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I HATE Conservatives - A Moonbat Exposed

May 24th, 2008 . by TexasFred

This piece presents some excerpts from a post made on a blog called The Pink Flamingo,
There is Nothing Wrong With Being A Conservative or a Republican, the title of the original post is very deceptive, the story is nothing more than a name calling tirade that bashes Conservatives and blames them for everything that ever went wrong in America and the GOP, much similar to a rant that was delivered by Jeremiah Wright recently…

The Pink Flamingo is also the owner of the blogroll I Vote The Elephant

Read the post, here and on the original site, make up your own mind, but as for me, when I am called names and personally referenced as manipulative and incestuous, I tend to take exception to those actions, if you are a REAL Conservative, I hope you do too…

I am known as a cynical, conservative “hating” witch with a “B”. It is true, I no longer trust anything with a “conservative brand”. I am am angry with these people for having infiltrated and destroyed much of my beloved GOP.

Here’s a little TRUTH you seem to have overlooked, no one destroyed your beloved Republican Party except the Republican Party itself…

Conservatives are what remains of the once decent Reagan Republicans, the Conservatives didn’t leave the Republican party, the Republican party became a perverted version of Dem-Lite and left them…

We have been treated to all the doom and gloom in the world. The Republican party is dead. The electorate is furious. Voters are mad as you know what. Republicans have lost their way. Conservatives have had it. George Bush has destroyed the GOP. The GOP has destroyed itself. Conservatives have destroyed the GOP.

Having a bit of trouble staying on topic or are you just having a hard time with the assignment of blame?? Bush did it?? Conservatives did it?? A.D.D. much?? Desperation for someone to blame maybe?? Try looking in the mirror…

George Bush is about as much of a conservative as I am a communist, Bush is in the pocket of Globalism and One World Government, and he was the best the GOP had to offer for 2 elections in a row, and even as big a dumbass as Bush is, he was still the lesser of the evils, both times, and now we’re about to get saddled with John McCain, same song, different verse, but that’ the fault of the Conservatives too I guess…

It had absolutely nothing to do with the fact that the Republican Party literally turned it’s back on Fred Thompson, Tom Tancredo and Duncan Hunter did it?? Men that are fine examples of what true Conservatism looks like, and what the GOP used to represent…

So, right now we’re up to probably close to a million individuals who are conservative but are not Republican. These people are loud. They are obnoxious, and they know how to use modern technology to accomplish their goals, primarily being to rid the US of Hispanics and illegal immigrants.

I don’t know where you get your figures, but I think there are quite a few more Conservatives out there than your delusional mind imagines, and I see you have mentioned the desire of the Conservative of the USA to stop ILLEGAL IMMIGRATION, do I detect a veiled reference to that being some sort of a bad thing??

These are the “conservative” movers and shakers. They are the ones who tell conservatives how to vote, who to hate, and where to send their money. World Net Daily is the very worst offender of the bunch. The “publication” is little more than a prevaricating grocery store check-out tabloid. The problem is people believe it. The next biggest offender is NewsMax Tom Tancredo Lou Dobbs Federation for American Immigration Reform FAIR - the power behind much of the “conservative” movement today.

And right here is where you lost any and ALL support from me, yes, I did cut you and your blogroll off, I Vote the Elephant, do you expect me to sit back and listen to this drivel as you bash Conservatives for everything that YOU perceive to be wrong with the GOP and still support you??

Not gonna happen Cindy, and I am about to send out a plea to the members of I Vote the Elephant and ask any that consider themselves to be the Conservative that YOU hate with such a passion, to dump your roll and to email you telling you they have done so, with this post as a reference…

So, now the good Conservatives of this nation can see what YOU think of them, and see the way you have used them, people that you KNEW were real and sincere Conservatives, the people that you used to build your blogroll, promote your site and help it to grow in the blog world…

Have you seen what I see? There are ever so many organizations and so very few people. Yep, this whole tawdry affair is being manipulated by an incestuous hand-full of people.

Incestuous?? You hurl that kind of nasty insult, knowing fully well what it implies, and still expect anyone to support you?? I am seriously thinking that YOU have lost your mind…

Perhaps the best thing that could happen to the GOP is to jettison the whole “conservative” word an go back to the word “Republican”. It is time we end the manipulation of conservatives who are doing little more than advancing their own personal agendas and their own personal quest for power and for money. Their reign of terror needs to come to an end before they doom the GOP into a minority status - forever. You can always tell who you are dealing with because of a few traits: 1. Hatred of George W. Bush 2. Hard line immigration reform 3. An adoption of a few conspiracy theories 4. An an over-use of the word “American” “Freedom” - this sort of thing

Start reading the fine print. You will find all of these people are somehow connected - and that’s where it gets ugly. They allow people like Michelle Malkin, Peter Brimelow, VDare to exist because they are doing all the dirty work. It’s sad really. John McCain is their next target.

And I think it’s time for the Republican party to return to it’s former level of sanity and embrace true Conservatism, otherwise, the GOP is up a creek with no paddle, and it’s moonbats like you that make it glaringly apparent…

John McCain isn’t even a good representative of the Republican party, much less any kind of Conservative, he’s nothing more than an angry little old man that deserves the title RINO, and here’s something you really need to ponder very carefully, a Republican can’t get elected as dog catcher anywhere in this nation if the Conservatives that you so passionately hate don’t support him or her…

You have personally described your blog as having the look of having been ‘designed by a 12 year old on acid’, I’m starting to think that it’s authored by one too, enjoy this Cindy, it’s the last time you’ll get any linkage from me and my site…

Cindy, I know you have removed TexasFred from your rapidly diminishing roll, thank you, I appreciate it, now please remove Reject the U.N. as well, I have removed I Vote the Elephant from the side bar of that blog, Reject the U.N. is a team effort, but I own it and I wish to have nothing more to do with you, your blog and blogroll…

And one other thing Cindy, I have a screen shot, an exact and precise copy of your words in my files, you know, just in case you decide to try and do something silly, like edit or delete the story…

Full Posting from Pink Flamingo can be found here:
There is Nothing Wrong With Being A Conservative or a Republican

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