  10. Ranando says:

    A National ID Card is inevitable, it’s coming and here are my concerns. If any of my assertions are incorrect please correct me.

    A drivers License is issued by the state you live in. The National ID Card will be issued by The Department of Homeland Security. The plan is to combine these two cards into one card. Without this card you will not be able to open a bank account, fly on an airplane, get a passport, and enter a Federal Building, so on and so on.

    As a gun owner this concerns me greatly.

    When you buy a gun now the clerk looks at your Drivers License and takes down some information. That transaction is then recorded to the state where you live. The Federal Government isn’t currently allowed to keep a gun registry.

    When you buy a gun with your new National ID Card, the clerk will now swipe your card and your gun purchase will be instantly recorded to the Department of Homeland Security. Every firearm you purchase will instantly be available to the Department of Homeland Security. This information will be in a database and will now be available to every Government Employee or computer hacker that has access to the database. The private purchase loophole has now been closed.

    If for some reason The Department of Homeland Security thinks you own enough guns, your next purchase may be rejected. If they think you already have enough ammo, you next ammo purchase may be rejected.

    When The Department of Homeland Security figures out that the National ID Card won’t stop illegal immigration or terrorism the attack of Evil Guns will resume and they’ll know right where to go.

    I don’t trust the Federal Government.

    The Card won’t work; it won’t make us more secure. In fact just the opposite will happen.

    No matter how un-forgeable they make this card, it will be forged. People will get legitimate cards in fraudulent names. Remember the 911 attackers; they had Virginia Drivers Licenses in fake names. People who want to harm this country will simply show their National ID Cards and continue on.

    Remember folks we’re dealing with the Federal Government. The same Federal Government that won’t close our borders.

    Do you want Hillary Clinton or Osama to know how many guns you own and where they are, how about Harry Reid, Ted Kennedy or Nancy?

  11. RTaylor says:

    Tom Tancredo is the ONLY one who stood by what he believes in. I expected it from Hucksterbee - he’s been pandering to illegals for years as governor of Arkansas.
    This bunch is like any other politician — say what they think the “target group” wants to hear.
    While we haven’t put 100% support behind anyone - yet - today, Tom Tancredo has moved WAY to the top of my list.

  12. BobF says:

    Some very good points Renando. I don’t trust the Feds either.

    Guns, what guns? I sold those last year to a private owner at a gun show.

  13. TexasFred says:

    National ID card vs Drivers License/Social Security Card, hmmm , I don’t see a lot of difference..

    There is always an opportunity for abuse, and fraud, in ANY system, look at our welfare system now…

    Here’s the deal, force ALL the illegals to obtain a REAL card or leave, it’s that simple, and if ALL people have an ID card, it’s pretty easy to spot the assholes that don’t belong here, and then it’s pretty easy to remove said assholes…

    No card = no food, no money, no job, maybe it’s not the ideal situation but if you have a DL and SS card you’re IN THE SYSTEM, and the state issued DL, yeah, that’s true, but have any of you ever heard of NCIC??

    Yes, you ARE in the system…

  14. Mad Irishman says:

    I will say , that of ALL the candidates McCain does have the MOST Stringent Assimilation plan . . .no handouts. He has a program of some fairly difficult requirements, socially,economically and especially educationally . . .hell many Americans wouldn’t even make the cut. Coure, most of them would be Dems anyhow . . . so fuck em.
    I understand why you don’t suport McCain via the immigration issue. However… I know First hand he got his God Damned Message Loud And Clear. Secure The Fucking Borders ASAP. Then and only then move on to what we have here now, Whatever Non-Criminal *(you know, non-criminal except for fucking entering illegally!!)* Assimilation requirements civics,english,history, HIGH test scores etc etc Work.
    Make the hold over on deportees 1week or LESS…1 week being ‘max’ time. ENGLISH as the Official language. For Fuck sake that isn’t even something to discuss.
    So, I don’t know….It’s good and well for us to hammer away at this shit now, but regardless…we’ll all be here pushing support for whomever of the GOP gets the Nom. Rightly so I might add.

    Here’s a ticket. McCain/Tancredo(vp,to be clear) lol. That solves everything yes? Military , restore their honor…support them right. Foreign affairs, coverd. National Security, Covered. Able to be pragmatic in government, covered. stop ALL IMMIGRATION into US until fixed, covered. Dump out the wetback illegal fucks we got now, coverd.

    You can’t lose with that ticket. see?

    P.S. Fred, I’m going to post something else on here, it is somewhat unrelated to the current thread ye have up, however; I think you’ll appreciate it. My brother sent it to me in an email…It’s great. I’ve heard Yer New Guy Tancredo actually mirror some of the sentiment in this as well…so…look out below.



  15. Mad Irishman says:

    This is one of the better e-mails I have received in a long time! I hope this makes its way around the USA several times over!!!!! So Be It!


    So if the US government determines that it is against the law for the words ‘under God’ to be on our money, then, so be it.

    And if that same government decides that the ‘Ten Commandments’ are not to be used in or on a government installation, then, so be it.

    I say, ‘so be it,’ because I would like to be a law abiding US citizen.

    I say, ‘so be it,’ because I would like to think that smarter people than I are in positions to make good decisions.

    I would like to think that those people have the American public’s best interests at heart.


    Since we can’t pray to God, can’t Trust in God and cannot post His Commandments in Government buildings , I don’t believe the Government and its employees should participate in the Easter and Christmas celebrations which honor the God that our government is eliminating from many facets of American life.

    I’d like my mail delivered on Christmas, Good Friday, Thanksgiving & Easter. After all, it’s just another day.

    I’d like the US Supreme Court to be in session on Christmas, Good Friday, Thanksgiving & Easter as well as Sundays.’ After all, it’s just another day.

    I’d like the Senate and the House of Representatives to not have to worry about getting home for the ‘Christmas Break.’
    After all it’s just another day.

    I’m thinking that a lot of my taxpayer dollars could be saved, if all government offices & services would work on Christmas, Good Friday & Easter. It shouldn’t cost any overtime since those would bejust like any other day of the week to a government that is trying to be ‘politically correct’.

    In fact . . .

    I think that our government should work on Sundays (initially set aside for worshipping God…) because, after all, our government says that it should be just another day….

    What do you all think????

    If this idea gets to enough people, maybe our elected officials will stop giving in to the ‘minority opinions’ and begin, once again, to represent the ‘majority’ of ALL of the American people.

    SO BE IT……….

    Please Dear Lord,
    Give us the help needed to keep you in our country!

    ‘Amen’ and ‘Amen’

    These are definitely things I never thought about, but from now on, I will be sure to question those in government who support these changes.

    At the top, it says ‘I hope this makes its way around the USA several times over!!!!!’

    Let’s see that it does!